Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
IT happened
IT totally happened.
You know the one thing that is BOUND to go wrong before a vacation. One in which you are planning on leaving the kids at home to spend 6 days in paradise with your husband.
It's totally because I didn't knock on wood before hitting the publish post button yesterday afternoon. Dang it.
When I picked up Cruz from Em yesterday she told me he had only eaten a couple of bites of quesadilla and had woken up from his afternoon nap really warm and REALLY fussy. I took him inside to change his diaper and check his temp. Yep. 101.8. He got a dose of Tylenol and I called the nurse. Considering Lucy and Trey had just suffered from strep, a double ear infection and some crazy virus AND the fact we are scheduled to leave on Monday morning I wanted to be safe.
Took him in - nothing. No strep, no flu, no ear infection. A virus. Get some rest and see you later.
4:30am: Cruz waked up SCREAMING and burning hot. Like a fire. It took us 30 minutes, trying many things - including another dose of Tylenol, to get him to calm down enough to lay him back in his crib.
6:50am: 99.8 - Juice and Dora with Nick, who is the best dad in the history of dads. I went to work.
8:30am: 102.8 - Highest yet. I called the nurse and Nick gave him another dose of Tylenol.
9:22am: Still waiting for a call back.
I hate having a sick child that can't tell you what hurts and what is wrong. It is heartbreaking. Please be praying for Cruz today. I know something is wrong and I just want him to get the relief he needs so he can get back to his happy, joyful self.
On another note. I am currently on my 11th day of my 11 day Isagenix cleanse. I feel amazing and can 100% notice a difference in my body, how my clothes fit and how I feel. I can't wait to share my results with you tomorrow...after I make it through this last cleanse day!
ANDDDDDDDDD I get to EAT tomorrow. First stop, Starbucks baby. Haven't had one sip of glorious coffee in 12 WHOLE DAYS! Then in the afternoon I have my final date with the Fearsome Foursome as we know it here - in our town. Movie and dinner in CDA. Yesterday I was crying to some sad Christian song on the radio thinking about the gift we got for her and thinking about trying to say goodbye. I get it - she is going to Portland but Portland is not 15 minutes away and it most certainly isn't going to be normal. I am so thrilled for Erin and where God has called her but so sad to say goodbye to my family.
Pray for me for that too.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
What is in my beach bag
On Monday we head here. To Maui!
After the last few days of total crap weather - I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to pack up and head south.
This is all thanks to my amazing husband.
Nick has been kicking some serious A at work. Serious A. When you kick that much A, there are some pretty sweet rewards attached. Maui, Hawaii being one of them. Because is paying for this trip there will be a few work sponsored events we will be required to attend. In fact one whole afternoon will keep Nick indoors for a business meeting.
Where does that leave me?
Oh it leaves me to the pool. To sun. ALL AFTERNOON.
Sure I am excited to get away to beautiful weather, experience Maui for the first time with Nick, vacation just the two of us (actually I am 63% excited about that part...thinking about leaving Preshy for a week could make me start sobbing) but I am even MORE excited because I get to see Nick in his element. I get to watch Nick with his co-workers, see him interact with his superiors, and take major joy in the fact that he is great at what he does.
Whatever. I get to be his little accessory. Bronzed from the Hawaiian sun, beaming with pride.
So now that I am knee deep in getting the house ready for our departure, packing Liam's bag, Bianca's bag, Cruz's bag, and of course supervising the inner-beings of Nick's bag it is time for me to start thinking about my own freakin' bag.
Besides some Maui appropriate clothing, jewelry, shoes, and other much needed accessories here is what I am thinking MUST go in my beach bag - cause clearly I will have two bags.
1. Lots and LOTS of Banana Boat Deep Tanning Dry Oil.
I usually bring two kinds. SPF 25 or 30 for day 1 & 2 then SPF 6 or 8 for the remainder of my vacation. While my mother is a Mexicana, my father is a large white man. This means I can get pretty tan in the summer and for that matter, quickly - but I don't keep it. In the winter months my face gets white. Like large white man white. This is why I need two dry oils. One to get me there burn free then another to darken me up warp speed.
Oh and the spray is WAY better than the lotion. No streaks.
2. ChapStick Fresh Effects.
I have one in the car, one in my kitchen windowsill, one in my makeup bag and one in my bathroom. I'm obsessed because while it "tastes" good it still leaves me with a little shimmer and shine.
You ALWAYS need kissable lips.
This stuff rocks my world! Not only do I use it when I straighten my hair to add killer body and volume to my roots but I use it when I curl my hair. After my hair is curled and has cooled I just take a dime size amount, rub it together to warm it up then scrunch it through. Better than hairspray. It is also great on wet hair! Makes those amazing beachy tousled waves celebs rock so brilliantly. Oh and a lot goes a long way so that little bottle you see above lasts a long time!
I never leave home without it!
4. My staple - good ol' aviators (preferably cheap - like from Target, gold and men's).
My face shape is round. Real round. Makes it hard to find and then pull off some of the most trendy, current styles. I have found that what flatters my face most is a pair good ol' aves. I like men's aviators better because they tend to be a bit bigger. Women's aves get smaller and skinnier through the lens making me look MORE round. It is awful. Stick to what works.
5. An EXTRA Swim suit cover up. You never know what could happen to the one you wore down to the pool in the first place. Wet, stained, wrinkled...who knows! Having a spare in the beach bag always gives me the piece of mind to know that should I have to go back to the room, grab food from the pool side restaurant or simply head to the restroom I am covered. And cute.
6. Clutch
This baby will be with me at all times. Great place for my room key card, phone, money, ChapStick, lip gloss and whatever else needs a safe home while I am in total vacation disarray!
7. A BOAT load of gossip mags or a good book. But since I am done with The Hunger Games and Heaven is for Real (which was beyond incredible) I don't have a good book. So I guess a boat load of gossip mags it is. I will pick those puppies up at Walgreens before we leave. At 4 AM!
Well...unless you all have a great book suggestion?
Lastly I would say a great water bottle but I guess the Ritz has coolers of ice cold water near every poolside bar for the taking. That and the fact I will SURLY be sipping on Bahama Mama's and Strawberry Margs at all times.
Ohhh I can taste it now....
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Cruz - one full year
Holy crap.
Honestly - I don't even know what else to say.
Our photographer and more importantly - our friend - Sarah Graczyk shot Cruz's one year photos a couple of weeks ago.
Well, she just blogged about our session and the past year here.
To Sarah G:
This is going to sound more cheesy than I mean it to be but...
The appreciation, admiration, deep rooted gratitude, love and good ol' fashioned mama pride - is overflowing this very minute. For you, for my child and for the opportunity we have had to be able to use you as our means of capturing Cruz. Our most prized possession.
I hope you know that we are your biggest fans and that what you have done for us is irreplaceable.
Thank you.
We love you,
The Salzwedels
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Cruz + Bianca = Love
Weekend morning schedule
6:30am - 7:00am: Cruz wakes up.
7:00am - 7:30am: Family cuddle time as mom, dad and Bianca wake up.
That precious 30 minutes is my VERY favorite.
We cuddle, look at books, sometimes we watch Dora and every time play with our favorite sister.
They love each other.
Until the day gets busy it is just us.
30 whole minutes.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
DVF for GapKids + H&M Baby
I have a morning routine. Get to work, log-in, check my email, log into Hotmail, check Zulily, People, Facebook and finally Baby Gap. I check Baby Gap everyday because on some days they decide to be really generous and post codes for 15, 20, 25, 30 and sometimes 40% off!
While is true for ME that I place a higher importance on Cruz's fashion sense than that of Nick or myself - I always try to get his clothes on sale. The exception being seeing something I simply must have. Like immediately. So he can wear it the second I get my grimy hands on it.
Sometimes I am quite impatient.
Well seeing that I check Baby Gap everyday I have been waiting in anticipation for legendary fashion icon, DVF's, new GapKids collection...which hits stores and the web today!
Unfortunately it is for girls (infant, toddler, girls) only but still...this mama can admire. Hey, maybe one day...
My favorite pieces of her collection?
This DARLING daisy dress
These printed shorts
And OMG!! These espadrilles! LOVE!
If I had a baby girl - these green heart espadrilles would be one of the things I would HAVE TO HAVE immediately.
Ohhhh to dream...
A BIG PS: H&M Baby has some KILLLERRRRR new spring arrivals and of course the return of some classic staples that I am OBSESSED with - even better, they are all under $15!
All Cruz wore last summer were H&M polos!!
BTW - Their jeans really are THE BEST!
Anyway, here is what I am loving.
And because they don't offer online shopping, looks I may need a quick trip to Seattle.
Who's with me?
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Brothers...from 2 mothers!
2 minutes before these pictures were taken, Trey was getting his diaper changed. He is now at the age where he doesn't quite like it and throws a little mini fit. 2 feet to his left stood Cruz. Standing beside Lucy's big pink indoor car. Laughing. He was staring at Trey watching him scream, cry and kick his little legs while getting his diaper changed and was full on laughing.
"HA HA. You have to get your diaper changed and I don't!"
Sure - Em and I have seen them "talk" to each other, play with each other, cause trouble with each other, hold each other's hand but this was the first time I really connected with the fact that these two really ARE
Their little brains communicate with each other!
This is why I won't be sad for Cruz if our next baby is a girl.
He'll always have Biggie to be his bff and brother...from another mother!
Needing some sexy back

THENNNNN as I got a little bigger and further along in my pregnancy, I got a little less strict.
I would get a tall latte at Starbucks. Everyday.
I would make peanut butter pancakes for my mid afternoon snacks and then invite Lucy over to have some with me to make me feel better about myself.
Fish and chips were my go to food at Red Robin. Screw the pollo salad.
And the worst? Every two days I would finish a container of reduced fat oreos (that I would eat ALL BY MYSELF) and go to Albertsons for more. Most of my gorging happened at night BUT I do assure you it started in the morning with 5 for breakfast. Along with 1 cup of Special K Red Berries cereal and a large glass of milk.
At night when Nick would look over and watch me dunk 2, 4, 6...12 oreos in milk he often asked me why. At the time? I could have cared less. I ate whatever I wanted and was really happy doing it. AT. THE. TIME.
All in all I gained 33 lbs. Gave birth at a whopping 200.1 lbs. Totally two-ton Sally. In fact my goal was not to go over 200. I guess you could say I made it?? One Oreo too many...dang it.
The hard part was not gaining each and every 33 lb. I did that one Oreo at a time. The hardest part has and is getting each lb OFF and keeping it off!
Over the last year I was able to get to within 15lb of my pre-pregnancy weight. It was only as of November that I really wanted to get serious about sealing the deal and shredding every last lb. So in November, thanks to my dear friend Kelly, who encouraged me and inspired me to meet her at the gym 3 days a week at 6am, I am now within 5lb of my pre-pregnancy weight and it feels so AMAZING!
SO In an effort to get the last pesky 5 off (hopefully 10!) I am cleansing! Yesterday marked my first day on Isagenix's 11 day cleanse.
It is going to be intense as my calories are incredibly stricted - and for four days I am not eating at ALL - but also so worth it because the testimonials are incredible. Even personal friends of mine have had great success and look fabulous. Hey - I am not here to look like some runway model...I just need the kick start to get it all off.
Plus if I am really honest - 1. I am in a wedding this summer...along with half of my high school friends INCLUDING my ex so I have to look good. 2. In preparation for baby Salz 2.0 I have to start well in order to end well and to not deliver at 200.1lbs.
Wish me luck friends, this Oreo-loving gal REALLY needs it!
Oh and yesterday I cut off 5 inches of hair. I don't know if it was because I am knee deep in this cleanse or what but I was feeling rather bold. Tattoo and pink hair bold! I LOVEEEEEEE it. Feels much more edgy and sexy.
This mama DEF. needs some sexy back in her life.
*the first two pictures were after the cut. the last one is today - I decided to go curly!
And I think this - along with my cleanse - just might be the start I was looking for!
What do you think?
Monday, March 12, 2012
My longest, bestest friend
Today my sister turns 27.

To think that we have been friends for 27 years kinda blows my mind now that I am sitting down to think about it. She is my longest friend.
So to commemorate our 27 year friendship and to celebrate my sister's day o' birth allow me to present to you my top reasons I am proud to call Emily Nicole Love MY sister and longest, bestest friend.
She has many talents.
This girl was hit by the talent stick as a young child. For those of you who know her I am sure when I say talent you think basketball. Right? In fact I would go as far to say my sister is a local celebrity for her basketball talent and talent she had has. Yes - there was a LOT of hard work and sacrifice that went into making her a star but she was gifted. Gifted with electrifying athletic ability. Everyone wanted to watch her because she was that captivating. I could go on and on about her many yet unbreakable records, the fact that in high school she only lost 4 games. 4! And how she was drafted into the WNBA...BUT what is most impressive is how she handled her celebrity. If it were me - thoughts such as the only thing people will remember about me is my ability to shoot a ball would run through my mind. Not Emily. She KNOWS she is worth more than her basketball ability. The crazy cool thing??? This girl has talents WAYYYYY beyond the basketball court.
Did you know she is one of the best make-up artists in the whole country? The WHOLE COUNTRY ( MY opinion). Nothing makes me feel prettier than when I get to sit in front of her for an hour to get "done up". I am not the only one either - she does friends and family's make-up/hair for photos, weddings, special events, and well for the just becauses. It is because Emily loves using her gift to make other people feel beautiful. She really should start a business...
She is a great teacher. Did you know she graduated from Arizona State with a degree in education? After doing her student teaching back here in Spokane she decided the classroom was not for her but she still walked away with an incredible gift. She uses her ability to teach with her children, my children, other's children (on the basketball court) and really any of us willing to learn a little something from her. Oh and speaking of make-up once you sit down with her to learn her craft you will then be able to walk up to the MAC counter all professional demanding products by name in an effort to transform your daily face!
Did you know she is an amazing writer and talented speaker? Emily has a way of writing and speaking truth in a passionate, constructive way that leaves me in awe. FREQUENTLY. Her blog posts are filled with paralyzing truth and raw emotion (my favorite being this one). Her story telling ability is easy and fluid.
She is the one of the few people I will go to when I get stuck in a sticky situation. How do I handle this? What should I say? What do you think? The other day she told me how to approach my boss about some of my frustrations here at work including this particular co-worker I am pulling out my hair for. Not only was her suggestion really great, I used it the next day and had a totally productive, successful meeting.
My sis can COOK! I don't know one single time I have walked away from an Emily meal and been dissatisfied. This girl loves to try new recipes, gets meal inspiration from anywhere and is a killer meal planner. Please...ask her to cook you dinner. You won't regret it.
She is humble.
All I have to say is if you were to talk to her about:
*her basketball accomplishments (which she can't even remember half the time)
*her ability to paint on the most perfect face
*her AMAZING meals or how Lucy can count, say the alphabet, make full sentences and can pretty much READ booksssssssss...
She would smile really big, brush it off, say something like THANKKKSSSS that's soooooooo nice then turn the tables on you and tell you how great your outfit is or how she is loving your new hair style.
She is beautiful...and produces some prettttyyyy babies.

I mean seriously...she is so pretty. And put together. And with it. I ONLY HOPE to be the hip, stylish, gorgeous mom and wife she is DAILY!
She is the BEST wife and mom.
...and 2nd mom to my bubsie.
She is the definition of a submissive wife - loving her husband so unselfishly and allowing him to assume the role of leader of their household. Her kids are her life - she adores them and is always reading a new book or meeting with mentors to be the best biblical mother she can be.
...and 2nd mom to my bubsie.
She is the definition of a submissive wife - loving her husband so unselfishly and allowing him to assume the role of leader of their household. Her kids are her life - she adores them and is always reading a new book or meeting with mentors to be the best biblical mother she can be.
She loves Jesus.
Em and I accepted Jesus as our personal savior on the same day, at the same time. It was a Wednesday night after Awana. I was 6, she was 4.
I vividly remember where we were in our old house on 30th court. I can remember our mom and dad asking us if we were ready to make the decision. I remember my sister's baby voice say yes.
Ever since that one Wednesday, the Wednesday that literally saved our lives Emily has been living out her faith for all to see.
To this day she witnesses to all she knows but STILL believes that Jesus is who he says he is. One reason I can live my life with her so carefree now is because I know that this life isn't all there is with Em. I get to spent eternity with her in Heaven.
Em and I accepted Jesus as our personal savior on the same day, at the same time. It was a Wednesday night after Awana. I was 6, she was 4.
I vividly remember where we were in our old house on 30th court. I can remember our mom and dad asking us if we were ready to make the decision. I remember my sister's baby voice say yes.
Ever since that one Wednesday, the Wednesday that literally saved our lives Emily has been living out her faith for all to see.
To this day she witnesses to all she knows but STILL believes that Jesus is who he says he is. One reason I can live my life with her so carefree now is because I know that this life isn't all there is with Em. I get to spent eternity with her in Heaven.
She's WAY fun!
She is almost always up for anyyyyything. Hey Em, wanna go to Target? Hey Em, wanna go to the mall? Hey Em, wanna grab lunch? Hey Em, can we come over? Hey Em....
She is a fun friend because she makes you feel like any idea you have is a good one. And a fun one. OHH and she rarely says no. Which is even more fun!
This is my favorite time with my sister. The times we aren't surrounded by people and things and distractions. It is the time we get. One on one. Laughing at each others jokes and discussing our life plans.
She is the BEST encourager, cheerleader and overall support any person could have.
I have had some DARK moments. Moments you don't wish upon your worst enemy. In the midst of those dark moments I remember Emily getting mad. She would yell and say things like that bastard! and threaten to fight him any chance she could...
That is what I remember. Nothing anyone said I should do ever helped. I was the only one who could get myself out but Emily's anger and empty threats (cause she doesn't really have a mean bone in her body) was how I knew I had somebody. Someone who was in MY corner no matter how long it took me to get out of it myself.
Whether it be those dark moments, my wedding day, the day Cruz was born, interviewing for the Liberty Lake City Council position or simply living life, my sister is in my corner being the best encourager, cheerleader and overall support person any girl could have!
She is almost always up for anyyyyything. Hey Em, wanna go to Target? Hey Em, wanna go to the mall? Hey Em, wanna grab lunch? Hey Em, can we come over? Hey Em....
She is a fun friend because she makes you feel like any idea you have is a good one. And a fun one. OHH and she rarely says no. Which is even more fun!
This is my favorite time with my sister. The times we aren't surrounded by people and things and distractions. It is the time we get. One on one. Laughing at each others jokes and discussing our life plans.
She is the BEST encourager, cheerleader and overall support any person could have.
I have had some DARK moments. Moments you don't wish upon your worst enemy. In the midst of those dark moments I remember Emily getting mad. She would yell and say things like that bastard! and threaten to fight him any chance she could...
That is what I remember. Nothing anyone said I should do ever helped. I was the only one who could get myself out but Emily's anger and empty threats (cause she doesn't really have a mean bone in her body) was how I knew I had somebody. Someone who was in MY corner no matter how long it took me to get out of it myself.
Whether it be those dark moments, my wedding day, the day Cruz was born, interviewing for the Liberty Lake City Council position or simply living life, my sister is in my corner being the best encourager, cheerleader and overall support person any girl could have!
So to the one person who inspires me (DAILY), supports me, shows me unconditional love, sets me straight, fills my love tank and has stuck by me the longest even when you didn't have to....
Happy Birthday!
Not only is the world a better place with you in it, I am a better woman.
I love you.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Promise + Un-Delaying the Inevitable
Yo yo yo. It's Friday and I kinda have a lot to blog about.
Just to give you a snipit...
A lil' LL caucusing and for that matter LL city council, brothers from another mother, sick babies, baby names part 5,653, 10 lb purge, Nick "salesman of the year" Salzwedel, 13 month old Cruz, a mother's calling...ect.
I know. Are you sooooooo curious?
The sick thing is that most of those things are posts already started. Sitting. Waiting to be published. Pics and all but just as I felt in January - I am totally UNINSPIRED. It is depressing. I like re-reading my posts and reacting. The best is when I can walk away and go - now THAT was a good post. Written just like I was talking to one of my Fearsome.
Is it crazy I do that?
So my promise to you?
I am going to sit down this weekend and next week and FINISH my blog posts. I am going to blog about all of thee above and more. Get excited.
INNNNNNN the meantime allow me to inspire you this morning because I was inspired.
All thanks to my guy, NRS.
So at night after Cruz goes to bed I usually pick up the house, pack Cruz's daycare bag for Em, pack my bag for the gym (working out with the fab Kelly Haas three days a week) and then either a. watch one of our shows with Nick or b. Nick watches an MMA something and I jump in bed and start a girly movie or some show Nick doesn't like on my ipad - like Grey's Anatomy. Wait. Actually, Nick does like GA. In fact he has seen every episode just like I have. The only difference. He isn't OBSESSED like I am. Remember I am the crazy lady who will watch GA on Lifetime EVERY AFTERNOOOONNN.
Anywaysssss - Nick sent me an email last night and all he said was, "you'll love this". Well at that time I was too busy watching select Grey's Anatomy episodes (because I am crazy). And only the memorable ones like when Denny dies and when Derek and Meredith get back together the first time and when Derek and Meredith's clinical trial becomes a success and they get back together the second time and my personal fave - when Derek proposes to Meredith in the elevator.
Seriously cray cray.
Nick came into the bedroom after I had watched and CRIED through each episode and goes, "Um were you seriously just crying? I could hear you sniffle 50 times the past 2 hours".
YES husband. I was SOBBING over Derek and Meredith's love story. Sue me.
Anywayyyyy, I finally read the email this morning. And I WAS DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. And fist pumping like the crazy person I am. So here you go. Hope you fist pump this morning too.
Happy Friday!
It’s inevitable that life isn’t going to treat you fairly.
It’s inevitable that you’re going to find someone who is better than you are.
It’s inevitable that you’re going to try something and fail miserably.
It’s inevitable that you’re going to love someone and end up getting hurt.
It’s inevitable that some of those you call friends won’t have your back when you need it most.
It’s inevitable that you aren’t going to win every business deal you you go after.
It’s inevitable that you are going to make a mistake and hurt others as a result.
It’s inevitable that just when you think you can’t handle one more thing you’re going to need to.
It’s inevitable that the crowd is going to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong.
It’s inevitable that the once you catch a break you’re going to be labeled “lucky”.
Are you starting to see the pattern?
Success is inevitable.
But along the way it’s emotionally tasking. It’s gut wrenching. It’s tough.
Every part of you is screaming out for mercy. You just want to see the finish line.
To be successful you just have to keep going.
You can try to delay the inevitable by avoiding disaster, living in the shadows, and playing it safe.
But even there it is inevitable that you’ll want more for yourself.
You’ll look around and see that what you thought was the safe choice was really the riskiest one of all.
By refusing to lay it all on the line, you’ve chosen not to live. Not to pursue your dreams. To lie down and accept defeat.
And then you’ll wish you hadn’t tried to delay the inevitable.
But there’s a truth about success that has rung true throughout the ages.
To be a winner all you have to give is all you have.
That, my friend, is inevitable.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Thank you + Beautiful Memorial
I just want to thank everyone who has supported, encouraged, prayed for, loved on, hugged, thought of Nick, myself, Bob and the rest of his family through the passing and memorial of his step-mom, Laurie.
Last weekend we went down for her memorial service.
If I could explain the service to you in one word it would be celebratory - the church auditorium was filled with the music of Jimmy Buffet, Bob Seger, The Celtic Women (amazing btw), the smell of dried lavender, the most beautiful purple orchid arrangement I have ever seen, and people from all walks of life that loved her. A lot. The only time you could visibly hear sobs and the pulling of tissue out of those small Kleenex boxes provided was when Bob - surrounded by her 5 children - got up to speak. In the 5 minutes he was up there he intimately and passionately told the story of their life together and how her biggest prize - the trophy you display for the world to see - was the children standing behind him.
I was so proud.
While you may think the hard part has passed, it actually has just begun.
Bob and her children now have to try and exist in a world where their wife/mother is not and that will be the hardest part of all.
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