Monday, October 10, 2011

What's been up

Man...I have been totally out of it and I am sorry. This moving biz has taken a LOT out of me AND I still have about 1/2 of the garage to unload!

It has resulted in a tired mama who is not inspired. Do NOT get me wrong...I love our new house. I love love where we are at and I love our vision and this baby's potential BUT....but.

Bottom line - this mama needs her mojo back.

So before I being thinking of a kick A blog post for tomorrow let me bestow upon you some Preshy. Because, he's my very favorite.

This weekend my cousin's football team, LA Tech, came up to our neck of the woods to play the Idaho Vandals. After starting my Saturday morning with Kelly at the Bridal Fair, we packed up the family and headed to Moscow. Preshy did so great considering the game was smack dab in the middle of his afternoon nap.
Good thing dad has some really great...rather comfy arms to take a snooze in..

Look at that?!?!?!!? The same most DARLING profile ever. Same as 18 weeks, 3 days!

 The rest of the weekend, we rested, bathed... 

...and played (with freeze dried banana hanging off our lips).

Oh, yes Cruz is wearing necklace. It is a black amber teething necklace. He doesn't chew on it - the amber seeps into his skin and is a natural anti-inflammatory. My bestie, JoAnna, swears by it and so far Cruz has not had any teething fits. Really. 

It isn't a cheap necklace and well it is a NECKLACE...for a boy! Yeah, for those reasons, I didn't tell Nick about this necklace. 

It took an hour or so for Nick to notice Cruz's new was classic. 

Nick: Ohhhh...what is this?
Ashley: Cruz's new teething necklace. Do you like it?
Nick: He looks like a hippie gay baby.
Ashley: Cruz, dad thinks you look like a hippie gay baby. What do you have to say about that?
Cruz: waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh (crying)

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay no, Cruz didn't cry but Nick DEFINITELY called him a hippie gay baby. 

I love my family. 

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