Monday, April 30, 2012

Praising the brave

Can I just take one second and praise the brave?

These days someone who is real is so much more refreshing than someone you can feel is fake, unauthentic, unoriginal, and 100% uninspiring - REGARDLESS of their view point.

Some days I come away from a blog post super self conscious. Either from inner circle feedback or my own inner self critic who whispers reminders of mean girls past. That right there would the reason I would NOT run for mayor, apply to be on a reality TV show or name my baby girl Cherry Kiss despite my burning passions for politics, Big Brother and stripper baby names.

When I blog surf and read posts about how hard it is to be a stay at home mom, what to call your baby boy's parts or getting your groove back sexually after having a baby I cheer. I fist pump. I smile and am refreshed. It is validation that my feelings, experiences and outrageous thoughts are not just my OWN. There are other incredibly talented, beautiful, loving, struggling women, mothers, out there who feel the same way.

To the bloggers who write about how hard it is to be a mom, wife, daughter, sister, WOMAN. To those who tell it like it is, hold no punches, and are totally unapologetic, I praise you.

And it is for that reason that I will continue to write about politics, religion, my marriage, intimacy, friendships, motherhood and quite simply the good, the bad and the ugly that comes with life all while trying to shhhh those inner whispers that tell me I am not good enough...pretty enough. So that I can be brave like those I praise....and relate to all too well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Six things

1. Beyonce's People cover is OUT OF THE WORLD. I mean, come ONNNNNN. She is stunning. A. I NEED her necklace - which is the same necklace Heidi Klum (who I double LOVE despite her shattering my thought that she and Seal were the perfect couple EVER) wore to the 2012 Golden Globes and is a measly 1 mil. B. Her hair is just right, that dress is just right and her body is just right. She is seriously beautiful.

BEYONCÉ photo | Beyonce Knowles

Beyonce, Heidi Klum

2. I cut my hair again. Another 2 1/2 inches. Kinda obsessed with my hair lady and my new hair cut. It is officially the shortest my hair has EVER been. So short that she shaved my neck. 

3. Scentsy rocks my ever lovin' world! I bought 24 new scents and a new warmer from Em a while back and busted out some of the new goodness today while crowing myself Mrs. Domestic Spokane County. Today I felt like a good SAHM. I worked out, put my kid to bed, got ready (make-up and all), cleaned the entire house, got my kid up, showered, dressed and fed, ran errands, picked up dinner and got home just in time for our 5pm apt with our architect...OH and the best part? My house smells like a combination of the cotton candy corner at the fair and a giant lemon coconut chiffon. DIVINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I am in no way shape or form expecting this for tomorrow but one thing I CAN count on? Some good ol' Scentsy. You know the old saying, a mani will make anything okay? Well just add Scentsy to that. 

4. Our architect left about an hour ago after a very productive meeting. We are 95% of the way there and it is so flipping exciting. We FINALLY decided on an exterior:

Remember rounds 1 &2?? We have come a long way...lots of back and forth...more on the specifics later. But for now we are both THRILLED!

Oh and we also verbally finished the basement plans. 
Bunk room, bunk room come to mama!!!

chandelier, bunks, zebra, turq and pink. Die!

Ryan will go back to the drawing board, prepare our final set of drawings, contact the city of Liberty Lake for permits then we will start bidding out the work! We are hoping to finish phase one this summer! The ultimate goal is to host Thanksgiving at our house...on this table. 


Big Brother 14 is currently casting. I am obsessed with Big Brother. OBSESSED with Brenchel - who currently are racing on the Amazing Race which obvi makes me obsessed with THAT too! I have decided to apply. Now I just have to force my husband to video me. Tonight I told him I wanted to apply and he goes, "What if people are mean to you?"

Touche husby, touche. 

6. Speaking of Nick...
Ever since I have known my husband he has always gone commando. In fact he turned me on to the idea. If a burglar came into our house - which wouldn't be such a great idea due to the 130 lb giant waiting to attack - and wanted to steal a pair of undies they would be very disappointed and out of luck. The only thing in our underwear drawer is a pair of spanks and some socks. 

Anyway a couple weeks ago Nick thought it would be a great idea to start wearing boxers. Now, he is a very private man. In and out of the house. He doesn't ever want to be naked and won't EVER let me cup his bum which is my very favorite past-time. 

I didn't think much about his decision to invest in some manly panties but I actually couldn't be happier. Every night after work he comes home and changes into a pair of itty bitty plaid boxers and a tight white t-shirt. So flippin' hot. Closest I will ever come to seeing him nude so I will take it. 

Nighty night. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

What do the people of Rexburg, Idaho name their babies?

Ohhhhhhhhhh boy. This is too good NOT to share. 

Before I get into the goods, did you hear that Giuliana and Bill Rancic are expecting a baby?!?!?! Via gestational surrogate. 

I mean comeeeeeeeee onnnn...they are GLOWING! I love them ps. 

I found out this afternoon in the middle of a play date courtesy of I gasped so loud when I read that I immediately exclaimed the news in the middle of enticing mommy convo like it was my own. 

It's no secret they have struggled with infertility, failed IVF attempts and miscarriage. Having experienced a miscarriage myself, I could FEEL their joy. I did myself one worse and watched this little snipit - when they heard the news. I sobbed like a little baby. It was horrible and happy all at the same time. 

Oh and rumor on the street is that Megan Fox and Bryan Austin Green are expecting. Add them to Drew Barrymore and her unknown fiance' and we will have loads of new celeb babies to talk about this fall!

Anyway, back to Rexburg. 

Blog surfing brought me to this blog.

Each year she releases the HORRIFIC names that come from Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Idaho. 

Did you know that Idaho and Utah are notoriously known for bad baby naming?

I have never laughed so hard. I half love the original, unique, stripper-ness of it all - you know I LOVE me some stripper names. Like, seriously. Bring it on Trixie, Lola, Dolly, Roxy, Velvet Ice and Cherry Kiss - and half HATE the horrid-ness of it all. And there is a lot. 

Case in point, the 2011 list:

Up first, as always, is the Mix-N-Match category. Choose a first syllable that suits your fancy and pair it with an incompatible second syllable! It keeps people guessing! Everyone will admire your ability to string together random sounds!

and THREE babies named Brynlie (same exact spelling)

Next, the Sound-it-Outs. Do these resemble real names (or cities) phonetically? You'll have to sound-it-out, and sometimes bend pronunciation rules, to see!

Ella Jaculyn (Jack-ewe-lynn?)

Invasion of the Ks (continued from last year):
Khloe LoAnn

Her mom's a 'Bachelor' fan!
Tenley/Tenely (yep, two)

Hopefully just a typo:

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose:
Riggins (middle name Klyde)


Aaaaaaaand, the "What the EFF??????s"
Reggie Tayzlie
Blyss (AGAIN!! There was a Blyss last year! People really ARE looking for name ideas in this thing!!!)

And let's have a moment of silence for the little baby boy named Boen. BOEN!

(Do you suppose it's pronounced 'Bowen'? Do you think kids on the playground, and in college, and by the water cooler will actually pronounce it that way?)

Was that not amazing? 

Did you actually like any of the names?

For the 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 list visit Jessie's blog.

Good night. 

Excuse us

We are outside enjoying the very warm April day God has given us. It feels soooo good. Be back later.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lucia Addison

This girl makes me laugh. All of the time. 

What a little diva!

PS: Can I just tell you how IN LOVE I am with the fact she is super girly. Nothing gives me greater joy then  painting her nails or clipping feathers in her hair! I can't even WAIT until she gets her ears pierced...hint hint Em!!! :)

What a little ray of sunshine on this grey, rainy Friday!

A short story about the trip that was

It has only been three weeks but it feels like an eternity ago. 

Hawaii was amazing. 

This was the first thing we saw upon walking into the lobby of The Ritz Carlton in Maui. 

Saying we were spoiled... yeah, total understatement. 

We got plenty of sun.

Poolside I was able to catch up on all my celebrity gossip, finish book three in the Shades of Grey trilogy (steamy hot hot hot ps if you are interested) and very incognito-like take pictures of the INCREDIBLY wealthy surrounding us. I couldn't stop staring at this lady's ripped abs and her 30 carat diamond ring. I  definitely felt out of place sporting my target cover up while this 40-something with two young kids rocked full make-up, dripped with diamonds and designer lables and shooed away her kids to play with the nanny. 

We enjoyed spectacular views. 

Did a little work. 

Enjoyed a little breaky on the balcony.

Celebrated the success of my hubby and the rest of the best at

Loved on each other. 


Spend the BEST times with new friends. 
Dave and Kelly Lundberg MADE it fun.  


Went into town. 

And enjoyed the Pacific before it all came to an end. 

The whole time really REALLY missing this guy.

It really was a trip to remember, thanks to my stud of a husband. I am so thankful, EVERYDAY, for his hard work and willingness to step up to the role that God has called him for - the spiritual leader of our home. 

I am so PROUD of you, Nick. Thank you for always making me so happy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Which diaper bag?

Before you judge me please understand I am obsessing over baby Salz #2.

 He or she isn't even real yet and I can't stop thinking about baby names, nursery colors, baby clothes, accessories or about how Cruz and said baby are going to be BFF!

Well I have my next diaper bag (okay fine, judge away) down to two very exciting options but the problem is I can't decide which one is more ME. 

Like, I try and picture myself hailing a cab with option 1 then again with option 2 and don't know which is more hip. More fun. More Hi I am Ashley Salzwedel and I am fabbbbbbbbbbb.

Can you please help me?

Option 1:

large image view

Option 2:

MARC BY MARC JACOBS Pretty Nylon Elizababy Bag Red - Click Image to Close
Thanks in advance for your thoughts over my ridiculous request. 

Monday, April 16, 2012


My morning started at 6am. 

Since I had showered the night before, I threw on a hat, some yoga pants and my new Lucky coat I scored from my new favorite bargain site - 6pm.

I woke up Cruz, kissed Nick goodbye and got us both in the car. 

Thankfully I pre-packed the car because let's face it, trying to find binkies, blankies, sippys and my wallet all at the butt crack of dawn would have really thrown me over the edge. 

We met my mama at Liberty Lake Starbucks at 6:20 and after a few glorious sips of skinny vanilla latte arrived at the surgery center at 6:50.

Before Cruz was checked-in, weighed and tested, they interrogated me about his current meds and his last meal. 

Pad Thai and a little DQ!


Next, it got WAY official. Surgery band and baby gown (my fave!).



At 7:32 nurse Kelly took him into the operating room and by 7:43 Dr. Malone was back in the waiting room telling us everything went beautifully!

He definitely didn't appreciate waking up from the happy gas in some strange nurse's arms so when I got back to recovery he was practically hyperventilating. Took the sweet thing a few minutes to calm down once I got my hands on him so we could get post-op instructions but that part was quick and we were loaded and on Division by 8am!

Don't even get me wrong for two seconds - the thought of Cruz going under was terrifying. Surgery at 14 months wasn't something I was ever excited about but history says without it, every 6-8 weeks we ALL would be suffering through another ear infection.

Thank you, seriously, for all of your thoughts and prayers. The whole experience was really amazing and actually quite easy. YAYYYYY NO MORE EAR INFECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cruz is a trooper and was spoiled, loved and cuddled all day...after a warm giant strawberry muffin, juice and a three hour nap he was back to his happy self by noon!

Happy called for a celebration. 

SO we celebrated how we always celebrate life. With birthday cake pops! Duh!!!!!

***A HUGE thank you to my amazing mother. The best Mimi in town. 
Mom - thanks for always being our favorite support, most fun date, #1 cheerleader and one fiercely loyal companion. I appreciate you being there for us today and everyday...we LOVE YOU!