Monday, October 17, 2011

"I'll never break your heart...I'll never make you cryyyy..."

I am very thankful that I have a husband who will let me rock out to the Backstreet Boys in the car, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on LONGGGG road trips.

You have no idea....back in college I had an ex who refused to listen to it like EVER. Actually anything I liked.One time we were driving back to Pullman. I was driving while he was napping. Napping. He made me listen to BSB on a CD player. With headphones.


Now get my utter thankful, grateful-ness???

The great thing, secretly, I think Nick likes it.

Cruz also likes it. 

Remember when I told you that I either wanted to Cruz to be a model or an MMA fighter? Well, he could be in a boy band too and I would be okay.

Seriously...when I am in a mood - not happy or sad or scared just in mood - nothing makes me happier than Scarfie (another post for another day...Scarfie is my blankie...Scarfie is a he....I still sleep with him...ohhh Scarfie, my love...), a little Tearin' up my Heart (*NSYNC), and BSB.  

Some serious BSB will cheer this mama right up.

Just reason #3,731 on why my husband is MADE FOR ME.

1 comment:

  1. The first part of this post gives me intense aggression. I mean, you can hear the freight train whistle coming from MILES away. Thanks to the content and subject of the first part of this post I can safely say forgiveness is NOT one of my strong suits. Although, I am working on it!
    The second, third, forth, and every part after one makes me so incredibly grateful and completely happy I can barely stand it.
    Nick Salzwedel, you are the most incredible gift Ash has ever received. Cruz, my main lil man, you are her second! Thank you Lord for them!
    I have said my peace.
