Monday, January 7, 2013

38 weeks

*Another picture to come...don't like the one I originally took....

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: As I write this? 38 weeks, 3 days. 
Total Weight Gain: 28 lbs. 
Maternity Clothes:  Oh yea! 
Stretch Marks: Two - belly button and the "lone ranger". At least I am lucking out over the hips.  
Best Moment this Week: Baby Salz's ultrasound! Seeing her face, the floating strands of dark hair surrounding her head and watching her "practice breathe" was too much! Emily thinks she looks exactly like Cruz did...I don't know about that but I CAN NOT WAIT to find out. 
Oh other best moment - eating out with my little family of three. We ate out three times last week - a. I am trying to unload all of the unhealthy, fast food gift cards I got from my dad before this girl comes. The second she is out we are on a strict diet. Soooo for now, I could care less about what I am shoving in my mouth. Plus I am under my weight goal by 5 lbs. I have wiggle room! :) b. I am really trying to soak up my time with Cruz and with Nick and Cruz. Nothing says family time like a trip to Conleys for soup and salad! Yummy!
Miss Anything: Loads of misses. A good night's sleep - #1.
Movement: It is definitely cramped in there but I can feel her head on my cervix, her feet kicking my left side and her bum right up against the ribs on my right side. It is wild. 
Cravings: Sweets. Nothing new. 
Gender: GIRL!
Name: So excited to share!
Labor Signs: I have every labor sign known to man BESIDES real deal contractions - she has dropped (I can barely walk), I lost my plug, juices are flowing, cervix is open (3cm & 50% thinned)....I mean, COME ON! And when I tell you that I am doing everything I can to induce labor myself, I am. Well - no castor oil (I refuse to experience intense diarrhea - so says the baby boards) but everything else is fair game. 
Symptoms: Wicked heartburn and pressure like a mother.
Happy or Moody: Moody - only because I want to get the show on the road! Oh and because the discomfort is out. of. this. world. 
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.  
Looking Forward to: Her arrival! I am on pins and needles. Each Braxton Hicks contraction I question - is this it?!?! I just need my water to break this week! The good news is I only have 7 days. If my water doesn't break this week this precious girl will be born on January 14th!

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