Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're going caucusing!

In the race to 1,144 total delegates (the total amount of delegates needed to secure a party's nomination), Washington State has 43 delegates waiting to be handed to the one Republican presidential candidate Washington State says is "our guy".

If you can remember back in 2008, you filled out an absentee ballot for our state's primary election. 
Well, due to budgetary cuts our state legislator and secretary of state opted out for 2012. This means that in order to have voice this primary season, you have to participate in Washington State Republican Party Caucus.

So, I totally bet you guessed it (based on this, this, this and most recently this)...

Nick and Ashley "Hard Core" Salzwedel are going caucusing! 

When I told my sissy the first thing she said was, "You AREEEE? What in the heck is a caucus?"
I know - don't feel dumb - I didn't know until the 2008 election season when we were 10 seconds away from caucusing for Mike Huckabee (our 2008 guy).

So what is it? 
Most simply, the caucus is a local meeting - organized by precinct or neighborhoods -  at which people can express their preference for the party's presidential nominee. Unlike a primary, the caucus is run by the party its self, not the state or local government.

Now in Washington State, we don't have partisan voter registration. Which is why I'm not a registered republican voter. So in order to participate in the state's caucus, you have to be willing to sign a form that says you "consider yourself to be a Republican."

The coolest part of the caucus, in my opinion, is that it's not just show up and vote. It is part poll (straw poll) and part GOP meeting. Supporters of specific candidates can actually campaign and are allowed to take a few minutes to make a case for their guy. It is only then, after the speeches, where you get to write down your choice. Your vote.
Cool, right??!

Washington's caucus is known as a non-binding caucus so the ultimate winner will not be announced until our state's convention at the end of May BUT the straw poll, taken at the beginning of the caucus day, will be immediately released. Essentially by end of the day we will have a good idea of who we picked.

On Saturday, March 3rd from 10-12 we will be at our precinct's meeting where one of these four three will be getting our vote. 

This is the ONLY chance to register your vote for who the Republicans will nominate to run against President Obama.

So who is with us??!!!!

Do you know what precinct you belong to? You can find out by going here. **Once you have typed in your information click my district and elected official to find your precinct.

Then go here - to find your caucus location. Nick and I will be at E. George Gee Ave. in Liberty Lake!


You all can't be THAT surprised can you?!

1 comment:

  1. Jared and I are going to our caucus here in the Giggity!
