Thursday, September 29, 2011

My babies

I love my babies!

Especially my 8 month old! 
Happy 8 months my preshy gorgey! 
You are ADORED!

ps: they are OBSESSED with each other. 

Double trouble

It has been a crazy week.

*Cruz has been the sickest he has ever been. Although we are doing much better. 
*We officially bought a house!
*Figuring out our moving schedule. Oh, Nick is going to San Francisco from Sunday to Tuesday for work? Excellent. Oh, We may not be able to move in on Friday due to legal issues on the seller's part? Fantastic.

aye, yi, yi

I love my sister! She is the best. Not only is she an amazing writer - go here. Amazeballs! But, she is an amazing mother, wife and friend. I always tease her and call her in Jesus's mother. She honors her husband as God has called us to do, loves her kiddos tremendously and is kind and giving of her time to her friends. 

One time Emily stopped on the side of the road to help an overweight old man who looked like he was about to pass out from carrying over 10 bags of groceries - with NO help! Turns out that the man's son that was living with him at the time wouldn't come and get him so he rode the bus. Emily picked him up, took his groceries and drove him home. 

This is the same sister who so graciously offered all the money she had to help Nick and I buy our dream home. I know she would do anything for me. 

Today, we were at the site of what could be Emily and Grayling's new house. We went through (SO GREAT ps), debriefed, caught up - for 2 seconds, put our hands in, yelled TEAM then walked to our car. As I was getting into my rig, the workers across the street yelled, "Well there goes double trouble."

He's so right.

Funny enough - it has not always been this fun or easy with Em. When I went off to WSU she was still in high school. When I came back to Spokane after college, Em was at Arizona State. There was about 5 years or so where we could talk once a month if that...

During that time my sorority sisters were my family and her basketball sisters were hers. 

When we finally landed in the same city some 6 years later, Emily was not my kid sister anymore. She was professional, mature, married, solid in her own faith, convicted. 

I was different too. I was experienced, badly badly bruised, on the road to repair, passionate, determined, and bold. 

Sure, we had to get to know each other all over again and with that comes bumps in the road but I would say without a doubt the last 6 years have been the most fun ever. I appreciate her so much more now - as a mother, as a wife and as my best friend. She is the person I run to for advice, to yell out my exciting news to, to vent to, to shed tears to, even to gossip to. She is the first person I want to hang out with when I am not working and the first person I want to invite to dinner when I have a great new recipe I want to try. She makes me feel like I am really very important. She laughs at my jokes, is the first to comment on my blog posts (which she knows makes me feel like a million bucks) and always reminds me that I am a beautiful, generous, kind women who doesn't deserve to be treated otherwise. 

I just hope she knows just how much I look up to, respect and deeply love her.

Double trouble. Yes, we are most certainly are that and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I look forward to the next 6 and the 6 after that and the 6 after that and the 6 after that. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SO so so sick

This was my preshy 8 hours before the worst night ever since Cruz has been alive - for us and for him. 

Enjoying his butter toast, turkey sausage, eggs and diluted white grape juice before church on Sunday morning he was a happy boy. 

Then it started - snot, sniffles, coughs and fuss.

Nick and I woke up about 7 times on Sunday night to the sickest baby.
High fever
He could not breathe
He would cough so hard he would gag himself
He would start screaming bloody murder - in throat pain

There were lots of trips into a steaming hot shower, much baby vicks (LOVE) and lots and lots of love and cuddles.

 It was the most heartbreaking thing ever. 

Yesterday, we took him in - onset of croup and an ear infection. His very first.

Now that Cruzie has his meds, here's to quick healing...and to mom and dad NOT getting sick. 
 We have big plans this weekend - WE are MOVING!

Closing happens Thursday. 
We get the keys on Friday. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Red Plate Day!

It is official, folks.

Got the call about 30 minutes ago. 

The house on Molter is ours. 

After sobbing for 10 minutes straight in the bathroom here at work, I got to call my husband and family and tell them the great news. 

Wow. Just ANOTHER example of just how much God loves me and just how faithful he is. 

Tonight Nick, Cruz and I will celebrate on red plates - the red plate is a tradition my parents started with Em and I in high school. Anytime someone has a success or something to be celebrated, they get the special red plate at dinner - and thank God for blessing us way more than we deserve.

The hard work and sacrifice was TOTALLY worth it.

And because it is 99.9% official, take a look at this pink beauty, OUR NEW HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be seeing a lot more of her moving forward. 

Oh...yes that is Bianca sitting, watching guard over her sleeping brother. How cute is she??!?!?!
fist pump, fist pump, FIST PUMP!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Excellent maxi coverage

{Via Here}

I am DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG especially over the pad that covers his wang. Is this what Nick and I have to look forward to???

Friday, September 23, 2011

One year ago today...

...we found out Cruz was a boy!

Three days after our ultrasound my very best friends (the fearsome) and family gathered together to watch Nick and I cut open a cake that had blue frosting in the middle!

Erin always reminds me of how fake my smile was in this picture...remember, I was dead sure it was a girl

About 10 minutes after this picture was taken JoAnna, Lauren and Erin met Nick and I back at our house where I proceeded to try and not cry while showing them my nursery closet full of baby girl clothing. 

Now, as I watch Cruz roll around on the ground with Nick, touching his face, babbling sweet baby babble, I am so thankful God knew better. 

Happy Autumn

We are seriously at fall...already? Not only does this mean summer is no longer (well one more weekend, right? 90 degrees..what! what!) but it also means that in one more season, I will have a ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!

In honor of my very favorite season I will be spending Sunday afternoon making Nancy Rasmussen's world famous pumpkin bread. This bread is the best pumpkin bread I have EVER had. Describing this bread as moist is an understatement. Starbucks PB (compared to this stuff) = sick. Secret??? Too much cooking oil. I didn't say it was healthy for you.

Last fall/winter, I made 50 loafs. MINIMUM. My sis, Emily, definitely benefited from my baking love considering she was a mere 2 minutes down the street. She got at least 7 loafs, piping hot, right out of the oven.

In other news: 
Our loan is sitting with USDA!!! Last step folks. By the hard deadline of October 5th we will either have a yes or a no. 
Back to square one or a big move into our dream house.
Keep the prayers coming our way. 

Cruz gets more fun and more cute by the second. I love him beyond any words I could even think to say. He is my preshy pie and I am obsessed. Even cooler, every time I look at his face I see my sweet husband. Cruz is a daily reminder of just how much I love Nick. Cruz and Nick are my life. 

At almost 8 months old Cruz:

*is eating EVERYTHING but prefers sausage, toast with butter, pancakes and pineapple.
*is now sitting up so great! sitting in the bath, the grass, to play - although he is a master roller. He will roll from one end of the room to the other to be near me and the puppies. 
*is almost crawling....he is up on his hands and his won't be long now...
*is sleeping great! Still wakes up once a night but sleeps 12 hours overall. 
*beyond loves his daddy. Now, when Nick gets home from work and says hello, Cruz will immediately turn around smile and start wildly kicking his legs. It is so stinkin' cute.
*has two teeth! They are both on the bottom and about 1/4 of the way out!
*is simply the joy of our life.

Here are some pics of Mr. Handsome Liberty Lake USA this past week. 

Happy Friday and Happy Autumn you all!

OMG BREAKING NEWS: I just won my first blog-giveaway!!!!!!!!!! Literally as I was going to my hotmail account to download Cruz pics for this blog I got an email from Rebecca Woolf from Girls Gone Child!
I won a personalized wooden teether courtesy of Little Alouette!!! Check out the post here. It is actually a really great post! 
Ps: Warning, start reading Rebecca's blog and you will be hooked. It took me 4 hours at work one day trying to play catch up, reading all of her past posts. She is inspiring, her family is beautiful and her kid's names??? Seriously, Amazing.
(She just had twin girls 10 days ago PS.)

Thank you so much, Rebecca! Sooooo excited as a wooden teether is just what we need in these parts!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Well, that was embarrassing

12:26pm. Today was no different, I had just picked up Cruz at our babysitter's house over in Greenacres. As I was backing out of the driveway I look in the rear view mirror and realize the house across the street has a Jenny Lind style crib sitting in the garage full of stuff. I would say junk but it may have been childhood treasures. You never know.

In my ripe old age. Of 28. I am getting braver. More bold and more freight train-ish just like my daddy-o. I immediately think of one of the nursery mood boards I found and pinned on Pinterest and I HAD to stop and just ask.


"This is totally random but is your Jenny Lind crib for sale?"

Okay halt!
I know that I have been writing about baby stuff a lot lately...well and other random, possibly annoying subjects...but please remember peeps, it is just to fill space until we get our almost new house (DREAMINGGGGGGGG, PRAYING, HOPING, WISHING) then watch love, coming atcha. Oh...who am I kidding here, I will still blog about baby stuff.

Anyway, as I was saying.
"This is totally random but is your Jenny Lind crib for sale?"

1. I am not pregnant. 2. We want another baby sooner rather than later because 2 is our limit and to be totally honest I didn't love the 8 & 9 month of pregnancy and didn't love the newborn stage. I mean, I loved it just not how I am REALLLYYY loving things now. So you see, I just want to get on with my family. Completed and AT LEAST in size 3 diapers.

The lady, who was Asian (I love Asian's BTW), was out on her front steps with her husband and two darling daughters.

She gets up, walks towards me,  looks at me - kinda up and down - and goes, "Yes, it is for sale. But ummmm, your fly is down."

I probably get 8 shades of red and immediately pull down the brown cami that was under my shirt to cover my un-zipped fly. I held it there like a shy boy who covers his pee-pee in the communal locker room. Then, I keep talking because that was what Miss Spokane taught me. In a crisis, recover and keep on as nothing happened.

Thank you Miss Spokane.

I told her that I would go get $15 bucks and bring it to her tomorrow then I RUN to my car.

Due to the fact I don't own one single pair of undergarments, which I remembered as I was shifting from P to D, today at 12:28pm became my number one most embarrassing moment. EVER.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baby names

*Cruz Nicholas, 12 days old.

I am obsessed with all things baby names. Celebrity babies, normal people's babies, fur babies, fake babies.

Most definitely I would consider myself an expert historian when it comes to celebrity baby names. It is so bad that I have a mental calendar of who is due when and practically stalk until I hear boy/girl/twins and the all important release of the name. If you were to search my computer's history you will see that I visit Celebrity Babies on about 5 times in the 4 hours I work.

Next time you see me, quiz me. I'm so confident that not only would I be 1 for 1 on first name but probably 1 for 1 on the middle name too.

If I think about this sickness seriously - it really isn't doing anything for my marriage. I am in love with so many fabulous names (and don't even talk to me about Sarah, Jennifer, William, Andrew, Billy or Thomas. Those type of names don't count. In my opinion.) that all I want to do all the time is research names and name our fake children. My poor husband.

My newest find and complete obsession - BABY NAME BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every night as I am blog surfing I manage to find myself on these said sites and begin to drool over every name I see...or gag myself. It is opening my eyes to just how important a name is. The significance. The meaning? The flow?

Then a game ensues. I tell Nick that I am going to give him a list of names for our son (the one we don't have...sometimes it is daughter but we already have two names that are pretty solid) and he has to say yes or no.

Indigo - I really love it.
Fox - Love this too.
Reece - For a boy, how great!
Finnian (Finn) - Too common but love.

Okay you get the picture. To every name above, the answer is no. Nick likes the names Rocky and Miles. Which are great names but not for our son (although Rocky isn't bad. I actually prefer Rocco.) And not for a brother to Cruz.

Cruz was so easy for us. Cruz was always the pick...even before we were pregnant. Because I am half Hispanic, I really wanted a Spanish name. Cruz means cross - how perfect. Religious and cultural undertones. Done and Done.We were 100% sold.

Even if Cruz had been a girl we were pretty set. Her name would have been Daisy Lauren Rose (Roxy and Lola were serious contenders). Daisy cause both Nick and I love the name...actually, Nick was really the deciding factor. He loved it. I mean, come on??!! There is nothing more precious in my mind than picturing my husband loving and cuddling a Daisy. Lauren, after my bestie (plus I really just love it) and Rose, after my Mexi grandma, Rosie. BTW - I am pretty certain our daughter, if we are blessed with one, will have a different name.

Sometimes I seriously get sad that only 2 babies are in our future (not really, but kinda) only because that means some of my most favorite names will only be a dream..not a part of our family.

Oh well, there are always pets. Bianca might need a sister named Violet, Plum, Ximena, Glow, Amorette. Amorette (meaning littlest love)...really??? I'm DYINGGGGGGGGG!

Here are my most favorite baby name blogs. Hope you too can get lost in all the beauty!

Marginamia - the names in the margins

You Can't Call It "It" - baby names at their best


The Bad Baby Name Blog
*This is actually hilarious.

Alright, I am off to think of the most perfect name for our other son. Or rather, convince Nick.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rudest thing my husband has ever done

Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nick's grandma and aunt came into town yesterday to visit another family member. We got a call super last minute letting us know and an invite to dinner. Thank goodness we didn't have anything planned besides an apt. to donate blood (which we ended up cancelling due to a fussy, teething baby).

On our way to donate blood Nick gets a call from his cousin regarding dinner plans. He says we are having sloppy joes and asks Nick to bring a side. 

Time out. 

The last time I had a sloppy joe was in middle school. I took one bite and almost barfed all over our kitchen table. Now, my mom is a fantastic cook. Like, really great. But I am sorry - the chunky, meaty, ketchup-y, soggy texture of the sloppy part between two pieces of bread...I can't handle it. It is like spaghetti sauce on toast. SICKKKKKKKKKKKK. 

Nick gets weird because he knows I hate sloppy joes and seriously says - "Oh man sounds great to me. I love sloppy joes but Ashley...uhhh (nervous pause and chuckle)...ha ha...she hates sloppy joes."

I look over at him flaming mad - "Why would you say that??" I am trying to mouth to him - "No, tell them I had a late lunch...NoooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO."

Isn't that the jerkiest thing ever...if someone I was inviting to dinner told me that his or her spouse hated what I was making, I would feel horrible, one. Be super offended, two and think - what a flaming diva!

So from Zips parking lot (our side: 3 tubs of fries and 10 tarter sauces) I am figuring out how to make all of this right and how to not want to vigorously wash Nick's mouth out with soap.

We arrive, eat a wonderful dinner - one in which I serve myself some sloppy joe, thank you very much. I don't even think anyone noticed me getting "seconds" to clear my plate...besides Nick. The company was amazing. Bottom line, we had a great time but last night's "incident" might have gone down as the rudest thing Nick has ever done.

PS: Nick apologized up and down and we laughed about it later after an incident occurred in which he says was the rudest thing I have ever, we are something else.

PPS: I just read Nick this blog post and he goes, "What did you do that was rude?" I said, "I went to try and find the dog tags after you lost them." "Yeah, that was rude."

A small success

I was JUST telling my dear friend, Kelly Haas, in an email (we email like twice a day every day at work :)) how Nick and I NEEDED a small success. I mean, come little tiny small success?!?!?!?!

So our broker called me this morning and finally got a copy of the almost new house appraisal. Not only did the appraisal come out clear - no repairs needed - but the home was appraised at $25,000 over the purchase price!

While I know that it is an appraised value and that it doesn't mean we will end up LIVING there, it just might be the small success I was looking for.

Baby Toms!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGG. I have GOT to have these for Cruz. 
Did you guys know Toms even make baby shoes?? OMG, they are called Tiny Toms. I can't contain myself.

{Via Here}

What do you think? Love them as much as I do?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Keepin' the faith

Worrying about my little family and our future is exhausting. Especially when it comes to our almost new house

The house that for two months we have been dreaming about, laughing about, crying about, stressing about, fighting about and scheming about. To tell you that we have done everything possible to secure this diamond in the rough is a COMPLETE understatement. 

I wish this post could be as simple as telling you yes or no but unfortunately we are still in limbo - hence my full-fledged exhaustion.

To start from the beginning:
Nick and I found this beauty in June...right around the same time Nick quit his job. 
This job, ps, was more horrible than my worst enemy and my worst nightmares. Combined. For two months straight - mind you our baby was 3 and 4 months old- I am not exaggerating when I say there were nights were Nick wouldn't get home from work until 2 am. AM! He never got home before 6. Ever. He would be taking calls at all hours of the night and would often have to leave church, home group and family dinners to deal with clients. To this day I tell Nick that if he would not have quit, I would have gone in and flipped them all the bird and quit for him. 

Prior to June, we had been talking the better part of 6 months about possibly putting our place up for rent so that we could follow our dreams and purchase another project. Now that Nick was out of work - for a short time -it kinda seemed perfect. He cleaned and fixed up the place, threw it up on craigslist (it was rented out within 24 hours ) and 1 week later - we moved out. 

The offer we submitted for our almost new house was accepted, first of July, with a projected close date of October 31st. The seller sweetened the deal by saying - close by October 1st and you get your earnest money back and we will lower the price of the home.

From July to September, Nick and I worked our buns off - I mean worked harder and more hours, sold rigs gathered what seemed like impossible paperwork and most importantly saved EVERY penny. 
 - Loan paperwork was submitted on September 6th. 
 - September 12th, we got a call with good news, bad news and hopeful it's-not-over-yet news.

Good news - We received a pre-approval letter from the lender! Financially, we ARE approved!
Bad news - USDA (our loan type) denied our loan due to the fact we own another property. 
Hopeful it's-not-over-yet news - USDA is not allowed to deny a loan due to that reason. 

Where are we today?
Our broker, loan officer and USDA rep are fighting a battle with WA state USDA on our behalf to help us secure an approval.
The home appraisal was ordered, happened on Friday and should be back to our broker today. Once he has that he will send our completed file to WA state USDA and we wait. Could take as long as 10 days - funny enough, we have exactly 10 business days till October 1st. 
The great great news is - if USDA approves our file we can immediately close. This means that we COULD still hit our October 1st deadline. 

I had a quick convo with our agent on Friday. He said that he has never seen USDA deny a loan that has been approved. 

Seeing as though the team Salzwedel morale is my responsibility, I am keepin' the faith. 

While we have done everything possible - EVERYTHING POSSIBLE - it is now our of our control. If this bright, beautiful, hopeful, door closes in our face, I believe it will be God's hands who close it. His plans FAR out trump our measly plans so if the answer is no, it is because Nick and I have something outstanding waiting for us around the bend. 

In the meantime we wait, we pray (THANK YOU for your prayers, encouragement and love) and I  (cause Nick will have no part in it) do ridiculous team cheers cause at the end of the day a positive, grateful, thankful, optimistic heart is what matters!

Soooooooo, cause I can't even handle it and we need something to keep us going until we hear the final verdict  allow me to show you my FAVORITE feature in our almost new house (yeah, I totally snuck into the appraisal Friday to take pictures cause I am obsessed like that). A gorgeeeeee pass through fireplace that sits between the living and dining room. It also continues down into the basement too.

Oh the plans we have for you darlin'.....

Friendly reminder from my friends at Starbucks

Two weeks ago I got flipped off three times in a 4 day span.

1. I was on my cell phone and cut off a motorcycle.
2. I was doing my mascara on I-90.
3. I was doing my mascara on I-90.

Sooo yeah...I'll just say it. I am not ashamed.
My name is Ashley and I full on do my makeup on the freeway. On my way to work. On my way to church. On my way to a friends house. 
I am actually really good at it. 

By the time I get in my car to head to work it is ohhh about 7:32am. I turn on Dave/Ken/Molly on 92.9 and start my make up. By the time I get to Liberty Lake Starbucks, I have my concealer on and have started or just finished my tinted moisturizer. I order my Skinny Vanilla Latte then wait in line - finish my powder and blush. By the time I get to the window usually one eye has mascara on it and I am doing the other. 

I didn't think it was a big deal - well not counting being flipped off and having people look over in disgust - until Friday. 

Okay Okay, I got it.

PS: Due to my absence on Friday , post #2 coming is atcha! Check back.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Please forgive me, Julie K.

I just spent the last 10 minutes on the phone with my sister, Emily. We chatted about attending a Love and Logic class at our church, going to the Spokane County fair on Sunday, her AMAZINGGGGGGG family pictures done by Sarah Graczyk, what we are going to have for dinner tonight (cause we are doing dinner at her house) and an update on our house situation (coming atcha soon).

Right as we are about to say over and out she starts laughing about Julie K. - you know the gal from yesterday's post? Just as quickly as she started laughing she stopped and proceeded to tell me how mean I was.

"What if Julie K. reads your blog?"
"Don't you feel bad for her?"
"Is it legal for you to post her resume?"
"If she saw this she would think you are making fun of her."
"You are kinda making fun of her."
"There are not that many people living in Plummer, someone could probably find her in the phone book."

First of all my deaaarrrr sissy, I can - with 100% certainty - tell you that Julie K. from Plummer Idaho is NOT reading my blog. And excuse me for being transparent for 2 seconds but let's just say she DID read my blog, I seriously doubt she would question the legality of me posting her resume on my blog when she CLEARLYYYY has some work related legal issues to work though.

BUT thank you Emily Nicole Love for having such a great heart and caring so deeply for people like Julie K.

Dear Julie K.,
If you are reading my blog please forgive me. I don't want to laugh at you, I want to laugh with you and then I want to fix your resume so you can get a job.
Email me, okay?
Your Friend, Ashley

PS: Best night of my life last night - Rachel was crowned the winner of Big Brother 13!!!
PPS: House update tomorrow - ohhhhh is there ever one to give
PPPS: Check out my sister's blog for a sneak peak of their new family pics. HOLY Goosebumps.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not so wordless, wordless Wednesday.

Good Morning Dolls,

So this morning my boss comes into my office and hands me a resume. He goes, "Ashley, I think we should hire this person." 

I took it, thinking he was serious for 2.5 seconds, then almost choked on the huge gulp of Skinny Vanilla Latte I had just ingested.

Saddest part: this is no joke. My boss's girlfriend is an HR Manager at a physical therapy shop here in Spokane. This was faxed over in response to a craigslist employment ad.

Seriously??? My favorite part is the scratched out line in the first paragraph - I am currently {NOT} working. 

Attention Julie K. in Plummer, ID:
No, you are not currently working and won't be if you keep sending out this monstrosity of a resume. 

So for a great laugh and an OMG, here is my not so wordless, wordless Wednesday.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Update + Marie Claire

1. We still don't know anything regarding our almost new house. I've become a crazy person, emailing the nicest guy 3 times a day begging him for an update. Seriously...I just want to get it over with. Either it is a yes or a no. Rip that band aid off, Jeffery. Just rip it. Anyway...wait on dear Ashley. Finnneeeeee, wait I will.

2. I am obsessed with Project Runway...and America's Next Top Model (which premiers on Wednesday - all stars babyyyy) and Pregnant in Heels and Big Brother and Greys Anatomy and Flipping Out and Survivor (which did you see Miss Washington 2007 is going to be a contestant...ohhh loving that)...oh did you see The Sing Off is back?!?!?!....the list goes on and on. I should be cleaning house, doing Cruz's laundry, making sure my first born feels loved (Bianca) and making out with my husband but nooooo. I am watching all of the above.

My point about Project Runway is that Marie Claire is a HUGE presence. Nina Garcia is the epitome of sophistication and one of my favorite judges. Two weeks ago when Joanna Coles (Editor in Chief for MC) was a guest judge for the Nina Garcia challenge where each designer had to create a look specifically for her, she told one of the designers that if Nina were to walk through Marie Claire's doors in the outfit that was created, she would be fired. "Nina would not be allowed in the building in that outfit." I am pretty sure those were Ms. Cole's exact words. In a British accent of course.

Have you ever wondered what it was like inside a major fashion and beauty magazine such as Marie Claire?

Oh you have? ...a bit curious? Okay, let me show you.

From Me To You is a photography blog done by Jamie Beck. She is currently at Fashion Week documenting it all. Today, she blogged about her sneak peak in the offices of Marie Claire. Fascinating.

Fabulous, right? Those shoes....I mean come on!

3. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg Preshy has a tooth peeking through...7 1/2 months and we have finally broken skin. I am so in love with my boy. He is getting to be so big - today he had some pizza pocket and greek yogurt. Soon enough he will be eating Taco Bell burritos with his cousin Trey. Yes, Trey eats whole burritos. 

On Friday we took Cruz to his first very first CV football game. 1. Can I just say students were tailgating in the parking lot. Full on BBQ'ing. With a grill. 2. Every student there looked like they were 10. 3. The girlfriends of the football players were sporting handmade sparkle t-shirts. One said - #22 is my boo. OMG. If I would have done that in high school, I think I would have been made fun of. 4. Made me so excited to think that one day I could be a parent in the stands cheering on my boy and watching his girlfriend below sport a sparkle shirt saying # 22 is my boo. 

It was a great game against Mead and Cruz did so great! He was introduced to candy from his papa and stayed up way past his bed time. 

I really really REALLY love my boys.

Every new experience for Cruz is just another slap in the face that slowly we are losing our newborn to a beautiful, happy, sweet little boy. 

I kinda love it.

PS: Did you guys happen to catch the Tea Party/CNN debate last night? Holy Moses! It was war on Rick Perry. I feel like you guys might throw stones my way if I were to do another analysis but can I just say that Michele Bachmann needed to step up and did! She impressed me. Loved Newt, as always and thought Perry did better. I could do best one liners of the night...would you be interested?

Monday, September 12, 2011

We've Been...

teaching our giant human sized dog how move about our tiny space so that our downstairs neighbors don't bang on the ceiling three times every night telling us to shut the eff up.
getting nervous for baby #2 - do I continue to work? will Cruz be okay? will I love him or her as much? can Nick and I survive?   
working really really really hard to try and change our financial situation so that we can continue to build our real estate empire
hanging onto hope that those I love who don't know Jesus Christ will come to understand the beautiful gift that has been given to them and that they choose to accept it
soaking up every day precious moments with Cruz - I know that in a blink of an eye he will be on the high school football team, driving, bringing home girls, applying for college, joining a fraternity, graduating, getting married and having babies of his own 
researching ways to turn our almost new house into a one of a kind dream home Nick and I can raise our family in
singing Erik Svendsen's version of Give me Jesus by Jeremy Camp
listening to my best friend Lauren give me the words I need to hear to make my world right - she is my number one counselor
playing with Lucy Love is one of the highlights of my life - she is the most fun 2 year old I know
praying for help so that I can be a respectful loving wife and guidance so that I can raise children who love God and love others
saving every penny we have to make our dreams a reality
baking Nancy Rasmussen's pumpkin bread - no kidding, I've never had better
planning our (Kelly Haas) Kim Kardashian wedding viewing party - that's right, a big fat party to watch Kim's Fairy Tale Wedding complete with champagne, cupcakes and wedding dresses
seeing Nick work so hard to provide for our family is inspiring - there is no one with better work ethic than him. he is the best salesman I know
loving me some politics right about now - debates, campaigns, media coverage, drama...oooohh I love it all
watching Nick father Cruz makes me want to sob - its the sweetest thing in the whole world
wishing my sister lived next door to me so we could play every day
looking forward to the day Cruz can say, I love you too mama and even more immediate - looking forward to moving into our almost new house
dreaming about the moment when I can finally say that my family is complete - the moment where Cruz gets to meets his little brother or sister for the first time
having the best time with my mother - now that I am older I appreciate her heart so much more and have the best time laughing, talking and hanging out with her
starting to worry about my parent's health - it is freighting to remember that we all get old, exciting to know what will be waiting for them when it's time but terrifying to imagine life here without them 
thanking God for my husband - there is no other person on this planet I would want to do life with 

Heather, this was the best! Thank you for including me in your post!

Now it is your turn - Mesha from Duh, don't you want to know about me (cause I know you won't back down from a challenge and because I love hearing from you :)); Emily from Love Letters Inc. (cause you need to redeem yourself from not completing the last challenge that was presented to you) and Heather from Count it all joy! (cause you have the most beautiful family ever!)
Megan Snyder: I would love to read this on your blog too - I check it everyday to see if you have updated it ps! :):)

Friday, September 9, 2011


We got a call at 3:15pm this afternoon from our agent. It seems that our lender missed the loan submission by 39 minutes on Wednesday to get an answer today. Glad we found out at the 11th hour...

Anyway, the new target date is Monday. 

My theory is, we have waited this long...two extra days won't hurt us. 

GOP debate - round 3 + A little bit of random

Wednesday night we had dinner with some fabulous friends (thanks to Jer and Kel for being so amazing) so we didn't end up watching the debate until 9pm. It was all DVR'd for us - including the MSNBC analysis (more on that later) - all we had to do was put Preshy to bed, pack his bag for the babysitter, take Liam out for the 80th time, grab our strawberry kiwi crystal light and take a seat to let the fist pumping begin.

So initially I was excited. Okay - correction: I am always excited to watch a bunch of conservatives on stage tell us how this administration is failing us left and right and what plans they would put in place if they were President of the United States. Seriously - as I am typing these very letters, I am almost shaking. I really REALLY love every ideal and every value of conservative republicans. I am proud to know that I am in alignment with the founding fathers. The FOUNDING FATHERS. Holy crap. If you can wrap your mind around that....a group of men who, in my opinion, so brilliantly wrote a constitution that promotes small government and a free market society that lets ANYONE be as successful as they want to be. Are you kidding me???? It gives me chills. We do live in the greatest Nation out there. Bottom. Line.

Okay enough of that.

Honestly - the main reason I was excited besides the outrageous paragraph above is the fact that Gov. Rick Perry of Texas would be up on that stage for the first time squaring off against the likes of Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachmann - the front runners of race so far - and if you watched the debate you saw very quickly it is truly a 2 man race (RP and MR) with a little bit of Ron Paul, MB and Newt mixed in.

Just like last time, here is MY analysis of each candidate. Get ready, here. we. go. 
Wait...I need a little Gym Class Heroes to pump me up. Just sec, let me push play.

Rick Perry - We saw very quickly it was going to be the Perry/Romney show. They even put the two next to each other in the smack dab middle of the stage. All eyes were on Perry as it was Perry's first time on stage with the rest of them and 2nd or 3rd debate EVER. In my opinion, it showed. He was great on offense but weak on defense. There was a lot of hesitation, an inability to reflect some criticism but BOYYY were there some really interesting, very controversial one liners. Kinda great - again, in MY opinion.

-He called social security a monstrous lie and Ponzi scheme - which it IS if you think about it. Yes, I get it needs to be reformed and I am all in favor but as it stands now our generation is putting money into a benefit we will NEVER receive. That is the definition of a ponzi scheme. Helllooooooo!
-He said science was not settled in responding to Jon Huntsman's claim that some of the candidates were anti-science (specifically when it comes to climate change). I agree.
-The biggest applause of the night was after Brian Williams asked Perry about Texas executing 234 convicted murderers. When asked what he thought of that question receiving overwhelming applause he stated, "I think American's understand justice."

I don't think his lukewarm performance will knock him out of first place but he has got to do better. I have a feeling his team is all over it and next debate, we will see a more prepared, more polished Rick Perry.
PS: He gave MSNBS their biggest debate ratings yet....

Mitt Romney - Polished and well-spoken. Presidential. As always. Uhhhhh I just don't trust him and I have a HUGE problem with Obmaney Care. He did try his best to reflect, but he didn't take the time to tell us how it is different than the huge bust that is Obama Care. I am sorry but the American people have not and will not forget that and it is going to cause him some problems.
After his sparring with Rick Perry -  which seemed like the first hour of the debate - he pulled himself out of the debate and only attacked Obama (clearly showing his confidence that he will be the nominee). His best line was calling the president a nice fella but one who's clueless about economics.

Remember, he is a career politician. He knows how to play the game. I think that is what bothers me most.

Michelle Bachmann - Shoot. She wasn't that strong and she certainly didn't come out with the fire she had in debate 1. Maybe she can't handle a grueling campaign? She came out stating her disapproval with Obama's war in Libya but then when asked if she disagreed with the foreign policy of the Bush administration, she wouldn't give a straight answer.
The only attack she could muster was on the back of Ron Paul's attack of Rick Perry's executive order to force 12 year old girls to get the HPV vaccine.
Her MO of the evening - an inability to shoot straight and answer the tough questions.

Newt Gingrich - 4 things to say about Newt. 1. I love him. 2. I would vote for him. 3. He would TEAR Obama to shreds in a debate. 4. I might be the only person on the history of the planet that feels this way. Other than Nick.
His best line came when he warned the moderators probing for differences among the 8 that any minor distinctions pale in comparison to their unity over defeating Barack Obama. FIST PUMP LOVE.
Can I also say I was obsessed with his mention of immediately firing Fed. Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke if he were elected. Sorry to say Mr. Bernanke, you will be joining the other 14 million unemployed Americans should any of these Republicans be elected.

Ron Paul - Ron Paul. He is so smart. So so smart. He had what most every other candidate lacked - substance. He has the right idea - that government should leave us the heck alone. It was true - while the other candidates got way more air time, not one of them could refute his claims about the economy or civil liberties. I just wish he was more polished. So not electable but fascinating. I maintain my claim that he is the most exciting candidate in the race. I am always watching, waiting on the edge of my seat to see what he will say next.
Ohhhh one more thing- I think it is worth mentioning how aggressive he was with Rick Perry. This is a side of Ron Paul we have not seen. Coming to play Ron Paul? Okay.
Wasn't his idea to save billions of dollars by bringing home air conditioners cooling our troop tents in Afghanistan a little weird? See what I mean by waiting on the edge of my seat? Weird.

Herman Cain - I really appreciate Herman Cain. He also didn't get much time due to the Perry/Romney show but when he did Nick and I would both nod our head in agreement. Due to his extensive business experience and "problem solving" campaign theme he spoke with purpose. In fact, he was the only one to detail out how he would grow out the economy - with the 9-9-9 plan (business tax, individual flat tax, national sales tax all at 9%). Bottom line: he won't be the nominee either due to his lack of political experience.

Rick Santorum - Poor guy - he was placed on the end of the panel and I think he MAYBE got 4 questions. Telling?? I think so. You knew the second the camera's turned off he would complain and that he did to Chris Matthews in a post-debate interview (which was WILD with a capitol W btw). He is a serious social conservative (again, even too much for my social conservative behind) and is losing momentum by the second.

Jon Huntsman - Ewwwwww. Not only is he creepy but he is SOOO in the wrong party. I mean first of all he is barely registering in national polls. On top of that kinda big important detail, he didn't get the speaking time RP and MR got and when he did speak, he spoke of Utah's job creation record, how immigration is a human issue (DUH) and how the GOP is at risk at becoming "anti-science". I think the end might be near Mr. Huntsman. That's all I have to say other than the fact that you are FAR too moderate for the GOP base. 

So after it was all said and done I looked at Nick and said - okay let's just watch the first 15 minutes of the debate analysis (it was 10:45 - 2 hours past our bed time) to see what they have to say. I forgot 'they' was Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews. I am NOT kidding when I say we watched it for 45 seconds before we were yelling at the TV in disgust. Nick may have yelled some obscenities at Chris Matthews may have said something like Turn This Crap Off.
I guess we need to calm down? We clearly need some church.
Looking at the positive, Nick and I are two peas in the same pod. He's SOOO my guy.

There you have it lovelies.

Can't wait for round 4, 5, 6, 7 and the potential addition of Sarah Palin, Rudy Giuliani and who ever else might jump in. At the end of the day, as Newt so fist-pump-worthy said - the entire slate of GOP candidates are a part of "a team" dedicated to removing Obama from office. That is whats most important. 

In other randomness - 
*We should find out about our almost new house TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will report back the second I find out.

Weekend forecast -
*End of the summer bbq at Erin's house, tonight.
*Saturday morning farmers market with the very lovely soon to be Mrs. Kelly Haas Nichols. What What!!!!!
*Fearsome Foursome dinner, Saturday. I cannot even handle it. It has been too long since I have been with the besties. Can't wait for some F4 love. Girls, you better watch out. I have LOTSSSSS to say.
*Church, Sunday @ Valley Real Life. I am in some serious need of some Jesus tank filling.

Because I can't help myself -
*Ohhhh Preshy. I love him. Here is a pic of Mr. America this morning. Taking a break from chewing away on my necklace to give me a huge smile all while his protector, Bianca, sits close by (although she was cropped out of the pic). Thanks Bianca for watching him and making sure he does not fall off the bed while dad brushes his teeth and mom curls her hair.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Online shopping just got better...for Cruz!

About a week before Cruz came into this world (remember he was almost 3 weeks early) I finally finished organizing and setting up his closet and dresser. Not only do I have the nicest friends and family who helped me stock a really great closet for Cruzie but I, of course, did my fair share of shopping. You see, I have a very specific taste. For Cruz. For me, whatever! I will wear work-out gear to Target. My son on the other hand wears Ralph Lauren polo shirts and khakis. Like I said in a previous blog post - no puppies, Elmo or Daddy's Little Slugger tees for this family.

Side note, you people would have been appalled at Cruz's afternoon outfit yesterday. He was dirty from the morning, fussy, tired and I HAD to get to the Rack and the grocery store. I threw on the closest thing I could find - a pair of navy Jordan shorts and left his dirty bright blue Hurley tee on. He didn't match, his hair was a disaster - oh well, off we went OF COURSE thinking we wouldn't see anyone we know...yeah ran into 2 people at the Rack. 

Good thing Preshy rocks a pretty great face. 


In an effort to keep his closet (he is a 75 percenter, remember??) I do quite a bit of online shopping (sale, of course). Baby Gap, Zulily, The Mini Social...all of very faves. I also do this as to not disrupt his beautiful schedule. We have it pretty down solid. The time he is up and awake we like to swim, play or visit cousins. No time for shopping when we can play. So, when I hear of another rockin' baby clothing site that doesn't sport baby boy clothing with embroidered sail boats on every item, I jump for joy.

I was first introduced to Zara when I was living and going to school in Granada, Spain back in 2003. I didn't have a lot of money to spend but once every couple of weeks I would treat myself and walk through the double glass doors. Zara is a European staple- very affordable yet very sophisticated. Just my cup of tea.  They sell womenswear, menswear and my favorite, kidswear! 

{Via Here and Here}

To my knowledge there are just a few Zara stores in the US and up until very recently you couldn't even order online. Now you can. And perfect. Just in time for fall!

Here is what I am eyeing for Cruz! My must have for fall list!
Yes, Cruz will wear a scarf this fall/winter. I can't wait to see Nick's face when that arrives in the mail!
The best part - each item is under 30 bucks!!! Yessssss!!!!!

OMGGGGG, I just looked at the baby girl dresses....obsessed with like 10! Check them out here. I better be careful and stick to the baby boy aisle. As some of you know, I already buy my daughter clothing. The one I don't have. It is a sickness. 

Happy Thursday!

Ps: Check back later for my GOP debate analysis. Woooo Weeee. It was a good one. Lots to say.