In my ripe old age. Of 28. I am getting braver. More bold and more freight train-ish just like my daddy-o. I immediately think of one of the nursery mood boards I found and pinned on Pinterest and I HAD to stop and just ask.

"This is totally random but is your Jenny Lind crib for sale?"
Okay halt!
I know that I have been writing about baby stuff a lot lately...well and other random, possibly annoying subjects...but please remember peeps, it is just to fill space until we get our almost new house (DREAMINGGGGGGGG, PRAYING, HOPING, WISHING) then watch love, coming atcha. Oh...who am I kidding here, I will still blog about baby stuff.
Anyway, as I was saying.
"This is totally random but is your Jenny Lind crib for sale?"
1. I am not pregnant. 2. We want another baby sooner rather than later because 2 is our limit and to be totally honest I didn't love the 8 & 9 month of pregnancy and didn't love the newborn stage. I mean, I loved it just not how I am REALLLYYY loving things now. So you see, I just want to get on with my family. Completed and AT LEAST in size 3 diapers.
The lady, who was Asian (I love Asian's BTW), was out on her front steps with her husband and two darling daughters.
She gets up, walks towards me, looks at me - kinda up and down - and goes, "Yes, it is for sale. But ummmm, your fly is down."
I probably get 8 shades of red and immediately pull down the brown cami that was under my shirt to cover my un-zipped fly. I held it there like a shy boy who covers his pee-pee in the communal locker room. Then, I keep talking because that was what Miss Spokane taught me. In a crisis, recover and keep on as nothing happened.
Thank you Miss Spokane.
I told her that I would go get $15 bucks and bring it to her tomorrow then I RUN to my car.
Due to the fact I don't own one single pair of undergarments, which I remembered as I was shifting from P to D, today at 12:28pm became my number one most embarrassing moment. EVER.
Okay so make sure I follow.... you weren't wearing any underwear when this, kind lady saw your fly was down??? :)
ReplyDeleteI am DYYINNNGGG right now, Ash!! Hilarious!!