9 months.
As many months as he cooked away inside of me, he has now lived beside me. As much as I miss my newborn baby, I am simply in LOVE with this little man of a boy I have.
Today, he had his 9 month doctors appointment.
Weight: 22.5 lbs - 75%
Height: 29 inches - 80%
Head: 92% {No wonder each 12 month hat I get him is too small!}
Impressive stats my son!
How did he do the rest of the appointment - which also included a flu shot and toe prick?
Impressive stats my son!
How did he do the rest of the appointment - which also included a flu shot and toe prick?
Umm amazing! He cried for literally 3 1/2 seconds then was so happy!
He just played with his straw and laughed at himself in the mirror. LOVE.
Now that he is 9 months old, let's look at Preshy Pie's loves and dis-loves.
*Anything and everything DORA! Swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping! {Nick and I know the words to this one episode by heart. Often we break out in song in the middle of random tasks. Nick is also learning Spanish by way of Dora. "We love to dance. Nos encanto bailar."}
*Bianca and Liam
*Crawling all over the house!!!
*Playing with straws. Anytime I need an extra 5 minutes of entertainment, that is my go to toy!
*Playing with straws. Anytime I need an extra 5 minutes of entertainment, that is my go to toy!
*Hanging out with his cousins. Lucy always gives him the best hugs. The other day when we got to Em's house, Lucy met us at the door and said, "Hey Bubsie!"
*Emily can still make him smile on contact when it takes me a few minutes.
*Mimi's high pitched voice
*Sitting on Papa's lap
*FOOD! This boy is his father's son in that dept. He is a double fister! The second he sees food, both hands grab as much as they can hold and go straight to the mouth! Food loves: pancakes, apple chunks, noodles...wait a second. I could seriously list 10 million things. Let's just say he eats EVERYTHING put in front of him even spinach, pea, pear puree. SICKKKKKK.
*White grape juice
*Binkie and orange star blankie
Major dis-likes:
*Actually, this guy doesn't dis-like much but one thing for sure is this one family at church. Like an entire family. A mom, son, daughter..actually he does like the dad but that's it. I know, weird right? We are taking a Love and Logic parenting class at church each Sunday from 3-5 so we put him in the church daycare.
Can I first say that during normal church service, he does amazing in the nursery (different volunteer team). We have only been called out once and that was when he was 4 months old due to a VERY over tired little baby.
Anyway, this family? Well all I can say is he goes in fed, well rested, changed...and every Sunday afternoon about 10 minutes in we are called out to a red faced, sad, screaming child. It is kinda the saddest thing.
I even did an experiment the last time I was called out. I put him in the excersauser with his sippy and some banana puffs. I sat with him for a minute next to the daughter volunteer. As he was smiling, laughing, and double fisting his puffs, I got up and stood behind him. 2 seconds later he looked around and took one look at the volunteer daughter.
Boom - sobs.
Can I first say that during normal church service, he does amazing in the nursery (different volunteer team). We have only been called out once and that was when he was 4 months old due to a VERY over tired little baby.
Anyway, this family? Well all I can say is he goes in fed, well rested, changed...and every Sunday afternoon about 10 minutes in we are called out to a red faced, sad, screaming child. It is kinda the saddest thing.
I even did an experiment the last time I was called out. I put him in the excersauser with his sippy and some banana puffs. I sat with him for a minute next to the daughter volunteer. As he was smiling, laughing, and double fisting his puffs, I got up and stood behind him. 2 seconds later he looked around and took one look at the volunteer daughter.
Boom - sobs.
Here are some more shots of my model baby showing off his jeggings at 9 months old. Fashionista? Yes.
Let's not forget the faux North Face, jeggins and converse high-tops.
Work it Cruz. Worrrkkkkk it.
Oh and lastly cause I never want to forget this -
You can't miss the minute Cruz gets tired and is ready for bed or his naps.
What does he do? He starts to play with his hair.
Much like the Count of Monte Cristo, he will lift his hands above his head and start to pull and twirl his little spikey locks. It is the cutest thing ever.
This was a picture of him in the car on Sunday minutes after getting called out of Love and Logic class due to a screaming baby.
2 minutes later, he was sleep.
Cruz Nicholas:
When you grow older I hope that know without a shadow of a doubt:
*your mom and dad love you CRAZY and 100% unconditionally
* your mom and dad are so proud of you
*you are capable of every success in the world
*you have gifts and talents that make you uniquely you
*God, the Father and Creator of this universe, knew you before you were created in your mama's womb and loves you more than you could ever be loved.
You are such a blessing to us! Thank you for being the joy in our lives.
Hugs and Kisses sweet beautiful boy,