Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A post about being a mother

Mrs. Shogun was my 7th grade home ec teacher at Evergreen Jr. High. Among sewing boxer shorts, cooking stir-fry and learning about her sex life (how it is nothing like the movies where actresses have perfect make-up and hair and aren't profusely sweating) we got to experience having a baby. A flour baby. 

I ended up drawing a 5lb baby boy (fitting right??) who I named Skyler Blake. I wasn't as excited as my friends were about carrying baby Skyler around with me everywhere I went for one week. While my friends had sleepovers to decorate baby books, design flour baby specific outfits and create a birth certificate, Skyler and I just chilled. He quietly sat beside me in class, accompanied me by way of my left hip to tennis practice, choir then all the way to Sumner Lane for the night until we did it again the next day. 

There was this one moment, with Skyler, where we ran into Mrs. Shogun in the hallway on our way to the admin office. She looked at me and only as a mother could said, "You are a natural, Ashley. I can tell you will be a wonderful mother someday."

Me, a mother?

Wow. Someone saw it in me. Beyond the decorated birth certificate, outlandish homemade baby outfits and over designed baby book. I didn't need to be obsessed to be a good mom. 

And looking back on my whole experience? That is how Cruz and are I now. 

We read books, take walks in the backyard, chase each other around the house and when it's time to go all I have to do is jingle my keys and he comes running over to grab my hand. He just wants to go where I go. 

Being a mother hasn't been a life long dream for me but now that I have Cruz and I get to experience his love everyday, I can't imagine living my life any different. 


This mom's day was wonderful. 

Nick hit a home run when he very covertly placed 25 post-it notes all around the house. Signed from him and Cruz, each one read why he and or Cruz was thankful for me. He ended the treasure hunt by handing me the sweetest card which contained a well thought out date night. He even had Cruz color me a picture! So perfect!

We ended the evening by celebrating with my two favorite moms and being treated to an outstanding meal by our men. 


Again, so perfect. 
I am blessed and very thankful to be Cruz's mom. 

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