Once when he was working this horrific job that essentially had him working 24/7 - I mean, we are talking getting calls during CHURCH! The role was challenging and not in his wheel house, the clients had ridiculous expectations and the company suspect. It didn't help that Cruz was only 3 months old and I was a hormonal mess. The second time? Now.
We are adjusting to life with two children which includes sleepless nights, our main living space is totally unfinished and he is experiencing some major change at work. One that requires some pretty heavy travel. Oh and because being a stay at home mom right now is really hard I've practically been begging for a good review from my boss (Nick). Someone to give me a pat on the back and say, "Wow, Ashley! You deserve a promotion for being so amazing. Let's talk more about it in our bed. Under the covers." I know, I am so annoying. No wonder he is stressed out.
In an effort to hold off medical intervention for my poor hubby's stress I decide to Craigslist a contractor to finish our wood floors for us. Can I first say that God has been good to me?! This is our third Craigslist hire and all three have been out of this world amazing. I will admit that after getting off the phone with this guy I did have a flash of serial killer but standing in our living room during the initial consult we became instant besties. He was slinging deals, I was slinging over the top compliments which naturally made him sling more deals... It was glorious.
Anyway, I hired him. He started yesterday.
Not bad, huh?

So while Double R is currently making magic at my house and this hottie is in New York City for the week, me and my hooligans are bach'n it. Eating out, napping at Mimi and Papa's and counting down the seconds till Dad returns.
PS. Hey Nick, thanks for that hot pic this morning. If you showed up at my office in New York City, I'd stop everything to show you my special presentation. In the storage room.
Speaking of eating out....welcome to mind blown Tuesday.
On our way to Mimi and Papa's for nap time today, I stopped through McDonalds for a quick snack. I approached the first window, pulled out my debit card and handed it to the sweet girl clearly smack dab in the middle of the lunch time rush.
"Just a fish fillet for you?" She says.
"Ummm, no." I say, holding back a solid gag, totally caught off guard.
"Of course not." She says.
"Let me ask, do you seriously have people come through and order just one fish sandwich?" Of course, I'm honestly wondering.
"You have no idea." She answered with a look on her face which confirmed she felt the exact same way about the fish fillet as I do.
People really do that? Lots of people? Mind blown.
If you or someone you know thinks - I am hungry....ohhh yummmm, one crispy, fried fish patty from McDonalds sounds amazing right now - then we need to meet. Like, I really want to meet you and know about you. Probably ask you a million questions including why you love the fish fillet.
Maybe...just maybe you can unblow my mind.
Happy Tuesday.
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