Thursday, September 1, 2011

We're getting closeeerrrr...

I love Thursdays. 

1. It is one day closer to Friday, which at noon, is the start of my weekend!

2. It is Big Brother eviction night. Yesssssssss. Nick and I always watch the show on three hours before it airs here. If it were not for my Canadian friend Justin of (we aren't really friends ps - in fact I don't know him), I would be glued to twitter (which I am not a member of) waiting for Dingo @ hamsterwatch to post the voting results and the winner of HOH. I am SOOOOO on team Rachel. I hope Shelly goes tonight and that Rachel and/or Jordan win HOH. As Rachel would say - Floaters grab a life vest!!!!
Side note: I think Rachel and I would be bffs in real life. I honestly love her. 
Another side note: If I didn't have dreams of being the next mayor of Liberty Lake, WA, I would totally apply. Last year I printed off the application and filled it out....
Mayors don't go on Big Brother do they??

3. I really love this Thursday in particular because my dear friend Kate is going in to have her baby tonight!!!!!!! I am obsessed with their amazing family. Jack is not only going to be one beautiful boy like his gorge sister Paige but I know he is going to complete their family and add so much joy to their life.

Anyway, you might be wondering what we are getting closer to??
DUHHHH...the almost new house!

We only have one last document to send in to our lender (who rocks my world btw) before he sends our file to his underwriter in Florida to see if we can indeed, once and for all, secure this house FOR GOOD. **Remember, papers are signed however due to the fact our rental has not been rented for 2 years, we cannot count the rental income.

This happens on Sept. 6th! It will take 48 hours to get an answer back....

We will either be the happiest family on the block or the saddest, most discouraged. 

Let me tell you, we have done everything humanly possible to make ourselves look amazing to these underwriters including writing a letter telling them why having our 7 month old attend Liberty Lake Elementary School in 5 years instead of Greenacres Elementary is going to benefit his learning. I really did. 

Ohhhh people. I am a total glass half full gal as opposed to my glass half empty hub. It is my responsibility to carry the morale of our team. SOOOO. Goooooo Team Salzwedel! 

Until September 8th-ish I will be doing team cheers for my husband until he trips me in the middle of a high kick and tells me to shut the heck up. 

Lastly, because I like to go down memory lane, OFTEN - let me share with you the time I found Cruz's toes had been "painted" (with marker) by the ever fabulous Lucy. It really is my fault. See, I love to paint Lucy's toes and fingers and I do it a lot. In fact so much so, she asks me if I have nail polish every time I see her.

Here is the aftermath of the incident that was....

*Look at those wide little Salzwedel feet. 

...and here is the guilty culprit (with the evidence in hand)...

Happy Thursday!

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