Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: As I write this? 36 weeks, 4 days.
Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs. Today I had my 36 week apt. Stepping on the scale to find out my number hadn't changed even an ounce since two weeks ago was honestly the best Christmas present I could have ever given myself...especially considering Christmas Eve I ate 7 or 8 (stopped counting) fist size chocolate chip cookies. Fresh out of the oven. A little under cooked. Best ever.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity leggings, black yoga pants, camis and zip ups the rest of the way.
Stretch Marks: Nick freaked out the other day when I came out of my bathroom naked. Staring at my belly he gasped and told me my belly button looked disfigured, bruised and badly beaten. I mean, I will give him that. Not only is he dead right but it is also FULLY out - the top a little more protruded than the bottom. Ewwwwww. Turns out my belly button is one giant puffy stretched out little thing. It now happily joins the stretch mark I told you about in my last update.
Best Moment this Week: My appointment today was pretty amazing. Started off on a high note stepping on that scale and other than the Strep B test (where they swab your hole) it kept getting better. Not only am I 2 cm. dilated but Doctor B scheduled me a weight check ultrasound for January 2nd. All signs now point to baby girl being between 7-8 lbs at 40 weeks but with Cruz estimated at 9-11 at 40, he just wants to be sure.
Miss Anything: Too many things to mention and it is almost bed time...but honestly, now that I am that close, I am kinda sad it all is coming to an end. Totally bittersweet.
Movement: She is low. And head down. This means I feel knees, buns, feet mostly but what is REALLY nuts and totally crazy is when her head or hands hit my bladder or cervix. It is the most stop you in your tracks feeling EVER. Nick will often see my face when this happens and ask me what is wrong. When I tell him he goes, "oh." Ummm OH?! I wish you, Nicholas, had a 6 lb child punching you in the penis all day then you MAY have an idea as to how I feel.
Cravings: Umm check out my newest can't live without it craving - a mini bottle of pulp free orange juice. I step foot into Albertsons and immediately, without skipping a beat, stroll down the breakfast aisle to grab and then down my mini bottle. I am so that lady who brings empty containers with me to the check-out guy. I know that I could buy a gallon jug of pulp free orange juice so I can indulge at home but there is something about the mini bottle that really REALLY does it for me. As we speak I am planning out my tomorrow morning in my head cause I HAVE TO HAVE a mini oj. Have to.
Gender: GIRL!
Name: We have a name....kinda wished we didn't though because this really hot mommy blogger/photographer I follow recently had a baby girl and named her Parker. Parker London Rose. I AMAZING???? I am beyond obsessed and totally pissed at myself for not coming up with Parker for a baby girl myself.
Labor Signs: I make them up. Contractions? Sure. Extra discharge? Totally. Hey 2 cm. is something but other than that I got nothing.
Symptoms: Two are currently ruling my life. Heartburn and pressure.
Happy or Moody: Umm...I guess moody but honestly just uncomfortable. That alone is the reason I am moody.
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.
Looking Forward to: My ultrasound next week followed by baby girl's arrival! I wonder if I will even get to next week's apt.?! Oh and I can't wait to share her completed nursery with you. I spent all of last week cleaning, organizing and putting things in their spot. All bags are packed too btw (just have to add my designer hospital gown thanks to sissy dearest - major love)! Nick finished her changing table and hung shelves. It is looking more amazing than I could have even hoped. Her name is now official and hanging over her crib (thanks to my wildly talented friend Lindsey) which is why I can't show you everything just yet but trust me, it is good.
Here are just a few fruits of my labor...and Nick's too.

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