I have so many things to write about....the Dream Table Christmas celebration, the 2012 Presidential race, the first real meeting with our newly hired architect, Cruz turning a whopping 10 months, House Tour - Bedrooms...
BUTTTT before I get to all of that, which I promise you is on its way, I wanted to issue a challenge.
Browsing through Pinterest this evening looking for amazing recipes to put together for tomorrow's Scentsy party, I came across this:
(which made me react - you know when you see, feel, touch or hear something you love?)

How amazing, right???
I bet that some of you don't do this enough - too busy trying to raise children with integrity and character God would be proud of, trying to be Martha Stewart, loving on our husbands, OMG who can forget working for goodness sake.
Imagine, just once a week, being able to answer every question above with purpose, with gumption, with intention.
Here is my challenge and it goes out to all of you....
Every Wednesday, let's devote the entire day to being able to answer every question above with purpose, with gumption with intention and with passion, shall we? And see what comes of it?
I will start us off.
Today what did I do for...
My Mind? Today the CNN Political Ticker, which I frequent many times a day, inspired me to learn a little bit more about EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and Cap and Trade. I googled it and then spent a good 20 minutes on the EPA's website.
I care because 1. It could be an interview question when running for Mrs. Washington. I can very confidently say that I failed the Miss. Spokane interview. Like, FAILED. The panel asked me my opinion on the teacher's union. I said something to the effect of, "I think they can be good and bad." Seriously, Ashley? OF COURSE YOU DON'T LIKE THE TEACHER'S UNION. Good thing I happened to catch mono from sharing a few too many alcoholic beverages with my sorority sisters because I got really skinny right before the pageant and won the swimsuit competition. 2. I want to be smarter than any liberal I happen to run across. 3. Any mayor of Liberty Lake should be able to speak intelligently on Cap and Trade.
My Body? I drank 8 full glasses of water today. Hey, that is something! Oh, I also plan to be in bed by 9pm.
My Spirit? I went on a date with my baby. We went to Starbucks to get a latte and a cake pop. It is our thing. It makes me happy and I know it makes Cruz happy too. It is the one thing we have. It is so special.
My Relationships? This one was on Monday but I have felt happy ever since - I sent a text message to one of my best friends wishing her a great week at work, to let her know that I was thinking of her and that I loved her. The text message I got in return was so amazing...I love knowing that taking 2 seconds out of my morning to text my bestie made her day and in turn, made my week.
What have I done today for my relationship with Nick? I bought us new sheets (like amazing high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets) - washed and dried them, slipped them on before he got home from work and plan to cuddle with him in them tonight.
My Creativity and My Passion? First of all I am blogging and that touches on both. I love telling my stories. At the Dream Table Christmas celebration someone asked me why I blog. I said - it is because I am a unique individual. I love hard and I try, in all things, to experience life to its fullest. If people happen to like the stories I tell then fantastic and if they don't, well at least Cruz and baby Salzwedel #2 have one heck of a good journal to read when they are older. Second, I am passionate about what I do for a living. I love HR. I love listening to employees, recruiting and attracting amazing talent and creating an environment where people feel safe, feel valued and feel proud about working in. So today in an effort to feed the passion I have for my field, I looked into re-taking my PHR (Professional in Human Resources certification) this spring. I sat for the test last year at this time and failed by 3 point. 3 EFFING POINTSSSS. 200 questions on this test and 3 of them kept me from obtaining my certification. Ahhh...kills me every time I even think about it.
Now it is your turn. What did you do for...?
PS: SURPRISE!!! We got our pictures taken AGAIN by the most amazing Sarah Graczyk! She posted a preview of the mini-sessions on her blog - check it out here. Cruz is so handsome, I can hardly stand it. I told my mom today that I was going to google how I sign this kid up to model. I am serious about that, BTW. Maybe it is a good thing Cruz wasn't a girl...by now she would be waist deep in baby beauty pageants. Oh yes, I am SOOOO that mom.
Um seriously! I just looked at the pic of Cruz! Get out!!!! Love it! ~ keri