These days someone who is real is so much more refreshing than someone you can feel is fake, unauthentic, unoriginal, and 100% uninspiring - REGARDLESS of their view point.
Some days I come away from a blog post super self conscious. Either from inner circle feedback or my own inner self critic who whispers reminders of mean girls past. That right there would the reason I would NOT run for mayor, apply to be on a reality TV show or name my baby girl Cherry Kiss despite my burning passions for politics, Big Brother and stripper baby names.
When I blog surf and read posts about how hard it is to be a stay at home mom, what to call your baby boy's parts or getting your groove back sexually after having a baby I cheer. I fist pump. I smile and am refreshed. It is validation that my feelings, experiences and outrageous thoughts are not just my OWN. There are other incredibly talented, beautiful, loving, struggling women, mothers, out there who feel the same way.
To the bloggers who write about how hard it is to be a mom, wife, daughter, sister, WOMAN. To those who tell it like it is, hold no punches, and are totally unapologetic, I praise you.
And it is for that reason that I will continue to write about politics, religion, my marriage, intimacy, friendships, motherhood and quite simply the good, the bad and the ugly that comes with life all while trying to shhhh those inner whispers that tell me I am not good enough...pretty enough. So that I can be brave like those I praise....and relate to all too well.

Oh good Lord how I love this conscise and PERFECT post! Thank you for writing this and reminding me to stay true to who I am! I need to read this every third hour of every single day! Xoxo Ash you are nothing short of absolutely wonderful!