Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Two little Halloween boys

I can't wait till the day Cruz is so excited for Halloween and what it means that I can't be ANYTHING BUT excited. 

See, isn't my thing.

So this year, cause he doesn't quite get it yet, oh and the fact he would rip off any type of costume we would try and put on him, we are going to be home bodies. For those of you who might be concerned with the fact that because we aren't really "celebrating" he won't be able to enjoy candy - don't you fret. He got a piece of hot chocolate brownie for breakfast and will be receiving plenty of goodies throughout the day. I am not really the mom who worries about sugar intake - oh but no pop. 


Happy halloween from our little guy.....

...and my big guy. I figured I need a pic of SOMEONE dressed up [Nick with his sisters Jamie and Sam]

Isn't my little devil smokin hot?!?! Cerca 1989.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

28 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: As I write this? 28 weeks, 2 days - YAY 3RD TRIMESTER!!!
Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs. Can NOT even tell you how thrilling it was to learn I had only gained 3 lbs.  last month! THA-RIL-LING!
Maternity Clothes: If I am not sporting my yoga pants and some kind of zip up - probably from Target - I am wearing a fly-away and a tank. Nordstrom Rack's thicker strap long tanks and Buckle's long and lean camis are the ONLY things that cover my big belly these days. I honestly have no idea what I am going to do come December...the way this belly is growing....Nick's CLOTHES won't even fit me. 
Stretch Marks: No!
Best Moment this Week: NOT getting a call about my glucose test meannninggggggg...I passed! The last thing my PAML lab bestie - she has done every blood draw since Baby Salz #1 including the 3 hour glucose test with Cruz - said to me before I left her "office" was, "Okay Ashley, I will see you back here next week for the three hour!". WELL HAAAAAAAAAAAA! IN YO FACE PAML LAB BESTIE!
**PS: Dr. Brown, the best baby doc around, told me how to pass three days before the starting gun went off so if you need some tips, you let me know. That is the advantage of being a serious question asker...sometimes all you have to do is ask.
Miss Anything: I miss being able to sleep well. I miss being able to easily pick up and hold my Cruzie babe. I miss being able to lovvveeee Nick the way I used to. I miss ENERGY. I miss being able to drive in the car comfortably - I could barely get through Argo last night...sitting up in general literally lasts 2.5 seconds before my inner organs start to BURNnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I miss being able to have some rum in my happy hour huckleberry mojito. 
***Yes, those are all of the things I miss but I feel strangely sad for writing it all down. There are so many women who are forced to stare straight into the eyes of infertility every day. Praying, wishing, hoping for one day of morning sickness. Heartburn. Rib pain. Sore breasts. And a chance to one day experience the flutters that mean a strong and alive baby is growing thanks to you....
It is heartbreaking. 
So please know that while I complain so that my baby girl can one day read about what it was like for her mama to carry her, I am thanking God every second for the incredible gift I know in my heart I am so blessed to have received. He is the reason I am a mama period.
Movement: She is a little night owl. 11 pm and 4 am must be when some Backstreet Boys from earlier in the afternoon replays in her sweet brain. Dance par-tayy!
Cravings: Darn you, puppy chow! I have gone through two family size boxes of chex mix the last two weeks. Even worse, I don't quite follow the receipe...I use 4 cups of chex mix (as opposed to the 9 the recipe calls for) AND double the topping. Oooo the chocolatey-peanut buttery-buttery-vanillaey-powder sugary chunks. Heaven in a bowl, I tell you.
Gender: Girl!
Name: Sadly, we are back to the drawing board

Okay, ready for this?! Here are some options off the short list. I mean, I can't just stop talking baby names cold turkey but I am not ready to tell you ALL my secrets! :) Clementine, Sunny, Daisy (oh it's back, folks), Teddy (big new fave), Francesca (Frankie), Lula and Clove
TulipPlum and Emerald are serious middle name contenders!

If baby girl was baby boy we officially decided on Dashel Saint. Cruz and Dash would have been so perfect....dang it! 
Other serious contenders: Beckham, London, Crimson, NicoCedar, Maple, Oliver (all Nick). Middle name with those options was Ash. When we decided on Dash, after meeting the most gorgggeeeousssss little boy with the same name on vacation, that clearly eliminated Ash as our middle name. So a few weeks later, right before our gender reveal, I asked Nick for a middle name. Because you all know it is his MOST FAVORITE thing to do ;);), I tried to help by throwing out names and people who I figured might be sentimental. Dutch names? No. Family names? No. Landmark names? No. Georges Saint Pierre (his HBK Shawn Michaels)? 

A: "Too bad Georges (pronounced George) isn't more fab."
N: "What about Saint?"
A: "OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGgggg seriously? Seriously, Saint?? You love it? OMG. I LOVE IT! Done and Done and DONEEEE (as I roll on top of him so we can make-out)!"
N: Laughing. "Okay done."

And our boy name was born. Dashel Saint Salzwedel. 
Ohhh how I still love thee. 

Labor Signs: No. 
Symptoms: Heartburn and acid reflux like a mother! Oh and I am full-on producing AND LEAKING bright yellow colostrum! Did you know that you can sell your colostrum for like 80 bucks an ounce on the black market?? Maybe if I squeeze my large melons hard and long enough I can make some extra Christmas cash.
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.
Looking Forward to:  Family pictures are next weekend. Maternity pics are the 13th! Better do them now before I start to look like an Oompa Loompa. Glad I will have Thanksgiving and Christmas to really indulge cause the second she is out, I am Isagenix-ing like its 1999.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

26 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: As I write this? 26 weeks, 2 days. 
Total Weight Gain: 11 lbs. + (find out my official weight gain tomorrow)
Maternity Clothes: If I don't have anywhere to be - okay, more like ALL THE TIME - I'm guaranteed to be wearing my Buckle extra long black yoga pants and an Buckle extra long and lean tank. Poor Debbie at Target has seen me in that EXACT outfit 4 times in the last month. Is it sad that I know she is currently away for a 10 day vacation to visit her family? Even worse...the last time I went in, the lady in the Target Cafe asked me if I wanted the usual. 
Stretch Marks: No!
Best Moment this Week: Checking the mail to find a few baby packages! Baby Gap sent me these and these and a DARLLLING Zulily outfit came! I need to reign it it...I think I have 3 or 4 more Zulily packages headed my way over the next month. 
Miss Anything: I miss being able to drink caffeine freely. While I definitely have at least 12 oz. a day, I wish I could have more and not feel totally guilty about it. Pregnancy or no pregnancy, my go-to drinks are always coffee or diet coke. That - and doing my bible study homework lounged about on my stomach.
Movement: All the time!
Cravings: Cream cheese and spice. Weird right? Specifically - anything with "jalapeno popper" in the title. This last week I made Jalapeno Popper Chicken via Pinterest and OMGGGGGGG! It is so killer. My husband was obsessed. Em made it for her family and DIEDDDD. It was so good that I was scooping the melted filling out of the pan. Into my mouth. You know the stuff that oozes out and ends up good and crusty?   YUM!
PS: Benny's Famous Jalapeno Poppers via Pinterest are equally out of the world. You guessed it...made those too. 
PPS: I wish my husband would let me rub goat cheese all over his naked body so I could lick it off. Obsessed with goat cheese....and my husband. 
Gender: Girl!
Name: Sadly, we are back to the drawing board.
Labor Signs: No. Although, I did experience my first set of Braxton Hicks Saturday night. Crazy how tight a contraction can make my soccer ball sized uterus. 
Symptoms: Heartburn, PRESSURE, and a general lower body soreness. Also it's clear she is resting mostly on my right side so anytime Cruz or the dogs get too close to that side, I immediately cringe and change scenery.
Happy or Moody: Happy. 
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.
Looking Forward to: 1. Getting my Glucose test over with. Stressing about Gestational Diabetes. With Cruz I failed round one so had to go back for the 3 hour test. While I ultimately passed, I really don't want to do that again. 2. Starting and finishing the nursery. My goal is to have it finished and organized by Thanksgiving. Thank goodness the crib is already thing to cross off the to-do list!  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A new name + a big door

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Maybe it is my fault for sharing her initials, maybe its random people coming up to us assuming xyz is her name, maybe it is the fact that I have tried hard to keep it a secret (which, those of you who know me, know that is really crazy HARD) but because of all of that, ladies and gentlemen, we have decided to change directions. 

So this time - because we could VERY WELL change it again and again - I won't be releasing initials, won't be discussing options (you all know it will be very stripper) and will be keeping it totally to ourselves. Consider her baby Dolly (what Lucy has named her since my growing belly has grown to the point of obvious-ness) until God decides it's time for her to enter this world.

Hey - I am actually not that sad. That just means my nightly ritual of surfing baby name blogs won't just be for fun.  Here we go again Nick Salz...the nightly slew of baby name options. The highlight of your day. 


In other news, our back living/dining addition is now 85% complete with the installation of our very LARGE, very costly, very AMAZINGLY COOL glass-wall-window-door system. Or whatever you want to call it. In love is a total understatement and let me assure you with as much hassle as this system has caused us over the last three weeks, anything other than IN LOVE would have been a total disappointment. 

Here is a little picture evolution for you - just to show you how far we have come. 

Here is the finished product - a little bigger. 

Up next:
An up-to-date inspection, exterior siding, interior electrical work, insulation, drywall, flooring.....

A HUGEEEEEEEEEEE thanks to Derek Harty (Heather and baby Liv too) and D&I Construction for getting us to this point. There have been many late nights, phone consultations, victories and challenges - all of which were handled with the utmost professionalism and grace. Derek and his brother Ian are top notch so please know they are my greatest recommendation should you need any construction help. 

Lastly, my husband is a rock star  He is the soul reason we could even do this reno and has endured every emotional pendulum swing so we get the house of our dreams. I am so proud of Nick, it is sick. He is a hero in my mind. And I am reminded is every time I stare at those 8 foot doors!

Can't wait till it is all done. 

Cruz's 23 Words!

Our son says 23 WORDS!!!!!!

I knew we would get there - I really did - but I didn't all at the same time. 

Each time he says a new word I want to cry. All I can kinda compare it to is watching HBK's title match against Bret The Hitman Hart when he zip lined down from the ceiling at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, CA in 1996. That moment, at the end of the match, when you know his finishing move - sweet chin music - is right around the corner? Yeah...that was a moment I will never forget. A moment when I saw my childhood hero win the WWF championship belt.

So while the words: extreme pride, desperate anticipation, and elation are the cliche words my small brain can come up with to describe this huge accomplishment, it is so much more. 

Our new speech therapist is outstanding. In the four sessions we have had with her and her intern, Cruz has said 13 new words! It has totally made me a believer in therapy and not just for Cruz. Therapy has taught me how to intentionally play with Cruz - something I haven't ever learned before. Learning age appropriate targets, educational toys to invest in and simply how to talk to Cruz has been invaluable in getting him to where he is at. Heck, I am tempted to quit my job as a stay at home mom to teach other moms cause where else are you supposed to learn this stuff?!

God is ALWAYS faithful, ALWAYS loving, ALWAYS sovereign even in the midst of struggle - just another chapter in my book of life where He has proven His goodness. And you know what...even if Cruz could only say 1 word I would say the same thing. He is never surprised by events and He is most definitely not unsure how He is going to take care of His children. Wow. What comfort. IN ALL things God gets the glory. 

Congratulations to you, Cruz, on your 23 words!

mama, papa, mimi, ball, bubbles, bianca, bye bye, cracker, dada, out, banana, go, quack quack, bug, cheese, flower, butterfly, apple, thank you, hot dog, more, hello, oh no

Friday, October 5, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

24 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: As I write this? 24 weeks, 3 days. 
Total Weight Gain: 11 big ones! YOU belly is SOOOOOOOO big. I honestly looked like this when I was 34 weeks along with Cruz! Ahhhhhh - either I have gestational diabetes and she is growing at rapid pace or my due date is WAY off (I'd love that, ps.). 
Maternity Clothes: Gap's maternity leggings make me want to bathe in a tub of molten lava cake! I am OBSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so official...I will be wearing them ALL winter long. Do not worry - I bought two more pair so I can have a clean pair at a moments notice. 
Can I also just say....I disPISEEEEEEE maternity ruched tops. Considering these days that boyfriend style women's clothing, off the shoulder and layered looks are SO hot right now, purchasing a ruched maternity top should be outlawed! Plus this gives you the added benefit of being able to wear clothing you purchase in the middle of your pregnancy AFTER. Cause seriously - I'd report you to the fashion police if I saw you wearing a ruched top with an infant in your arms.   
Stretch Marks: No!
Best Moment this Week: I have two.
1. P's latest ultrasound. She was on her side so we got a great shot of her face (no profile) and more importantly a great look at her heart - WHICH - has 4 chambers and is pumping beautifully. She is growing steady and weighs 1lb 7oz! 
2. A dear friend announced her pregnancy. It is still hush hush - so I won't be outing her quite yet - but it's yet another partner in crime. Nothing is better than sharing this crazy roller coaster of an experience right beside a friend. They say April showers bring May flowers...well in this case April showers bring a bum load of MAY BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Anything: I miss feeling nimble. No longer a spring chicken, that's for sure! When I used to hop up off the couch or the bed it was like I was a ninja in training. These days? I feel like a beached whale. It is awful.
Movement: All I can say is P is one active girl!!! I am busting out the doppler less and less thanks to all sorts of fists and feet to the uterus...especially at night!
Cravings: Other than brownies? No. 
Oh and if this makes you think all I do is sit around all day eating brownies (I had them twice in the month of September), I don't. I wish, though. I offset that and the rest of the "treats" I allow myself by walking at least 2 miles twice a week with my sis.
Gender: Girl!
Name: PVS.
Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: My heartburn kicked up a notch this week. We are up to 4 Tums a day. Holy moly. Ahhh and something totally new and incredibly horrific - (***stop reading if you don't like the word vagina) - I feel like there is a 10lb dumbbell sitting right on top of my vagina. The pressure is out of this worldddddddddd. I am sore. I waddle. And I feel like P will shoot straight out my next hearty sneeze. This symptom is my LEAST favorite. If you also feel like you have a dumbbell sitting on your vag, please hit me up. I need a high five and a we can get through it
Happy or Moody: Knock on wood people but I am feeling pretty happy these days. 
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.
Looking Forward to: Finishing up P's nursery, my maternity session with Sarah G., and celebrating the holidays with Nick and Cruz. Our last holiday season as a family of 3!

Happy OCTOBER! xo