Monday, April 16, 2012


My morning started at 6am. 

Since I had showered the night before, I threw on a hat, some yoga pants and my new Lucky coat I scored from my new favorite bargain site - 6pm.

I woke up Cruz, kissed Nick goodbye and got us both in the car. 

Thankfully I pre-packed the car because let's face it, trying to find binkies, blankies, sippys and my wallet all at the butt crack of dawn would have really thrown me over the edge. 

We met my mama at Liberty Lake Starbucks at 6:20 and after a few glorious sips of skinny vanilla latte arrived at the surgery center at 6:50.

Before Cruz was checked-in, weighed and tested, they interrogated me about his current meds and his last meal. 

Pad Thai and a little DQ!


Next, it got WAY official. Surgery band and baby gown (my fave!).



At 7:32 nurse Kelly took him into the operating room and by 7:43 Dr. Malone was back in the waiting room telling us everything went beautifully!

He definitely didn't appreciate waking up from the happy gas in some strange nurse's arms so when I got back to recovery he was practically hyperventilating. Took the sweet thing a few minutes to calm down once I got my hands on him so we could get post-op instructions but that part was quick and we were loaded and on Division by 8am!

Don't even get me wrong for two seconds - the thought of Cruz going under was terrifying. Surgery at 14 months wasn't something I was ever excited about but history says without it, every 6-8 weeks we ALL would be suffering through another ear infection.

Thank you, seriously, for all of your thoughts and prayers. The whole experience was really amazing and actually quite easy. YAYYYYY NO MORE EAR INFECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cruz is a trooper and was spoiled, loved and cuddled all day...after a warm giant strawberry muffin, juice and a three hour nap he was back to his happy self by noon!

Happy called for a celebration. 

SO we celebrated how we always celebrate life. With birthday cake pops! Duh!!!!!

***A HUGE thank you to my amazing mother. The best Mimi in town. 
Mom - thanks for always being our favorite support, most fun date, #1 cheerleader and one fiercely loyal companion. I appreciate you being there for us today and everyday...we LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

  1. So glad everything went well! Cruz is even cute as a recovering patient ;)
