Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Important shout-outs


Emily - I wish I had the nuts to do what you did yesterday. 
Not only are you stunning but you reek sophistication and grace. I am OBSESSED with your new hair and wish a million times I was you!

PS: If a producer from America's Next Top Model approaches you in the airport this weekend, I might punch you.

2. To Lucy & Trey: 

Lucy & Trey - Thank you for being the best cousins in the world! Cruz  looks forward to coming over to play every day. Even when you try and ride him like a horse and tackle him he still kinda likes it - don't let the screaming fool you. 

He would be a lonely boy if it weren't for you two. 

You may not know it yet but you will all be best friends. Cruz sure loves you a LOT!

PS: Pulling your hair, Lucy, is his pay back! :)

3. To my husby:

Nick - I may not say it everyday but I sure think it... 
You are the most amazing father, husband, provider and friend I could have ever asked for. 
Your work ethic amazes me every day - even if we don't get to go to Hawaii this year - I still think you are the best salesman on the face of the I know we will go next year! :) 

I believe you can do anything!

Oh and if it works out that Liberty Lake picks me, it will be because of you! You are my encouragement all of the time. 

How can I be any luckier to get to call you all family?! 

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