Happy Thursday!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Mind Blown Tuesday
I hate it when my husband is stressed out. Thankfully I have only seen him at capacity twice.
Once when he was working this horrific job that essentially had him working 24/7 - I mean, we are talking getting calls during CHURCH! The role was challenging and not in his wheel house, the clients had ridiculous expectations and the company suspect. It didn't help that Cruz was only 3 months old and I was a hormonal mess. The second time? Now.
We are adjusting to life with two children which includes sleepless nights, our main living space is totally unfinished and he is experiencing some major change at work. One that requires some pretty heavy travel. Oh and because being a stay at home mom right now is really hard I've practically been begging for a good review from my boss (Nick). Someone to give me a pat on the back and say, "Wow, Ashley! You deserve a promotion for being so amazing. Let's talk more about it in our bed. Under the covers." I know, I am so annoying. No wonder he is stressed out.
In an effort to hold off medical intervention for my poor hubby's stress I decide to Craigslist a contractor to finish our wood floors for us. Can I first say that God has been good to me?! This is our third Craigslist hire and all three have been out of this world amazing. I will admit that after getting off the phone with this guy I did have a flash of serial killer but standing in our living room during the initial consult we became instant besties. He was slinging deals, I was slinging over the top compliments which naturally made him sling more deals... It was glorious.
Anyway, I hired him. He started yesterday.
Not bad, huh?

Once when he was working this horrific job that essentially had him working 24/7 - I mean, we are talking getting calls during CHURCH! The role was challenging and not in his wheel house, the clients had ridiculous expectations and the company suspect. It didn't help that Cruz was only 3 months old and I was a hormonal mess. The second time? Now.
We are adjusting to life with two children which includes sleepless nights, our main living space is totally unfinished and he is experiencing some major change at work. One that requires some pretty heavy travel. Oh and because being a stay at home mom right now is really hard I've practically been begging for a good review from my boss (Nick). Someone to give me a pat on the back and say, "Wow, Ashley! You deserve a promotion for being so amazing. Let's talk more about it in our bed. Under the covers." I know, I am so annoying. No wonder he is stressed out.
In an effort to hold off medical intervention for my poor hubby's stress I decide to Craigslist a contractor to finish our wood floors for us. Can I first say that God has been good to me?! This is our third Craigslist hire and all three have been out of this world amazing. I will admit that after getting off the phone with this guy I did have a flash of serial killer but standing in our living room during the initial consult we became instant besties. He was slinging deals, I was slinging over the top compliments which naturally made him sling more deals... It was glorious.
Anyway, I hired him. He started yesterday.
Not bad, huh?

So while Double R is currently making magic at my house and this hottie is in New York City for the week, me and my hooligans are bach'n it. Eating out, napping at Mimi and Papa's and counting down the seconds till Dad returns.
PS. Hey Nick, thanks for that hot pic this morning. If you showed up at my office in New York City, I'd stop everything to show you my special presentation. In the storage room.
Speaking of eating out....welcome to mind blown Tuesday.
On our way to Mimi and Papa's for nap time today, I stopped through McDonalds for a quick snack. I approached the first window, pulled out my debit card and handed it to the sweet girl clearly smack dab in the middle of the lunch time rush.
"Just a fish fillet for you?" She says.
"Ummm, no." I say, holding back a solid gag, totally caught off guard.
"Of course not." She says.
"Let me ask, do you seriously have people come through and order just one fish sandwich?" Of course, I'm honestly wondering.
"You have no idea." She answered with a look on her face which confirmed she felt the exact same way about the fish fillet as I do.
People really do that? Lots of people? Mind blown.
If you or someone you know thinks - I am hungry....ohhh yummmm, one crispy, fried fish patty from McDonalds sounds amazing right now - then we need to meet. Like, I really want to meet you and know about you. Probably ask you a million questions including why you love the fish fillet.
Maybe...just maybe you can unblow my mind.
Happy Tuesday.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Pepper's Birth Story - Part 1
Hello again.
Pepper's arrival sure changed my little life.
I promise I am coming back...having your life changed the way mine has is definitely a catalyst for some amazing blog posts. In the meantime here is part one of what was promised a month ago.
The best part of being induced is knowing exactly when life will change. We didn't get that luxery with Cruz. He came early, causing complete hysterics due to the fact NOTHING was ready - not my house, my dogs, my bags, my fridge, and most importantly my nails. I mean, thank goodness my designer delivery gown was in the dryer or off the cliff I would have gone. Not this time, I told myself, so by 36 weeks I was ready just in case she was ready. Of course she wasn't and wouldn't be until the Doctor felt best, due to her size, to take her one week prior to her due date.
I had done everything shy of drinking castor oil to kickstart labor on its own. I ate spicy food. Em and I went on long LONG walks. I did wall squats. I dehydrated myself. I drank a full box of Raspberry leaf tea. I had sex - well as much sex as you can have at 37 and 38 weeks pregnant. I don't even think Nick had any fun. It got so bad I seriously considered looking up how to check a pregnant woman's cervix on You Tube so that Nick could check me three times a day. I mean THAT clearly would have done it, right?!
The two days before my induction date were some of the happiest and saddest of my life. I made it my mission to spend as much time with Cruz and Nick as I could. Especially Cruz, who in just two sleeps, would wake up to a different world. One in which would take his best friend and split her into two. Meals were a little longer, hugs a little tighter, kisses a little more frequent. The time spent as mom, dad and Cruz cherished a little more sweeter. All the in between moments were spent cleaning the house, running last minute errands, and wrapping presents.
5:12am. Time to go.
The hospital was a quick drive. It was calm. Much different than the first time. We talked about making the drive 2 years earlier and if either of us thought it would be like this. We parked the car a few minutes later and walked in. Confident. Calm.
We got to the desk to check-in. "We are the Salzwedels. Here to be induced." I said.
The nurse looked at me and smiled, "January 14th. What a good day to have a baby."
Pepper's arrival sure changed my little life.
I promise I am coming back...having your life changed the way mine has is definitely a catalyst for some amazing blog posts. In the meantime here is part one of what was promised a month ago.
The best part of being induced is knowing exactly when life will change. We didn't get that luxery with Cruz. He came early, causing complete hysterics due to the fact NOTHING was ready - not my house, my dogs, my bags, my fridge, and most importantly my nails. I mean, thank goodness my designer delivery gown was in the dryer or off the cliff I would have gone. Not this time, I told myself, so by 36 weeks I was ready just in case she was ready. Of course she wasn't and wouldn't be until the Doctor felt best, due to her size, to take her one week prior to her due date.
I had done everything shy of drinking castor oil to kickstart labor on its own. I ate spicy food. Em and I went on long LONG walks. I did wall squats. I dehydrated myself. I drank a full box of Raspberry leaf tea. I had sex - well as much sex as you can have at 37 and 38 weeks pregnant. I don't even think Nick had any fun. It got so bad I seriously considered looking up how to check a pregnant woman's cervix on You Tube so that Nick could check me three times a day. I mean THAT clearly would have done it, right?!
The two days before my induction date were some of the happiest and saddest of my life. I made it my mission to spend as much time with Cruz and Nick as I could. Especially Cruz, who in just two sleeps, would wake up to a different world. One in which would take his best friend and split her into two. Meals were a little longer, hugs a little tighter, kisses a little more frequent. The time spent as mom, dad and Cruz cherished a little more sweeter. All the in between moments were spent cleaning the house, running last minute errands, and wrapping presents.
To Cruz: I love you already.
Love P
Have you ever had a moment-to-be lay in front of you seated perfectly on the horizon? It is a type of big moment you can see no matter what's happening around you. A moment you replay a million times in your mind. Anticipating emotions. Creating expectations. I have had many. None as big as leaving Cruz with my mom and dad to go have a baby.
Pulling up to the house, Cruz was excited. He knew exactly where we were and was waving his hands in anticipation, just as he always does, for when Mimi and Papa greet him at the door.
"Cruzzzzzz!" She yells.
"Hey Cruz!" He yells.
"Mimi, Papaaaa!"
I grabbed the bags out of the back, followed Nick and Cruz into the house to say goodbye which promptly sent a signal to my brain that said - THIS IS IT. This is the time you freak out. And I didn't disappoint. In fact I cried as I gave instructions, I cried as I was reassured, I cried as I said goodbye, I cried as I reached the car door handle and I cried in the passenger side of the Suburban all the way home. The tears weren't out of frustration, pain, or even the unknown. They were from knowing. Knowing fully and completely the gift he was and knowing that no matter what I did or said each day leading up to this day, the next time he saw me it would all be different.
We had set our alarms for 4:45am. I woke with butterflies at 4:30. It was hard to sleep in a quiet house. No dogs and no Cruz. We quietly shuffled around, throwing on the clothes set out the night before, filling up our mugs full of hot coffee and running through the check-list of things most often forgotten.
5:12am. Time to go.
The hospital was a quick drive. It was calm. Much different than the first time. We talked about making the drive 2 years earlier and if either of us thought it would be like this. We parked the car a few minutes later and walked in. Confident. Calm.
We got to the desk to check-in. "We are the Salzwedels. Here to be induced." I said.
The nurse looked at me and smiled, "January 14th. What a good day to have a baby."
Monday, February 4, 2013
He is all mine
This man is so so so gorgeous. Pinching myself that this face is the one I wake up to each morning.
Holy moly.
Sweet dreams for me. Tonight.
Holy moly.
Sweet dreams for me. Tonight.
A few things I don't want to forget...
Happy Monday!
Is it really bad that I am kinda begging the week to be Friday and it is not even noon?! Sheesh.
Before I hit publish to Pepper's birth story and all things Cruz's 2nd birthday, I have a few things I don't want to forget...
1. 95%
I can't believe I survived last week. Last Sunday we moved everything we own out of our living and dining room into our kitchen and hallway so that the drywall crew we hired could come in and finish addition #1 for us. Considering we had a sectional in our kitchen and an entertainment center in our hallway AND it is not good for the babes to be inhaling drywall dust, we sent Liam to the vet and moved out temporarily into my parents' 2 bedroom winter apartment. What was supposed to take until Wednesday ended up taking until Saturday around 3:30. We finally moved back in on Sunday...just in time for Cruz to get so sick - we are talking barf city - and for the superbowl...yipee (said with an eye roll).
What a HUGE reminder that he IS listening even if he can't quite spit out two word combos (although he did say "yellow nose" last week at speech)!
Is it really bad that I am kinda begging the week to be Friday and it is not even noon?! Sheesh.
Before I hit publish to Pepper's birth story and all things Cruz's 2nd birthday, I have a few things I don't want to forget...
1. 95%
I can't believe I survived last week. Last Sunday we moved everything we own out of our living and dining room into our kitchen and hallway so that the drywall crew we hired could come in and finish addition #1 for us. Considering we had a sectional in our kitchen and an entertainment center in our hallway AND it is not good for the babes to be inhaling drywall dust, we sent Liam to the vet and moved out temporarily into my parents' 2 bedroom winter apartment. What was supposed to take until Wednesday ended up taking until Saturday around 3:30. We finally moved back in on Sunday...just in time for Cruz to get so sick - we are talking barf city - and for the superbowl...yipee (said with an eye roll).
HEY it's 95% done and looking hot!
All we need to do is lay the hard wood floor (which will be two toned until spring when we re-finish the entire first floor in a grey stain) and paint (dark grey to contrast our floors and drapes). Speaking of drapes...we finally pushed go. Think 35 feet of silver velvet hung by an industrial track system to brush the floor! OMG, I can't wait...well I guess I have to. Installation happens in 4 weeks!
2. 2 week/2 year check-up
All I can say is that I must have one screw loose in this head of mine.
Honestly...who thinks it would be a great idea to schedule Pepper's 2 week and Cruz's 2 year doctor's appointment at the same time on the same day? Clearly this girl!
Ready for some fun? Picture this:
Pepper has to get naked for a weight check. Screaming. Cruz is nervous and won't let the nurse or anyone but me touch him. Whining. Pepper gets on the scale. Screaming. Cruz is refusing to get on the scale. Now full on crying. Has to be put on the baby scale. Crying. Pepper is still screaming. She is cold. Cruz now has to be laid down on the baby scale to be measured. Freaking out. I am sweating. Pepper is STILL naked and screaming while Cruz gets examined and by examined I mean SCREAMING over the blood pressure cuff, the ear scope, the measuring tape and the "open-your-mouth-wide" wooden stick. He hasn't even gotten to the 2 shots and the lead check poke yet. Pepper's turn and it's 2 minutes of crying while the doctor pokes and turns and touches her with cold hands while I am trying to listen and respond to his questions and keep Cruz from opening every drawer he shouldn't BE OPENING.
Eye eye eyeeeeeeeee.
Being a mom is hard.
We all practically run out of there once Cruz's lead check comes back (all okay on the lead poisoning front). Cruz finally calms down with a little Dora and some orange juice and Pepper, tired from all that screaming, put herself to sleep. A mandatory mommy time out was had and off we went to our temporary house for treats and naps.
Good news is both kids are healthy and BIG...
Cruz: 32.5 lbs - 90%, 32 inches - 97% and a big head! They say the 2 year check-up is when you can most accurately predict adult height. So taking into consideration mine and Nick's height and Cruz's current weight and height he is supposed to be about 6'3''! I have always dreamed - knowing I would probably have tall kids - about having a son who is bigger than me. In this case, he will be bigger than Nick too! I can't wait to snuggle my big tall baby man. Oh and he WILL let me!
Pepper: Already past her birth stats at a healthy 9#4 and 21 inches long. That is an average weight gain of an oz a day! You go little mama! Who knew nursing would be so different than the catastrophe it was with Cruz?! I am so proud of us, Pepper girl!
Oh yeah...little tootsie's 4th and 5th toes on her left foot are fused together with skin. If she were a boy it might not be a big deal but in an world where girls already have it rough (bringing me back to the days where I was made fun of for my mustache and hairy arms..Jeff Skierka actually told me to my face he wouldn't date me cause my arms were too hairy - clearly I haven't forgotten that...) I am not about to make it worse. We have pedicures and open toe shoes to look forward to for goodness sake! So, we go see Shriners in March. Until then her toes are getting some major love - just another reminder God made her extra special!
3."Postiveeee Life Radiooooo"
Nick and I made the decision before Cruz turned 1 that the only music allowed in the car would be Christian music. At first it was something I had to always remind myself of. Now, it is like riding a bike. Second nature and something I look forward to every time I get in the car.
The other day we were on our way back home from speech, listening to Positive Life Radio when it went to commercial. After a few messages and right before the new set starts the PLR jingle plays. All of a sudden, the messages stop and Cruz pipes up. He starts singing with the jingle, "positiveeee life radiooooo"!!
It was so stinking cute and surprising! I look back in the rear view mirror - making a large deal - and he of course he is smiling away so proud of himself.
What a HUGE reminder that he IS listening even if he can't quite spit out two word combos (although he did say "yellow nose" last week at speech)!
I love love love my big 2 year old.
And lastly - happy 3 week birthday to the beautiful girl who people say looks a lot like her beautiful dad.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Just a peek
Happy February!
Our friend and family photog, Sarah G. took some pictures for us. Not only did she do Pepper's newborn shoot at 4 days old but she also was in the delivery room with us taking pictures of her birth.
Our friend and family photog, Sarah G. took some pictures for us. Not only did she do Pepper's newborn shoot at 4 days old but she also was in the delivery room with us taking pictures of her birth.
She is planning on blogging about both sessions next week but in an effort to tide me over, she graciously sent me a few sneak peeks.
I die. Breathtaking. And these are only a few.
(Oh yeah...I also want to get a jump start on her birth announcement)
My daughter is beautiful.
Thank you so so much, Sarah!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
What's in a name?
Since Pepper's birth people have repeatedly asked where her name came from.
The minute we definitively decided it would be THE name, we knew it would be the most common question. We also knew it would be met with either thrill and/or confusion, dislike - hence our decision to keep it quiet until birth. While I could not be more obsessed with our daughter's name I didn't want to deal with comments and less than enthusiastic facial expressions.
Some parents choose names that are close to their heart. Family names, names that remind them of something beautiful or simply because they sound beautiful. We chose Cruz because of it's meaning and origin and Nicholas - well it was always known our first son would carry the tradition of inheriting Dad's first name as a middle name.
Nick is Nicholas Robert
Bob (Nick's dad) is Robert William
The name Valentine is a nod to my Hispanic family - which I wanted. My grandma Rosie's (Rosanna Beatrice) dad was Dante Valentino and according to my sweet grandma, 4 other Dupont men carried the name Valentino. I love the name Clementine - a name which Nick quickly veto'd as a first name option - so learning the significance of Valentino in my family and how similar Valentine is to Clementine...done and done.
Pepper on the other hand was a total fluke.
One evening before finding out we were expecting I was browsing Pinterest - as I do every evening before bed. I came across an amazing baby girl board and it was titled Baby Pepper. I gasped. Honestly. Love at first sight. After coming to, I yell to Nick:
"Nick, what do you think about the name Pepper for our daughter?"
Crossing my fingers and praying he loved it more than anything....
He should't have been that surprised. He knew my heart's desire for the most unique name in history - here and here.
"Pepper...Pepper. I like it. I really like it."
"YESSSSSSSS! Seriously? Pepper Salzwedel?"
"I love it."
Pepper Valentine. It's always been Pepper Valentine.
(May your story be full of spice, strength, pride, confidence and love, little girl)
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
It took us 5 weeks after Cruz was born to brave going to church. I remember feeling overwhelmed the entire time - itching to get back to my safe place...home. In light of that truthful revelation, imagine my surprise when I answered a quick "yes" when Nick asked me if I felt up to going to Church Sunday. Pepper had not celebrated her 2 week birthday and Cruz - well that poor guy still cries when we drive into the parking lot knowing his fate lies in Sunday school. My little sensitive soul is very much attached to mom and dad.
But we went and we made it.
Now, I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in Angels. I believe in God's perfect will and His timing. I believe in Heavenly callings. Purpose. I believe things happen - people happen - because they were meant to happen. And in this case I think my "yes" came so quickly because we were meant to be there.
Nathan started a new sermon series called, Before and After.
What happens before you say "I do". -Sunday's sermon.
What happens before you say "I quit".
What happens after you say "I quit".
It was incredible.
Okay, Nick and I are totally married (approaching year 7..woahhhhh) so you wouldn't think it would be that applicable but there were absolute take aways that I know will stick with me. Nathan covered a few biblical principles - how we as believers are supposed to handle dating and the three biggest mistakes dating/engaged couples make that could derail marriage.
There is no doubt Nick and I made some mistakes. We didn't do everything by the playbook and that is why I am so thankful for God's forgiveness and grace but the biggest reminder came when Nathan simply stated - God is the creator of marriage. Don't you think he knows best? Don't you think doing it His way is the best way?
What is His way?
Ashley - #1 having a solid foundation rooted in faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Nick - #1 having a solid foundation rooted in faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
This of course coming before each other.
I can't expect Nick to fulfill me. Because he won't. And vise versa. I CAN, however, expect that from God - how cool! He alone can help me be BETTER for Nick. And I want that. To be better.
If Nick and I can be faithful in always pursuing #1 - coming back to doing it (marriage) God's way - I know we will be unshakable.
Church ended with some incredible worship. Sitting beside my husband, holding our squealing baby daughter we sang Chris Tomlin's Whom Shall I Fear.
But we went and we made it.
Now, I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in Angels. I believe in God's perfect will and His timing. I believe in Heavenly callings. Purpose. I believe things happen - people happen - because they were meant to happen. And in this case I think my "yes" came so quickly because we were meant to be there.
Nathan started a new sermon series called, Before and After.
What happens before you say "I do". -Sunday's sermon.
What happens before you say "I quit".
What happens after you say "I quit".
It was incredible.
Okay, Nick and I are totally married (approaching year 7..woahhhhh) so you wouldn't think it would be that applicable but there were absolute take aways that I know will stick with me. Nathan covered a few biblical principles - how we as believers are supposed to handle dating and the three biggest mistakes dating/engaged couples make that could derail marriage.
There is no doubt Nick and I made some mistakes. We didn't do everything by the playbook and that is why I am so thankful for God's forgiveness and grace but the biggest reminder came when Nathan simply stated - God is the creator of marriage. Don't you think he knows best? Don't you think doing it His way is the best way?
What is His way?
Ashley - #1 having a solid foundation rooted in faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Nick - #1 having a solid foundation rooted in faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
This of course coming before each other.
I can't expect Nick to fulfill me. Because he won't. And vise versa. I CAN, however, expect that from God - how cool! He alone can help me be BETTER for Nick. And I want that. To be better.
If Nick and I can be faithful in always pursuing #1 - coming back to doing it (marriage) God's way - I know we will be unshakable.
Church ended with some incredible worship. Sitting beside my husband, holding our squealing baby daughter we sang Chris Tomlin's Whom Shall I Fear.
You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Through darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light
Whom shall I fear?
You crush the enemy
Underneath my feet
You are my Sword and Shield
Though trouble lingers still
Whom shall I fear?
I know Who goes before me
I know Who stands beside me
The God of angel armies
Is always on my side
The One who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
It wrapped up an incredible morning - one in which was certainly no coincidence.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Happy 2nd Birthday, Cruz Nicholas!
No joke.
It seems like yesterday Nick and I were headed to Valley Hospital - scared out of our minds - ready to become a family of 3.
I still don't think either of us imagined how the arrival of our Cruzie would so drastically change our life.
1st Birthday!
Today - 2nd Birthday!
I can assure you one thing and I'm speaking for Nick here too: we love this little guy more fiercely today than the day he was born - and that was some intense love.
There is no one on earth who can make me cry, laugh and love harder and at the drop of a hat than Cruz.
Thank you God for the most incredible gift.
Happy 2nd birthday to you, our son.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
A week full of Pepper
Pepper's first week at home has been nothing short of amazing, terrifying, emotional and over all life changing! This week, as I reflect on her birth (and the thousand other things I need to blog about - her name, how Cruz is adjusting ect.), I am so grateful for friends and family. For the generosity For the love. For the sweet prayers. For time. We are beyond blessed. Plain and simple.
Last night I was staring at Nick. He was standing in the hallway watching me play with Cruz and get him ready for bed. Holding and feeding our baby daughter in boxers and a t-shirt, I stopped. Wanting to freeze the flood of memories I was able to drink in at that moment.
My hot husband - so young. Taking care of our daughter in his way. Still so strange to be a mom of 2. To have a little girl and a little boy (who I love so much it made me cry everyday last week) and to have a husband I adore...I can't believe this is the start to the rest of our life.
Until I get the opportunity to sit down and type out her birth story or share with you how we came up with her name, allow me to share with you - in pictures - her first week home with us.
Last night I was staring at Nick. He was standing in the hallway watching me play with Cruz and get him ready for bed. Holding and feeding our baby daughter in boxers and a t-shirt, I stopped. Wanting to freeze the flood of memories I was able to drink in at that moment.
My hot husband - so young. Taking care of our daughter in his way. Still so strange to be a mom of 2. To have a little girl and a little boy (who I love so much it made me cry everyday last week) and to have a husband I adore...I can't believe this is the start to the rest of our life.
Until I get the opportunity to sit down and type out her birth story or share with you how we came up with her name, allow me to share with you - in pictures - her first week home with us.
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 5.
Day 6.
Day 7.
Pepper Valentine - 7 days in and you are our star in a dark sky.
Thank you for completing our family.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
She is here!
pepper valentine made her entrance on 1/14/13. she is a healthy 8lbs 14oz, 19 inches long. adored by her mama, daddy, and big brother cruz.
tired as we are, we are so blessed. our family is complete.
tired as we are, we are so blessed. our family is complete.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Nick and his red plate
It is no secret around here that my husband is wildly talented, super hot and man full of passionate convictions. He is not going to be that happy that I am posting all of this - he is rather shy - but it's my blog so to you dear husband I say, tough.
There are a million things I could red plate Nick for. But around here we save the red plating for very specific, very special accomplishments.
This red plate?
Nick hit his yearly quota at work - something he did a month early, in the midst of some huge organizational change and a down year. To celebrate this accomplishment, work will be sending us to Hawaii again in April - which is most certainly a nice perk however unnecessary and not what I am jumping up and down about.
What makes me so proud. What makes me jump up and down is watching Nick do his thing. It is inspiring. Simply put, he works hard everyday to learn, grow and prove his worth all while maintaining his integrity. He doesn't say much when he has a great month, he doesn't say much when he has a bad month - he just puts his head down and honors God by working with all his heart - working for God, not for man. Colossians 3:23
The coolest part of all of this is that there is one little boy who loves and looks up to his dad so much. He gets to grow up and learn a little bit about humility, work ethic, how to be a spiritual leader and a faithful husband and most importantly how to love and honor Jesus through responding to heavenly callings.
I wouldn't have it any other way. Cruz is one lucky boy.
Hey Nick, if I don't say it enough, I am wildly proud of the man you are and I love you.
Monday, January 7, 2013
38 weeks
*Another picture to come...don't like the one I originally took....
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: As I write this? 38 weeks, 3 days.
Total Weight Gain: 28 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yea!
Stretch Marks: Two - belly button and the "lone ranger". At least I am lucking out over the hips.
Best Moment this Week: Baby Salz's ultrasound! Seeing her face, the floating strands of dark hair surrounding her head and watching her "practice breathe" was too much! Emily thinks she looks exactly like Cruz did...I don't know about that but I CAN NOT WAIT to find out.
Oh other best moment - eating out with my little family of three. We ate out three times last week - a. I am trying to unload all of the unhealthy, fast food gift cards I got from my dad before this girl comes. The second she is out we are on a strict diet. Soooo for now, I could care less about what I am shoving in my mouth. Plus I am under my weight goal by 5 lbs. I have wiggle room! :) b. I am really trying to soak up my time with Cruz and with Nick and Cruz. Nothing says family time like a trip to Conleys for soup and salad! Yummy!
Miss Anything: Loads of misses. A good night's sleep - #1.
Movement: It is definitely cramped in there but I can feel her head on my cervix, her feet kicking my left side and her bum right up against the ribs on my right side. It is wild.
Cravings: Sweets. Nothing new.
Gender: GIRL!
Name: So excited to share!
Labor Signs: I have every labor sign known to man BESIDES real deal contractions - she has dropped (I can barely walk), I lost my plug, juices are flowing, cervix is open (3cm & 50% thinned)....I mean, COME ON! And when I tell you that I am doing everything I can to induce labor myself, I am. Well - no castor oil (I refuse to experience intense diarrhea - so says the baby boards) but everything else is fair game.
Symptoms: Wicked heartburn and pressure like a mother.
Happy or Moody: Moody - only because I want to get the show on the road! Oh and because the discomfort is out. of. this. world.
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.
Looking Forward to: Her arrival! I am on pins and needles. Each Braxton Hicks contraction I question - is this it?!?! I just need my water to break this week! The good news is I only have 7 days. If my water doesn't break this week this precious girl will be born on January 14th!
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