Welcome to House Tour.
Where we take you into the home of two self-professed design junkies and watch them transform their beater from drab to Maaaayyyy-Jorrrrrrr fab.
I am your host, Ashley Salzwedel.
Last week we got a glimpse of the kitchen. This week?? Its all about the dining room.
The dining room of this house has amazing potential. It is connected to both the kitchen and living room which is amazing yet still stays a smidge private due to a HUGE stone fireplace splitting the living/dining room in 2.
There are a few things I need to point out.
1. Look at those wood floors. BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you Floyd and Betty for loving the floors like we would. I really hope you don't turn over in your grave when I say - as amazing as they are right this minute, we do have plans to re-finish them. Black. Yep. Black.
2. Aesthetically, the stone fireplace is a big ball of UGLY. The little ledges protruding from the top half must immediately be sledgehammered off and the brick MUST be re-covered. Think sparkle tile - like a mixture of white carrera marble and a metallic glass mosaic. This mama loves sparkle. Didn't I say I wanted my kitchen backsplash to be sparkle too?
Ohhhhh I am having visions of the day where Nick has laid his last sq foot of tile and we can step back and be awe'd. This baby has that potential.
Here is the other side of the dining room.
I would now be standing in the kitchen to take this picture.
The partial door you see on the left hand side of the pic is the door to the laundry room, basement and to the garage - which will eventually be turned into our family room.
This big wall here will also be blown out to a half wall so that you will be able to see through to the amazing staircase we will be adding that will lead down to our basement. This means the ugly built-in - outta here.
I have to admit, I was really hoping to be able to create an amazing focal point on this wall.
A black wall with an amazing piece of fuchsia inspired art.
Black stripes.
Black and white photo gallery.
BUT all of that would take away from the sparkle fireplace...so maybe its okay.
Thinking to the finished room I see black (DUH!), pops of color and a long 8ft solid wood dining room table.
Currently the table I am COVETING is sitting in Nick's mom's dining room. I am beyond obsessed and have GOT TO HAVE it in my dining room. She told me I could have it if I found her something just as long but a bit more narrow. Search is on Cathy....please don't shoot me though when you come to my house, see the BEAUTIFUL $4,000 solid walnut custom table and you see it has been painted white.
Yelling at the computer screen? Contrast, people, contrast!
Also, I see a mix of traditional and modern chairs (acrylic, wood, fabric), LOTS of art (on other walls) and a GORGE chandey like this one:

Well, that concludes this week's episode of House Tour.
Next we look at some stunning pink tile bathrooms....goodie.
{pictures via pinterest}
I heart, that you heart, stripes!