Pregnancy Highlights..18 weeks in!
How Far Along: As I write this? 18 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 3lbs - although it feels like a GAZILLION! I don't know why...oh maybe because when I look back at my belly pics of Cruz I match the 26 week picture or because an ultrasound tech I happened to run into at the nail salon told me she could swear I was having twins. Nice, huh?!
Maternity Clothes: I started needing the belly band/maternity pants a week ago. I can still squeeze into my capris but it is super uncomfy. Dresses and tops? No prob!
Stretch Marks: No and I thank God every night. I didn't get them with Cruz either...knock on wood.
Best Moment this Week: It hasn't happened yet. Thursday will be the best moment this week. See Gender.
Miss Anything: I will let you in on a little secret. I am not by the book when it comes to pregnancy rules. Okay so it also helps that my doctor is the most laid back man on the face of the planet and basically rolled his eyes at me the first time I asked him these questions.
Sushi: totally have it.
Warm up my lunch meat: laughable.
Feta and every other type of cheese: 1 million percent.
Spray tan: uh yes.
Caffeine: must.
Take hot baths: absolutely.
Fly to Mexico at 35 weeks: totally. Secretly, I would have loved Cruz to have been born in his Motherland.
NOW, don't get me wrong. I don't over do anything. Moderation, people! As long as we have a discussion about it and I get the famous Dr. Brown grin and eye roll, that's all I need.
Seriously, what I really miss??? And this is going to make me sound so bad so I am apologizing in advance.....a skinny Puerto Rican (Malibu and Diet Coke) and a cigarette.
Alright, let's have a convo. I don't smoke. Never have been a smoker. But, I sure wish I could be. I love cigarettes. Like as much as I love a DQ Blizzard. Obvi I don't smoke because - well a million reasons - most important being that I saw it kill my grandpa. Too early. It is a horrific habit, one that I know is very hard to break. My health is important. My life is important. Which is why I don't smoke.
It is totally the old saying - you miss what you can't have. While I don't drink or smoke. I want to be able to have a puff of a cig or ONE skinny PR. Just one. Mom, I know you still love me!
Movement: YES! 16 weeks is when I started feeling the flutter but thought it still may be too early. It was last week into this week he/she really started moving. Bed time is the best. Laying flat with Bianca keeping my legs warm, my husband beside me, Cruz sound asleep next door and this little babe kicking away. Pretty cool.
Cravings: Honestly pregnant Ashley turns into OBSESSIVE Ashley. If I like something I have to have a lot of it NOW. Oh clearly talking about food here. Phases include: Jamba Juice, Taco Time, Jimmy Johns, Hay J's Butterhead and Blue salad, Cinnamon Bears and fountain Diet Coke. I very much dislike this part of me because right now almost all of those things are making me ill. The only thing I haven't gotten too sick of is Baskin and Robbins Chocolate PB Ice Cream and it is probably because they don't sell the quarts at Albertsons.
Gender: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, we find out in two days!!!! Instead of a big gender reveal - like we did with Cruz - we...well actually Nick decided we should find out the sex together, by ourselves. So we are going to go on a date. We will give the sealed envelope to the Clinkerdagger staff and they will put either a raspberry or a blueberry in the middle of our dessert. I will have our waiter/waitress video it so we can send to family and post to Facebook. I can't wait.
You know, most people assume I am dying for a girl. Which I guess isn't crazy far off but truthfully if this baby is a boy I will cry tears of joy for Cruz! What a gift that would be...a brother! God already knows who is meant for this family which makes it all the more joyous...boy OR girl.
PS: Chinese calendar, needle/pencil test, heartbeat, and Ramzi method ALL say girl.
Name: We have a girl name and WE HAVE A BOY NAME! Finally and it is not Beckham..which is what it was going to be the last time I blogged about baby names. PVS or DSS..can't wait to reveal when he/she is born!
Labor Signs: Ahhh...I sure hope not.
Symptoms: Headaches, hormonal acne (got help today from my Derm thank goodness). Oh this is totally TMI but with Cruz I could't keep my hands off Nick. Everything was in prime working condition. Wink wink. This time? Uhhhh Death Valley, California! Holy moly. My poor husband.
Happy or Moody: Oh who am I kidding. Moody. Ask my mom. Poor woman gets, "I'm annoyed!" every two seconds.'s this crazy emotion that over takes you. I know in my head what I am annoyed about is stupid but I am annoyed nonetheless. The only good thing is it usually lasts about 10 minutes then I am over it.
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.
Looking Forward to: Thursday!!!!!!!!!!! Besides the sex, I just want to see a healthy healthy healthy babe!
With Cruz, I took a belly pic every two weeks so I will continue to do the same with this babe which means I will be back with another round of PH at week 20!
Until then, I am off to the cup of tea and hot bath calling my name.
Catch you tomorrow.
You're my favorite... hope you know that. Stop being so hot as a pregnant woman, too, please, makes the rest of us look bad :)