I feel like I always have a current list of favorite things. Don't we all?
Like things that are in-the-moment obsessionssssss - with a capital O.
Typically this list changes season to season but sometimes when I have hit the product/thing jackpot???
It never leaves.
Here are my current favorite things. EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR.
1. Clarisonic Mia 2 Sonic Skin Cleansing System

Did you know that the Clarisonic cleans your face 6 times better than you do??????
When I was pregnant with Cruz my skin was glorious. Not one zit. Even through nursing - amazing. Fast forward 6 months...I started getting UGLY chin acne. It was horrible, disgusting and totally embarrassing. I was literally hiding my chin with my North Face fleece each night from Nick so he wouldn't leave me for the 75 yr old hottie next door.
I had never had acne as bad.
So Christmas came around and I was blessed with this little ruby by my Grandma Leal. Along with some topical cream, using my pink Clarisonic has all but cleared up my chin, left it void of wrinkles AND as soft as Cruz's back side. I am obsessed and hope to have "Clarisonic skin" my WHOLE life!
2. Cruz's cool mist humidifier

It isn't so much the humidifier part as it is the NOISE part!!!! We did an experiment. Two nights in a row after three consecutive 7pm-7am sleeps WITH the noise we tried life without the noise. The first night I woke up twice. The second night I think I seriously woke up 5 times.
For Cruz's birthday (on Sunday O.M.G) he will be getting the mac daddy of noise machines. We don't need the mist when he isn't sick we need the NOIIIISSSEEEEEEEE.
3. OPI Rapid Dry Spray

I have a serious obsession with manicures and pedicures.
When I was traveling as a district recruiter I would also make time in my travel schedule to stop and get a mani. Seeing as though I would be standing in front of hundreds a day representing Combined Insurance (totally their first impression), I some how convinced myself I needed amazing nails. That it fit my look.
In each city I had my favorites.
In Portland it was the nail place next to the Fred Meyer by my Grandma's house.
In Seattle, the nail place across from Olive Garden at South Center.
In Boise, a small little shop over by BSU.
I really could get a mani once a week.....
BUT, now I have a kid, am working part time and think that blowing 60 bucks a month on manicures doesn't make sense. Don't get me wrong Kelly and I still get our nails done but more like once a month...not each week.
Because I have had to scale back I have stocked up on OPI nail polish from the Beauty Supply store at an attempt of accomplishing the fete at home. I am very happy to report that I have gotten amazing at painting my right hand. I know - big deal. BUT I am even happier to report that I have found my miracle nail product - the OPI Rapid Dry Spray. Spraying this on your nails 45 seconds after you have finished painting that last nail drys them in 30 seconds. I AM NOT KIDDING. Just a few sprays and I can get up play fetch with Liam or change a dirty diaper without smudging my beautiful paint job.
4. Buckle's BKE Long Yoga Pant

So I totally have to dress up for work. Everyday. I don't get Friday jean days. We sell Lincolns here which means we have the oldies and richies walking around here throwing down 60k+ for some of the most beautiful cars I have ever seen. We can't be walking around in sweats and ugg boots.
Let me tell you the SECOND I walk through my garage door into my home I am stripping off my leggings/tights/slacks and running to the bedroom to find my yoga pants.
I love these in particular well, 1. I am supporting my bestie Erin who manages the Valley Buckle but 2. THEY ARE LONG!!!!!!!!!!! They sell LONG yoga pants and for us tall women a 34 in. inseam = heaven. I am a hip mom for goodness sake (at least I hope so). I can't be running around in Albertsons showing my white athletic socks to the world because I am wearing flood pants. Sick.

I guess the theme here is when I love something I LOVE something.
Nick was really mad at me yesterday because I changed my Scentsy pots. All 5 of them. I had just changed them three days ago.
Here is the thing...walk into my living room and you will smell dog behind. Liam is a human sized animal which means when he passes gas, burps or has halitosis it would be like Nick fluffing, burping or breathing rotten onions/poo 24/7. Get the picture??
He thinks
6. Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets

These are my ALL time FAVORITE blankets/nursing covers/stroller blankie EVER!!!!!!!! Unfortunately I didn't get to use them as swaddles (their intended purpose) because by the time Cruz was over his jaundice and off the light blanket (7 HORRIFIC days) he refused to be swaddled.
I have three of these bad boys and they are Cruz's blankies. Especially the orange star one - he is super partial to that one. I know the second he gets tired or is sick because he will go find his blankie and bury his face into it. We take them everywhere.
I just saw they came out with security blankets called Issie! 2 come in a pack - which is BRILLIANT - so if you lose one or need to wash one, you still have another.
Placed my order yesterday. Expected delivery - next Tuesday!
7. Cool Names for Babies
By now you all know about my baby name obsession. Every day I come up with new names for Nick. For our boy. Cause our girl has the coolest NAME ever. PVS. That is all I am giving you. :):)
I found the book at Hastings while researching bible study books for the Dream Table. I had to have it.
The chapters:
i. Hot Cool - Mainstream Names
Like top 100 of cool, coolator, what Europeans call cool, the exoticizer, bad girl/good girl names, mac names, cool middle names and cool nicknames - just to name a few!
ii: Cool Cool - Famous Names
Celebrity, Athlete, Model, Artist, Literary....names
iii: Pre Cool Cool - Old Names
Ancient, Holy, Colonial, Geezer, Old- Lady and names no one may be cool enough for. LOVE!
iv: New Cool - Creative Names
Foreign Word, Spiritual, Color, Space, Invented, Too cool, Streamlined and Non-name names (like Bravery. AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Love Bravery!)
Anyway it is my new obsession. This means I have enough names to present Nick with each night for A MONTH! Yay for me...maybe not so for Nick.
So long Miles Boring Salzwedel....hello Bravery Maple (the street name of the house Nick and I fell in love in) Salzwedel??
Oh and because I can't resist - here is part of the coolator (chapter i) - so I can leave you something to ponder this fine Wednesday.

By now you all know about my baby name obsession. Every day I come up with new names for Nick. For our boy. Cause our girl has the coolest NAME ever. PVS. That is all I am giving you. :):)
I found the book at Hastings while researching bible study books for the Dream Table. I had to have it.
The chapters:
i. Hot Cool - Mainstream Names
Like top 100 of cool, coolator, what Europeans call cool, the exoticizer, bad girl/good girl names, mac names, cool middle names and cool nicknames - just to name a few!
ii: Cool Cool - Famous Names
Celebrity, Athlete, Model, Artist, Literary....names
iii: Pre Cool Cool - Old Names
Ancient, Holy, Colonial, Geezer, Old- Lady and names no one may be cool enough for. LOVE!
iv: New Cool - Creative Names
Foreign Word, Spiritual, Color, Space, Invented, Too cool, Streamlined and Non-name names (like Bravery. AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Love Bravery!)
Anyway it is my new obsession. This means I have enough names to present Nick with each night for A MONTH! Yay for me...maybe not so for Nick.
So long Miles Boring Salzwedel....hello Bravery Maple (the street name of the house Nick and I fell in love in) Salzwedel??
Oh and because I can't resist - here is part of the coolator (chapter i) - so I can leave you something to ponder this fine Wednesday.
Uncool Cool Cooler
Anne Anna Annika
Avis Ava Avery
Brianna Bryn Bronte
Carol Caroline Carolina
Casey Cassidy Cassandra
Charlene Charlotte Chiara
Cindy Sydney Sidony
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