Today my sister turns 27.

To think that we have been friends for 27 years kinda blows my mind now that I am sitting down to think about it. She is my longest friend.
So to commemorate our 27 year friendship and to celebrate my sister's day o' birth allow me to present to you my top reasons I am proud to call Emily Nicole Love MY sister and longest, bestest friend.
She has many talents.
This girl was hit by the talent stick as a young child. For those of you who know her I am sure when I say talent you think basketball. Right? In fact I would go as far to say my sister is a local celebrity for her basketball talent and talent she had has. Yes - there was a LOT of hard work and sacrifice that went into making her a star but she was gifted. Gifted with electrifying athletic ability. Everyone wanted to watch her because she was that captivating. I could go on and on about her many yet unbreakable records, the fact that in high school she only lost 4 games. 4! And how she was drafted into the WNBA...BUT what is most impressive is how she handled her celebrity. If it were me - thoughts such as the only thing people will remember about me is my ability to shoot a ball would run through my mind. Not Emily. She KNOWS she is worth more than her basketball ability. The crazy cool thing??? This girl has talents WAYYYYY beyond the basketball court.
Did you know she is one of the best make-up artists in the whole country? The WHOLE COUNTRY ( MY opinion). Nothing makes me feel prettier than when I get to sit in front of her for an hour to get "done up". I am not the only one either - she does friends and family's make-up/hair for photos, weddings, special events, and well for the just becauses. It is because Emily loves using her gift to make other people feel beautiful. She really should start a business...
She is a great teacher. Did you know she graduated from Arizona State with a degree in education? After doing her student teaching back here in Spokane she decided the classroom was not for her but she still walked away with an incredible gift. She uses her ability to teach with her children, my children, other's children (on the basketball court) and really any of us willing to learn a little something from her. Oh and speaking of make-up once you sit down with her to learn her craft you will then be able to walk up to the MAC counter all professional demanding products by name in an effort to transform your daily face!
Did you know she is an amazing writer and talented speaker? Emily has a way of writing and speaking truth in a passionate, constructive way that leaves me in awe. FREQUENTLY. Her blog posts are filled with paralyzing truth and raw emotion (my favorite being this one). Her story telling ability is easy and fluid.
She is the one of the few people I will go to when I get stuck in a sticky situation. How do I handle this? What should I say? What do you think? The other day she told me how to approach my boss about some of my frustrations here at work including this particular co-worker I am pulling out my hair for. Not only was her suggestion really great, I used it the next day and had a totally productive, successful meeting.
My sis can COOK! I don't know one single time I have walked away from an Emily meal and been dissatisfied. This girl loves to try new recipes, gets meal inspiration from anywhere and is a killer meal planner. Please...ask her to cook you dinner. You won't regret it.
She is humble.
All I have to say is if you were to talk to her about:
*her basketball accomplishments (which she can't even remember half the time)
*her ability to paint on the most perfect face
*her AMAZING meals or how Lucy can count, say the alphabet, make full sentences and can pretty much READ booksssssssss...
She would smile really big, brush it off, say something like THANKKKSSSS that's soooooooo nice then turn the tables on you and tell you how great your outfit is or how she is loving your new hair style.
She is beautiful...and produces some prettttyyyy babies.

I mean seriously...she is so pretty. And put together. And with it. I ONLY HOPE to be the hip, stylish, gorgeous mom and wife she is DAILY!
She is the BEST wife and mom.
...and 2nd mom to my bubsie.
She is the definition of a submissive wife - loving her husband so unselfishly and allowing him to assume the role of leader of their household. Her kids are her life - she adores them and is always reading a new book or meeting with mentors to be the best biblical mother she can be.
...and 2nd mom to my bubsie.
She is the definition of a submissive wife - loving her husband so unselfishly and allowing him to assume the role of leader of their household. Her kids are her life - she adores them and is always reading a new book or meeting with mentors to be the best biblical mother she can be.
She loves Jesus.
Em and I accepted Jesus as our personal savior on the same day, at the same time. It was a Wednesday night after Awana. I was 6, she was 4.
I vividly remember where we were in our old house on 30th court. I can remember our mom and dad asking us if we were ready to make the decision. I remember my sister's baby voice say yes.
Ever since that one Wednesday, the Wednesday that literally saved our lives Emily has been living out her faith for all to see.
To this day she witnesses to all she knows but STILL believes that Jesus is who he says he is. One reason I can live my life with her so carefree now is because I know that this life isn't all there is with Em. I get to spent eternity with her in Heaven.
Em and I accepted Jesus as our personal savior on the same day, at the same time. It was a Wednesday night after Awana. I was 6, she was 4.
I vividly remember where we were in our old house on 30th court. I can remember our mom and dad asking us if we were ready to make the decision. I remember my sister's baby voice say yes.
Ever since that one Wednesday, the Wednesday that literally saved our lives Emily has been living out her faith for all to see.
To this day she witnesses to all she knows but STILL believes that Jesus is who he says he is. One reason I can live my life with her so carefree now is because I know that this life isn't all there is with Em. I get to spent eternity with her in Heaven.
She's WAY fun!
She is almost always up for anyyyyything. Hey Em, wanna go to Target? Hey Em, wanna go to the mall? Hey Em, wanna grab lunch? Hey Em, can we come over? Hey Em....
She is a fun friend because she makes you feel like any idea you have is a good one. And a fun one. OHH and she rarely says no. Which is even more fun!
This is my favorite time with my sister. The times we aren't surrounded by people and things and distractions. It is the time we get. One on one. Laughing at each others jokes and discussing our life plans.
She is the BEST encourager, cheerleader and overall support any person could have.
I have had some DARK moments. Moments you don't wish upon your worst enemy. In the midst of those dark moments I remember Emily getting mad. She would yell and say things like that bastard! and threaten to fight him any chance she could...
That is what I remember. Nothing anyone said I should do ever helped. I was the only one who could get myself out but Emily's anger and empty threats (cause she doesn't really have a mean bone in her body) was how I knew I had somebody. Someone who was in MY corner no matter how long it took me to get out of it myself.
Whether it be those dark moments, my wedding day, the day Cruz was born, interviewing for the Liberty Lake City Council position or simply living life, my sister is in my corner being the best encourager, cheerleader and overall support person any girl could have!
She is almost always up for anyyyyything. Hey Em, wanna go to Target? Hey Em, wanna go to the mall? Hey Em, wanna grab lunch? Hey Em, can we come over? Hey Em....
She is a fun friend because she makes you feel like any idea you have is a good one. And a fun one. OHH and she rarely says no. Which is even more fun!
This is my favorite time with my sister. The times we aren't surrounded by people and things and distractions. It is the time we get. One on one. Laughing at each others jokes and discussing our life plans.
She is the BEST encourager, cheerleader and overall support any person could have.
I have had some DARK moments. Moments you don't wish upon your worst enemy. In the midst of those dark moments I remember Emily getting mad. She would yell and say things like that bastard! and threaten to fight him any chance she could...
That is what I remember. Nothing anyone said I should do ever helped. I was the only one who could get myself out but Emily's anger and empty threats (cause she doesn't really have a mean bone in her body) was how I knew I had somebody. Someone who was in MY corner no matter how long it took me to get out of it myself.
Whether it be those dark moments, my wedding day, the day Cruz was born, interviewing for the Liberty Lake City Council position or simply living life, my sister is in my corner being the best encourager, cheerleader and overall support person any girl could have!
So to the one person who inspires me (DAILY), supports me, shows me unconditional love, sets me straight, fills my love tank and has stuck by me the longest even when you didn't have to....
Happy Birthday!
Not only is the world a better place with you in it, I am a better woman.
I love you.
Not only do I feel honored that she did my hair and makeup today for a photo shoot that I was BEYOND nervous about, but I'm honored to call her a friend. She has the most amazing ability of making you feel like you're the most beautiful woman in the world. No joke, I asked her this morning if she would ever do makeup and hair for a living? Seriously people, she is THAT good!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet tribute to a wonderful, Godly woman who is a complete joy to be around. Happy Birthday Emily! You are loved!!!
P.S Ashley, thank you SOOOOO much for your help the last couple of days with makeup and hair ideas, and clothes, etc. You are such a blessing and I appreciate the time you took to help me! Thank you and make sure Em shows you the sneak peek picture ;)
Well said Ashley! You have a perfect way with words of describing one of the most incredible people I know! You are both two of the most amazing women of God and I love your sister relationship! I live vicariously through your sister love (since I don't have a blood sister)!