Thursday, July 14, 2011

Anonymous no more

Two years ago I stumbled across my first blog. An honest, refreshing, entertaining front row seat into someones life. ANDDDD better yet I can be in the front row without showing my face. Even better. Totally anonymous. Call me creeper 500, I don't care. Blogs make me feel and feel big! I can't begin to tell you how many times I have cried, laughed out loud or read something so thought provoking I have brought it home and shared it with too many people. I am now waste deep in an addiction - one I most certainly don't want to be healed from.

I have been thinking about starting my own blog for a while now. Why? Well passion for one. I am one passionate person. When I love, I love hard. Not just people - food, design, politics, real estate, puppies and other people's business. Oh yes I love to be smack dab in the middle of other people's business. What was keeping me from creating my blog name and taking the plunge? Fear. The anonymous veil I was hiding under was far too comfortable for me. Just call me Blanket Jackson. Using this forum to share honest, refreshing and entertaining snip its of life allows me to be vulnerable and totally transparent which kinda makes me want to streak down Peninsula Dr.

It is time for me to join the crowd that so lovingly wastes my time at work, consumes my pinterest account, makes me cry more than I laugh, and most importantly inspires me every second of every day. I can't wait to document our crazy life.

To wet your appetite here is my immediate cast of characters - what Home Salz is all about.

1. My love - Nick, my adoring husband who is my match in every facet of life. We have the same passions and when his world rains, mine shines and when my world seems to crumble he is the architect who brilliantly helps me put it back together.

2. My baby - Cruz, joy times one trillion. 5 months ago I went from a woman to a mother. He has made a dream of mine come true and makes me smile more than any human has. He is beautiful.

So, no more hiding.
Welcome to Home Salz. Here we go.


  1. Oh. My.gosh!!! Cute! Hilarious! Transparent! Honest! Real! All the things I love most about you!!! I am so excited to be a loyal follower!!
    2 more things... 1. I'd pay to see you streak down Peninsula!!! 2. What you said about Nick and Cruz is the cutest thing ever. You are lucky to have them and they are lucky to have you!!

  2. You have NO idea how excited I am that you FINALLY joined the Blog world!!!! Like Em, I am excited to be a loyal follower!! Welcome, friend and here's to being 'Creepers' together :)

    P.S Emily, now it's your turn! :)

  3. i am SO excited that you have a blog!!! congrats on your beautiful family ash. miss you millions :)

  4. Sitting on my couch with So You Think You Can Dance reruns playing in the background, I stumble upon your blog whilst playing catchup with Facebook (having spent the last two days in the hospital with my sister who had her first precious baby boy Rawlin) and loving reading your take on love and life. Your very first post is the one I read last and it made me both laugh and cry. Relating yourself to Blanket Jackson? One of the most unique and amusing and whydidntithinkofthat things I have read in a long time. A few sentences later teardrops trickle from my eyes as you identify your partner as your precipitation antonym and emotion engineer. I love your typed truths and LOVE even more that you and my cousin found each other! ---Lindey
