Last night 8 of the 9 candidates vying for the Republican party's nomination for President of the United States were in Iowa for a healthy, hearty debate. 2nd one of the season.
Ohhhh baby...it was a good one.
Unlike the last debate where each candidate was mostly on their best behavior, this debate was a little more spirited. We still got a heavy dose of Obama jabs but we also got some inter-candidate sparring which is refreshing in a way.
Here is my VERY candid analysis of last nights debate.
Can I first just say: oooh man - my husband thinks I am crazy. Last night I was the conductor to my own FREIGHT TRAIN. Really folks, nothing gets me more fired up than talking about Obama's FAILED presidency and some good ol' fashioned Conservative values.
Okay here we go.
Tim Pawlenty - He needed to step up in a big way last night but totally blew it. He was too aggressive with Michele Bachmann in the middle of a harsh back and forth about white house credentials. While he may be right, saying her record in the house is 'non-existent', the way in which he handled himself said desperate. Desperate to boost his standings and to try and compensate for missed opportunities in June's debate. He failed.
Michele Bachmann - Michele, Michele. I really want to love her. She is a good debater and champion for the people - fighting for what should be. Honestly, I don't think she has enough house experience under her belt. I definitely think she won the battle with Pawlenty but I can't help but think he may be a little bit right.
I appreciate her composure during Pawlenty's stingers and her response to the horrible 'submission' question. Come on?!?! She handled it with grace.
She absolutely may win the straw poll and good for her. I think it is going to be a long hard road. Looking forward to seeing what happens to her when Perry enters the race...better yet what happens to her if Sarah Palin throws her hat into the ring.
Remember folks - "Obama is going to be a ONE TERM President!"
Newt Gingrich - I kinda loved him last night. He delivered some of the best one liners of the night and literally handed it to Chris Wallace (host). Yes, he lost almost all of his staff and doesn't have any money but the same thing happened to Ronald Reagan and he won the election.
Last night I found myself fist pumping through talk of his political experience, loyalty tests, the super secret sub co - which he called a dumb idea, and finally spanking the media for not focusing on "the basic ideas that distinguish us from Barack Obama".
Well said Newt. We will see where this new momentum takes him.
Rick Santorum - A month ago I would have told you Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator, could maybe be my guy. I am sorry to say his performance last night turned me off. Way off. He complained about his mic. time then when it was his turn, picked a fight with Ron Paul. Ron Paul? Seriously? The smartest guy up there. Sheesh. He lost that battle.
Because he hasn't gotten much medial attention, I need to find out more. I do like that he is both a social and fiscal conservative and is really in your face on social issues. It is that reason, however, he might be too much...even for me.
Ron Paul - Ron Paul might be the smartest guy up on that stage. He has served 11 terms in the House of Representatives which is crazy and has the most loyal fan base of anyone up there. The thing I love about Ron Paul is he speaks very bluntly and could care less about being PC. Constitutionalists and fiscal conservatives love him (NICK!) and boy can he talk fiscal discipline. OHhh last bout for President, RP flew commercial and slept in Super 8's. This allowed him to pay all his campaign bills AND left him with a 5 million dollar surplus. If that is not walking the fiscal walk, I don't know what is.
Totally unelectable but very likable. I am always sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what he will say next.
Herman Cain - He definitely has the business experience but that is about all. I think he did a great job of answering criticism about suspect statements he made along the trail and at the last debate. He states it simply - something I can relate to and most certainly appreciate.
Jon Huntsman - no, No and NO! This guy was not likable and 100% too moderate for me. He served in Obama's administration as US Ambassador to China and spoke the phrase - my record about 1 million times. I am sorry - not in a million years will he ever be the Republican nominee. Perhaps he ran on the wrong ticket?
Mitt Romney - He was probably the most Presidential up there - answering questions as if he were chosen to be the nominee. He came out totally unscathed by his fellow candidates, brushing off the few attacks with a beautiful defense, purpose and control. I have always said Mitt is too slick-car-salesmany for me. I don't trust the guy and his waffling on gay marriage and abortion doesn't help. Ohhh and let us not forget about his state mandated health care plan......Pawlenty said it best, Obamney care.
Candidate #9, Rick Perry, who is expected to announce his candidacy on Saturday in South Carolina was not on last night's stage. Sadsies. BUT, I know I will be hearing a lot more from him moving forward. He just might be my guy. He reminds me a little like the other man I want to french kiss..you know. Gotta love his movie star good looks, cowboy boots, Armani suits, megawatt smile, and good ol' church going conservative values.

Me + social conservatives = a match made in political heaven.
We still have a long way to go until Nov. 2012 and honestly - for the good of families all over the country who are unemployed and struggling financially and for small businesses who have to close their doors due to the fact consumers are too scared to spend money and of course outrageous federal taxes- I really hope Obama can get it together.
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