Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nick and his red plate

It is no secret around here that my husband is wildly talented, super hot and man full of passionate convictions. He is not going to be that happy that I am posting all of this - he is rather shy - but it's my blog so to you dear husband I say, tough. 

There are a million things I could red plate Nick for. But around here we save the red plating for very specific, very special accomplishments. 

This red plate?

Nick hit his yearly quota at work - something he did a month early, in the midst of some huge organizational change and a down year. To celebrate this accomplishment, work will be sending us to Hawaii again in April - which is most certainly a nice perk however unnecessary and not what I am jumping up and down about. 

What makes me so proud. What makes me jump up and down is watching Nick do his thing. It is inspiring. Simply put, he works hard everyday to learn, grow and prove his worth all while maintaining his integrity. He doesn't say much when he has a great month, he doesn't say much when he has a bad month - he just puts his head down and honors God by working with all his heart - working for God, not for man. Colossians 3:23

The coolest part of all of this is that there is one little boy who loves and looks up to his dad so much. He gets to grow up and learn a little bit about humility, work ethic, how to be a spiritual leader and a faithful husband and most importantly how to love and honor Jesus through responding to heavenly callings. 

I wouldn't have it any other way. Cruz is one lucky boy. 

Hey Nick, if I don't say it enough, I am wildly proud of the man you are and I love you. 

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