HBK Shawn Michaels is my childhood hero - the childhood hero that makes a kid dream big and believe anything is possible! The hero that from age 8 to age 22 I loved more than anything...except maybe my daddy.

HBK! HBK! HBK! - I can still very vividly hear the roar of the crowd at Wrestlemania XIX on March 30, 2003. I was sitting 10 rows back at Safeco Field watching the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels walk out to a spectacle of pyrotechnics and shimmy down the catwalk, stripping his rhinestone clothing to his theme song, Sexy Boy. "Ooh ooh ooh Shawn. I think I am hot, I think I am sexy, I've got the looks that drive the girls wild..." (my sister and I can sing you the WHOLE song - yeah, pretty proud of that). It was an indescribable experience being there, I mean WILDDD. One of the very best days of my life.
This brings me to today's post, my top 13. Here are 13 fun-unique-bet-you-didn't-know-maybe-new-maybe-not-so-new-facts about me. Ready?
To this day I am shocked my mom let me love him. A WWE wrestler..really? This coming from a mom and dad who wouldn't let my sis and I listen to secular music until we hit grade 8.
I ordered every Summer Slam, Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble on PPV for like 10 years, subscribed to the WWE (back then of course if was WWF) magazine and plastered HBK cutouts from my mag subscription all over my bedroom wall IN HIGH SCHOOL and even did my HS senior project on HBK's life and career complete with a home video of me and my high school boyfriend demoing his finishing move. Oh and the day tickets went on sale for Wrestlemania XIX, I woke up at 6am only to stalk Ticketmaster by re-dialing their phone number until tickets went on sale at 9am so I could get great seats. I am hard core.
2. I am a proud member of the GOP - that's right a constitution-loving, pro-life, stop taxing EVERYTHING, pro-small business (cause that's where the real jobs are created) get the government out of health care, thinks global warming is laughable, George W. Bush social conservative republican!
At WSU, I joined the College Republicans. That is when my love for politics took off. There I became a club officer, helped with the 2004 Bush campaign and the 2004 McMorris-Rodgers campaign.
After graduation, my love of politics only grew. Nick and I campaigned for the 2008 Huckabee campaign even participated in the local caucus. Most evenings, if we aren't watching Big Brother or HGTV you will find us watching Fox News.
I totally want to dive into local politics. I will be running for city council and would love to one day run for Mayor.
**BTW, if I could french kiss anyone other than my husband, I would totally french kiss GWB. I think he is the most darllllinggg man on the planet. I am a LARGE fan.

Get it done Mr. President, get. it. done.
3. I love Starbucks.
It is a sick love, one I am sure I share with far too many people. My drink of choice, a grande skinny vanilla latte, no foam, with a straw. The last two parts are pretty important. If I can feel my drink is 'light', I send it back. This drives my husband crazy but my thought - hey if you are paying $3.50 for a good cup of coffee, you better get every last sip you can. Foam takes up at least 3 sips from my straw. My mom, dad, sis and I know the Liberty Lake Starbucks folk by name. Peter, Andy, Chan, Mallori, Trish, Tim and Joel...all outstanding individuals who make great coffee.
4. Delta Delta Delta, how can I help ya, help ya, help ya.
I am a sister of the Tri Delta fraternity. It was actually my third choice on preference day. When I opened my bid card in the middle of Martin Stadium, I cried. Funny how everything turns out as it should...a year later I became President and got way too involved. Cut me open and I bleed blue, yellow, pansies, pine trees, dolphins and Sarah Ida Shaw. Tri Delta was the most fun I have ever had. EVER. I met some of the best people and had some of the best pee-your-pants laughs in my life. My sisters also helped me through the most difficult time of my life - I will always be forever grateful. One standout memory - there are so many - is when Mia, Milf, Claire and I were watching initiation videos up in the President's room, just for fun. Mesha walked in, saw what we were doing, cussed us out and walked off. I laugh as I type. I love my sisters.

5. I am a pretty bad driver - getting better but kinda still bad.
Okay let's just be honest, driving from Pullman to Spokane is a &@&#(. There are sneaky little cops that hide out in Colfax waiting for you to go 1 MILE OVER THE SPEED LIMIT. During a 5 year time, I got 6 speeding tickets, a failure to stop at a stop sign ticket and a trailing to close ticket. The state of Washington told me if I got ONE MORE ticket in a 12 month time I would get my license suspended. Safe to say I was a good girl and still have a drivers license OH and might I add I haven't gotten a ticket in like 1 year.
6. My family are bunch of superstar athletes and Nick and I are....well, not?!?!
If you are from Spokane you probably know my sister. She is an all american, superstar basketball player. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times someone has come up to me and said - Do I know you? Great game last night! Are you that basketball player? How are you liking Arizona State? You look so familiar?! Most times, due to not wanting to make someone feel stupid, I would play along with it and tell them that ASU was great, why thank you - had some great assists in last night's game or yeah I played at CV. She even went on to be drafted in the WNBA. Yeah - she is that fab!
Anyway, here is the rundown:
Mom - Cheerleader at Oregon State University (that is how she met my D-line stud of a dad). Thanks to her cheer days, she can still moves her hips like JLo.
Dad - Starting d-line tackle phenom at Oregon State. Once in college, a couple of beers in, he ripped a stop sign out of CONCRETE...in front of a cop... yeah didn't go over well. Went on to play with the Oakland Raiders for a short stint. Nick still to this day says my dad is the strongest person he knows.
Em - Starting forward at ASU (too many accolades to share) and 3rd round draft pick with the Phoenix Mercury - opted not to play so she could marry Mr. Love and have babies.
Grayling - Ex-300+ lb. o-line beast at Arizona State. Went on to play with the Steelers for a short time before marrying my sis, making Spokane his home and loosing 150lbs.
Nick - Intramural sport player at WSU.
Ashley - Varsity tennis player in high school. That's all I got.
7. I lived in Granada, Spain for 6 months in College.
Best experience ever. I would recommend studying abroad to anyone. It allowed me to become darn close to fluent in Spanish and travel the world. One day, I am hopeful Nick's job will take us overseas to live, if even for a short time.
8. I am shy.
Yes - shy. I really don't like new situations, don't like to be social and don't like people I don't know. Nick totally carries the team in social situations. Crazy huh considering I am an HR manager and my JOB is to recruit/hire people and deal with employee issues?!
9. I want my son to either be a model or an MMA fighter.
Don't quite know what else to say other than he will NEVER wear any type of t-shirt that has a picture of a dino or puppy on it. Also, it better never say - daddy's slugger on it. He sports a faux hawk and wears polos. I need to submit the million pictures I take of him a day to modeling agencies. He need to work a major campaign.
10. Bianca Nicole Salzwedel is my first born - a shih-poo puppy Nick gave to me for my 24th birthday.
If Nick would allow me to name our daughter after her, I totally would.

*Her first night home.
11. My husband has the best hair and the best buns. Ever.
I like to walk around cupping his buns. He hates it.
12. Nothing makes happier than Cupcake Love's cupcakes.
TO DIEEEE FOR. The vanilla bean cupcake is what I hope heaven smells like.
Okay - I am going to wrap up with #13.
13. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God and that he came to this earth to save you and me from eternal separation from the Father.
He is my personal savior and is present in our home and in the middle of our marriage. My prayer is that, by our actions, my family can be a light to those who need one and for those who don't, an encouragement.
Okay - ended a bit heavy but boy was that fun.
So it's your turn.
Emily from Love Letters Inc.
Heather from Crooks Clan
Cecelia from Sincerely Cecelia
Mesha from Duh don't you want to know about me?
I want the goods! Tell me your wild top13.
Happy Friday!
xoxo, Ashley
I am a big huge fan of you and your blog!!! You are good! And entertaining! And hilarious! And honest! And creative! And amazing! And I LOVE YOU! I am up for your challenge... Coming soon! :)