Last year was the first year we did it. And it was amazing.
Telling someone you love them or you are thankful for them and why costs you nothing.
The impact it can have is tremendous.
I remember finally getting to December 1st. It was so exciting - like Christmas morning.
Reading through the 30 different reasons Nick is thankful for me made me cry. It was the sweetest most wonderful thing. I think he appreciated mine for him too.
It is time for round two.
Our what are you thankful for jar!
I busted out the jar last night. We are three days behind so tonight we have some making up to do but each night, right before bed we put a card for each other in the blue thankful jar.
We are not allowed to peak and read the cards until the end of the month.
I will tell you what - heading into Christmas month knowing why Nick loves and appreciates me sure makes the month that much sweeter.
Some of the 2010 reasons I was most thankful for Nick:
*I am thankful we both love real estate. I can't wait to start our business together.
*I am thankful you are the dad to our Cruz. Love you.
*I am thankful for the time you write me love notes.
*I am thankful for your credit score.
*I am thankful that you are one hell of a sales man and can provide for our family.
*I am thankful for the date nights we get to have. You are my favorite way to spend Saturday nights.
*I am thankful that we love the same things. Bashing Obama, HGTV, Fox News, GSP, TUF, Real Estate, Republicans
*I am thankful for when you ask me if I need anything before I ask you for something. It makes me feel like you care.
*I am thankful you take the lead in social situations.
*I am thankful for your acceptance of me. My questions, eating habits, impulsiveness. You rock my world.
*I am thankful for your love of our kids (Bianca and Liam). Because of this I know you will be the best dad to our Cruzie.
*I am thankful for you shoveling and scraping the car and doing all the manly things around here I can't do. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.
*I am thankful for your smile. Have I told you lately that you are the most handsome man on the planet?
So much has changed in our lives since November of last year.
I can't wait to tell Nick all over again just how thankful I am for him and what he does for Cruz and I. I say it all of the time but I couldn't do life without him.
He is my #1 partner in crime - Cruz, your my 2nd.
Please take two seconds to tell the people you love most just how much you love and appreciate them.
love this idea and going to steal it!! :)