Monday, May 14, 2012

Yeah, it's been a while

Hello, again.

Forgive me for my lack of posts last week - a lot went on.

Like a. THE FUSSIEST baby on the whole planet decided Monday to start cutting his molars! It hasn't been unbearable (thanks to his necklace) but it has been a touch frustrating. No amount of Tylenol seemed to help. An entire thing of nighttime Baby Orajel did no good. Only OD'ing (not really) on Hylands Teething Tablets stopped my baby from nearly biting through every binkie, sippy, foam letter, and Sophie the Giraffe he could get his sore red gums on.

Thank the Good Lord he is the CUTEST man (besides his daddy) on the face of this planet! Can't keep my bloody hands and lips off the poor guy.

b. To continue the celebration of my mama's birthday, we left the babes with the dads and hopped a plane Thursday afternoon to Phoenix. Agenda: sun, talk, shop, eat, drink, talk, sun, sun, talk, sun, shop and talk. We managed to check every one of those "must dos" off our list and then some. It isn't that often my mom, sis and I just get to be together. Alone together. So to be able to leave our families behind and have the support to go away for a whole weekend isn't just a blessing it is like the first drink of water after being stranded on tall mountain for 40 days.

These two definitely make my favorite people list. In fact they are at the top.

So now that we have that out of the way I can forge ahead with my new material. What is that you say? Mother's Day, thoughts on Gay Marriage, Social Security's most popular baby names,, and house plans. 

PS: Thanks to my amazing husby for gladly shooing me away to AZ so I could come back a better wife and mom. I love and appreciate you, Nick!

PPS: Sandi, if you are reading this, your cupcakes are better than Sprinkles. Seriously. 

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