Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Challenge, take 2

Is it Wednesday already? Anyone else feel this way?
It was one week ago I challenged myself and all of you to answer a few simple questions. 
Did you do it?

Here we go. Challenge, take 2. 

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My Mind: Today it was fox news. I am obsessed. Can't get enough election talk. Period. Love.
My Body: It was a heavy day today. My dear dear friend, mentor and inspiration (I can't even begin to tell you how much I wish I was like her in so many ways) was told that her job was eliminated after she fought for 2 1/2 years to change a failing leadership culture. Now, along the way, she did WAY more than just fight. She  mentored so many, inspired so many, taught so many. Myself included. It is where we met. So after receiving the news, attending an off-site meeting, we met for a coffee (cause that's what we do) at Sullivan Starbucks and cried together. Then, at around 8pm, we took a drive out to our old place of work to clean out her office. So many memories - good and bad. I still say to this day that the HR role I had at Ambassadors was by far my most favorite. It touched on everything I still love about HR to this day...they say people don't leave jobs, they leave leaders. That was true then - for me.
So - to wash off all of my sadness and emotion - including raging dislike - I took the longest, hottest shower ever. It was amazing. 
My Spirit: Nothing like a little Jesus Calling by Sarah Young to calm this mama's worried heart. Seems like I have been worrying about far to much lately and not relying on Him. Tsk Tsk, Ashley. I know better - he is always faithful and because his plan is ALWAYS FAR better than mine I need to simply relinquish control and give it up.
My Relationships: I love my sister. She is so amazing and is my best friend. One of the things I love most about us is that sometimes one of us will spontaneously set a date. Meet me here. Wanna go to Target. Wanna hang out. Come over. Let's go do this. Today, Em was up to her ears in all things kids. Can I just say that 3 kids - well one toddler and twins (Trey and Cruz are only 11 weeks apart) - forget it. Couldn't do it if my life depended on it. Anyway she called me 10 minutes before I got off work and told me she needed a break. Meet me at Target she said. Done. Happy to oblige. 
These are the times my sis and I get to reconnect. Em, bet you didn't know those convos in the Target food court and laugh out loud moments that come with our afternoon adventures are my very favorite.
My Creativity and Passion: I really love to cook. Love to bake. Love to experiment. Love it. Today, I took a very highly regarded enchilada recipe off of pinterest and gave it my best shot. Total hit! Husband loved it, I loved it. Oh and can I just say that the delight in my husband voice made me so proud! This was not a quick, 20 minute recipe. It took a while (lots of steps) including making a homemade enchilada sauce. SOOO worth it. I keep telling my Dream Table that we need to sit down and meal plan one month using ONLY pinterest recipes. Fun and totally do-able right?!

To end the day - cause I need to get my arse to bed next to my warm husby - here is my real motivation, passion, love and joy of all joys, Preshy.

Night all. 

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