Two things I love most: a. the final question and b. it makes me want to pump up my diet and exercise program.
Monday, expect a Miss America update including final question analysis.

You go Miss Texas!
3. Have you ever come home from a long, hard day at work and thought to yourself, Gee. They got their money's worth outta me today!? Well I said that at 9:36am after writing - then voiding - the writing - then voiding - then writing 8 checks to our many vendors. Let's just get something very straight. I am not now nor will I ever be an accountant. SICK. THEN I said it again at 12:06pm right after I fired our shuttle driver for collecting 3 customer complaints in 3 days and calling the Spokane PD after finding out one of our Mazda's was the HIT (well and the run) in a hit and run last night.
I know! No time to even blog. Shame.
4. I am approximately 3 days late when it comes to my party planning timeline. HELLOOOO?!?!?!?! my precious son's first birthday is only a FEW WEEKS AWAY!
Good thing I at least know the theme.
We are going with a navy and yellow happy hour theme! While I do believe that Cruz will eventually have a birthday party oozing with Elmo, Dora, Old McDonald's farm, Jurassic Park and quite potentially Jake and the Neverland Pirates, this is NOT the year for that. In fact...I hope that is never the year but who am I to turn down the birthday requests of my beautiful boy?
Since he will be one. Won 't care nor remember the occasion other than by the 1,000,000,0000000000 pics I will take, figures this party be for the party goers.
Out of the all of the things I have to do - guest list, invites, menu, cupcakes, decor ect. - the ONLY thing I have done is ordered my Preshy his first birthday t-shirt.
Move over Tori Spelling.
5. Have you heard the phrase - destined for greatness? I am feeling more like currently stuck in dumbness. My job isn't very fun. I am not very fun - probably because I am constantly tired. My sister even told me the other day I have been sporting dark circles. Oh and thanks to Em I now know us Mexis are more prone to dark circles. Great. That same night, I waited for Nick to get home from work so I could RUN to Walgreens to find some hope. My hope? Aveeno's smart essentials anti fatigue eye treatment.
On Saturday I told Nick I wanted to quit my job and apply to be a 911 operator.
34 minutes later, when Beyonce and Jay's baby was announced via and I read the gloooorious words, Blue Ivy Carter, I told Nick I wanted to be a nameologist.
Is there such a thing?
Why can't I do all the things I love? Recruit fresh/red hot talent for somewhere who appreciates fresh/red hot talent, mentor young..well and old people in trying to create an amazing resume/apply/interview for a dream role, get hired or EVEN ASKED (cause I would SO do it for free) to create the most creative, unique, crazy cool baby names for expecting moms, answer the phones for 911 for 3 major incidents a day, be a regular contributor on Fox News, run for Mrs. Washington, decorate houses with my husband.........
OHHH and have time for daily mani/pedi, 45 minute workout, hair apt., and brow waxing ALL while not missing the kisses, snuggles, smiles, laughter, excitement from the small things: watching dad walk in the door from work or watching me pull a pink birthday cake pop from the brown Starbucks bag and second by second learning.
Is that possible?
6. I never knew how horrific CANCER could be. Never have been close to it, never smelled it, never touched it, never experienced it. Ever. That is until these last few months. Thanks to cancer, I spent most of last Saturday sobbing my eyes out. Nick's step mom has taken a turn for the worse and probably won't be with us much longer.
It is funny how the Holy Spirit works. Ever since the Dream Table a week ago Tuesday, I have been feeling super convicted to go. That whole week, a few hours wouldn't go by without thoughts of Bob &/or Laurie popping up in my head. So after conveying my heavy heart to Nick we pack up our family and head south to the Lewiston/Clarkston valley where they live.
While being there was incredibly hard - emotionally - it was so good. We were able to offer Bob our support, visit with Laurie and be present when the bad news arrived on Sunday. It was news that Laurie's last round of chemo was not successful and the tumors were all still living in places they shouldn't.
I sobbed.
Because I hurt for Bob. What it must feel like to know you will outlive your spouse. Your life partner.
Because I am scared for Laurie. What it must feel like to be so so sick and to know modern medicine failed you.
Because I am sad for Laurie's parents. What it must feel like to even THINK for one second you might have to bury your child.
My only prayer (and it is one I pray multiple times a day) is one of peace for the whole family and more importantly that out of this UGLY mess that God be glorified.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10)
My friends, please be praying for Bob and Laurie.
This was a gift from her dearest friends. Bob hung it on the wall in their bedroom right across from her hospital bed for her to see every moment she is awake.
Makes you just a little bit more thankful for your many blessings, doesn't it?
I think that is all I have for you this Friday the 13th.
Allow me to leave you with the most fun, most gorge little almost 1 year old human on the face of this planet.
Happy weekend!
PS: Next week will bring you a good ol' presidential race update and not 1 but 2 sets of house plans! Stay tuned!
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