Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: As I write this? 20 weeks 3 days
Total Weight Gain: 5lbs. Honestly, with how large I feel, I am surprised it isn't more like 10. My goal is not to exceed the lbs I gained with Cruz (33). I just keep telling myself to walk it off. Walk. It. Off. Oh and cut back on Baskin Robbins Chocolate PB ice cream.
Maternity Clothes: I still am only wearing maternity bottoms. Last weekend I pulled out my small (and I mean a quarter of a small moving box small) maternity stash from Cruz. A few cute maternity tops I forgot about! I'll bust those out as we get further into fall. PS: Old Navy rocked my ever lovin' world the other day! Their fall sweaters are KILLER. I scored this little leopard tunic sweater I plan on wearing for my maternity pics (paired with a skinny belt, knee high socks and hunter rain boots) and this little polka dot number. Going one size up does wonders for a bump!
Stretch Marks: No and thanks to my bestie's b-day package, I won't ever!
Best Moment this Week: Nick - my non expressive, non emotional husband - calling baby p by name. It is the sweetest thing to hear him say her name. OMG and all the HEADBANDS/HAIR CLIPS I have purchased. These three were a direct result of excessive blog/Etsy surfing last night. LOVE, huh?!

Miss Anything: This week it's being able to take a long walk without, much later, feeling like a granny who just had a hip replacement. My round ligaments are making me feel disabled.
Movement: So much more! It is still only when I am still but sis was gifted a fetal doppler when she was pregnant with Lucy. We counted and so far it has tracked and listened to 9 babies! Soooo freakin' cool. Anyway, most nights I don't have to use it cause I feel little jabs down low but the nights she is really quiet, I bust the thing out and make the whole family listen to her little heartbeat. Every time I put on those headphones and chase her quick heartbeat back and forth across my belly I smile. Every time.
Cravings: This week? Sourdough English muffins and iced coffee. Don't worry. It will change next week. Oh and you better believe I indulge. Despite my strict weigh gain goal (see above). Hence walking it off.
Gender: WOOOO HOOO!!!! I get to have a daughter!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A GIRL!
Name: PVS. Big fat secret till birth...although guesses are welcome.
Labor Signs: No. And thank you Jesus!
Symptoms: Hormonal headaches and the grumps.
Happy or Moody: Moody. I feel like niceness makes me happy. Why can't everyone else in my whole world just be nice all the time?!
Wedding Rings - on or off: On!
Looking Forward to: During my ultrasound baby p was tummy down so unfortunately they weren't able to see her heart. This means that Dr. Brown will give me another ultrasound next apt. to take a peek! Looking very much forward to that...if only to triple check she has ovaries and a vagina (which is currently forming as I type) and to see a profile shot. I am already dreaming about how she will look upon birth! Will we have another Cruz or something completely different? Both my parents have green eyes. Nick's mom has light eyes and hair and his sister the same. You never know...she could come out looking like a Dutch national. To be honest...all I care about is her hair. If I can't immediately slap on a glitter heart onto her locks I will cry. Kidding. Kind of.
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