As stated in a previous post I am a passionate person. When I love something or someone, people know it. When I love a person it will come in the form of bum cupping, lots and lots of xoxoxoxoxox in a text or an email, gifts, service, fierceeee loyalty and telling everyone ELSE how I love this person or this person. When I love something it is - OH.EMMM.GEEE, I am IN LOVEEEEE with this or that, "I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!! " (Meaningful Beauty. You know the skin care line by Cindy Crawford?! I am obsessed. Just ask my bro in law who laughs at the story of how I came to purchase this glorious skin care system to this day. Yes - it totally auto ships to my house every 5 months....I keep telling Nick he should be thankful in the midst of one HUGGGEEE eye roll. I also keep telling him that because of Cindy and the crazy French melon, I will look like I am 25 when I am 50.), Ummmmmmm, ARHHHHHHH - pretty much, some crazy growl or grunt.

*Cindy: You are stunning and I only hope to look like you when I am 50. Thank you for making me believe it is possible.
Anyway, one of my favorite examples of the aforementioned growls and grunts is when we go out to eat with the in-laws. Truth time: I love food. Like, really really love food. Nothing makes me happier then one outstanding meal with my faves. Throw in some cupcakes from Cupcake Love or Jamz in CDA?!?!?! I'm in heaven. Back to the in-laws. We LOVEEEE introducing Nick's mom and step-dad to new fun restaurants in Spokane (they live in Lewiston where the selection, in my humble opinion, wouldn't be deemed as adventurous). I can guarantee a comment or a laugh from Cathy if I can pick a great dinner choice. Here I am - OHHHH man...Oh babe, you have GOT to take a bite...Uhhghhhh...This is SO GOOD...Holy goodness... PS: I don't do it just to get the comment. If I do any of those things it is because I really mean it. So, there Cathy is in the seat beside me laughing, slapping Dan on the shoulder all while doing similar things, why? Because the food is just that good!
Now that I have exposed my outrageous outbursts, let me share with you my perfect day.
Perfect Day you say?! Yes, this is the day where - bringing out my WWE references - it is totally NO HOLDS BARRED! Forget the calorie counting, work, chores, and general life responsibilities. Throw caution to the wind. You get to do whatever you want. ALL DAY! You are about to see what I mean. Here is my perfect day.
7am - Wake up my babe.
I go into his room, lift his sweet little body out of his crib and say, "Gooooddddd Morning Preshy! Did you have a good sleep? I love you Preshy." Within 2 seconds, he opens his tired/swollen eyes and give me the biggest half smile ever. Uhhhggg. Melt my heart.
7:30am - Wake up my other babe by bringing Cruz into our bed along with two cups of coffee - complete with vanilla chai spice creamer and 1 splenda for me and a spoonful of the real stuff for Nick.
8am - Breakfast: Chaps.
It is so good there it was even on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Baked Oatmeal??! OMG. Two orders please.
*After breakfast two cupcakes from Cupcake Love. Vanilla Bean and S more.
9am - Leave Cruz and Nick to go grab coffee with the Fearsome Foursome for much needed bestie time. 2 hours MINIMUM.
11am - Mani/pedi with my dear friend Kelly Haas - after hitting up Starbucks for a venti black iced tea, sweetened and a birthday cake pop. Nothing beats a Jenny, Mimi or Sue mani/pedi at Nail Palace in LL.
12pm - Lunch with my Mom and Em at Nordstrom Cafe followed by a makeover at MAC and some serious shopping. I leave Nordstrom with a FULL bag of all the newest MAC.
2pm - Meet Cruz and Nick at Home Depot to look at appliances, wood floor, carpet, window coverings and pick out paint.
2:30pm - Drive to our almost new house, eat some cherries and plan where to put the appliances, wood floor, carpet and new paint.
3pm -Head to Em's house, pick up all the kids and head to Target. Listen to Lucy yelling from the back seat: lemonade, lemonade, I need lemonade all the way there. First stop - lemonade and popcorn at the Target food court.
3:30pm - Leave with at LEAST $50 dollars worth of who-knows-what from Target. Drive to Starbucks for the third coffee of the day. Engage in a friendly debate on the way back from Starbucks regarding birth control vs. no birth control and weather or not she should have a third baby. Down some more cupcakes then go back to Em's to get Cruz and Nick.
4pm - Cruz, Nick and I go grab a tub of fries (just the name - tub o' fries sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen BUT WHO CARES right?!?! Throw caution to the wind remember?) at Zips and eat them all. Then we go next door to A&W for a root beer float.
4:15pm - We stop by Baby Gap and get Cruz some fall necessities.
4:30pm - Hit up Barnes and Noble. Nick goes to the non fiction section or reads MMA mags while I go look at bridal mags, House Beautiful, Elle Decor and skim through the latest In Style. Oh and while I am currently NOT pregnant, I would take Cruz to the baby section and we would read through baby names. Baby Salzwedel #2, if a boy, does not have a name and that is no good. He needs a name pronto so Cruz and I would discuss them and take our favorites to Nick. The next 20 minutes would entail bothering Nick with an array of crazy names and him not liking a single one.
5pm - Make Nick drop me off at Koi really quick to get my eyebrows done. Maureen is a GODDESS. Nothing says fresh clean face more than recently sculpted eyebrows. There is something about it - makes me feel pretty. Weird I know. Plus I am half Hispanic thanks to my mexi tot mama. If eyebrow sculpting doesn't happen, I look like a chow puppy. Looking back at pictures of me in Jr. High is flat embarrassing.
5:30pm - Finally dinner time. Ohh tough choice - dinner at either Hay Js in LL or Santes next to Aunties Bookstore downtown.
At Hay Js I would order: Parmesan crusted halibut, mushroom goat cheese soup and a mojito. Nick and I would split the tapas plate to start.
At Santes Nick and I would do the 7 course meal with the wine paring. We did it for our 4 year anniversary - well minus the wine cause I was pregnant with Cruz - and it was PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!! We were at dinner for 2 hours and loved every small second of it. The best part is, the chef picks the menu. You never know what is going to come out next.
If you have not been to Santes, go! You won't regret it.
7pm - Jamz in CDA for after dinner fro yo. Half cake batter with peanut butter cup, half cookies and cream with brownie chunks topped with marshmallow sauce.
7:30pm - Put the Preshy down to bed after a bath and bottle.
7:30-8pm - Browse the internet for real estate with Nick. More dreaming and scheming.
8pm - Miss USA pageant (just the question and answer part and the crowning) followed by Design Star. This, while drinking a Starbucks (4th of the day...a grande SKVL, no foam with a straw) and surfing the net on my laptop. Have to catch up on the 1,000,000,000 blogs I stalk.
*While we are watching the pageant, BTW, I am coming up with my own 'final questions' and making Nick impromptu answer them. "Nick, you have 20 seconds to answer the following question: What do you think about Arizona's controversial immigration law?" "Ohh I have another one: Nick, What do you think about giving young girls birth control at13 to help period cramps?" He loves this part.
10pm - Head to bed with the hub. Talk about our perfect day. Play on our phones - Nick catching up on MMA news and me looking at Facebook.
10:15pm - 'Hey Tell' (iPhone app) Emily to tell her about something I just read on Facebook or do a wrap up on the day.
10:30pm - Make out sesh.
11pm - Prayers thanking God for making the perfect day possible and for my family. Then Sleep.
What would your perfect day look like?
Oh and because we need some Preshy up in here, here is my all time fave being the model he is - 6 months old in 4 more days? What, how?!?!
Happy Tuesday!
xoxoxoxoxoxox - see there I go again...
I love the disclaimer on calories, and money. But - what about time to travel between places? Other than that - I am LOVING your perfect day!!!
ReplyDeleteDang Mesha, I didn't think of that. If I had I would have inserted time with you at Olive Garden like in the good ol' days! :)