Welcome to House Tour.
Where we take you into the home of two self-professed design junkies and watch them transform their beater from drab to Maaaayyyy-Jorrrrrrr fab.
I am your host, Ashley Salzwedel.
A few weeks ago (sorrrryyy) we got a glimpse of the Dining Room. Today?? Its all about the Master Bath.
First, let me tell you that the bathrooms in this place have NOT been touched since 1959 - when this place was build.
Good thing I like fake marble and very small.
In all seriousness, I am thankful that we do have 3 working bathrooms on the first floor.
They may not be cute but they are functional.
So, here she is....the master bathroom.
Okay so looking at this photo of the glorious master bathroom, what do you see?
Oh a HUGE brown/black stain in the shower?
You would be correct.
Good thing we hired a maid to come in and clean before we moved in.
OHhhh - to make matters worse, our maid found a PILE (like 5) of spiders and winged bugs living in that dome light in the shower.
You might also notice that the bathroom is quite small. So small in fact that I can't bend over at the sink - which is made for people 5'4'' and smaller BTW - without feeling that beautiful silver door knob in my hind end.
It took approximately 5 seconds of using the master bathroom to stage a coup d' etat (my government is Nick Salzwedel) and infiltrate.
It is now all mine. But let's be honest, there is NO WAY we could both be in there at the same time. It CLEARLY doesn't work.
The master bedroom and bathroom will be pushed out 5-8 feet.
This means that we will have to blow through the front of the house to create the addition.
While the master bedroom is a fine size (a post on that to come), we need a walk in closet, larger bathroom complete with a soaker (my MUST), double headed shower - room for two (mandatory) and double vanities.
Heated towel bar, heated tile, and a special counter/built-in for my million MAC eye shadows would be also be especially nice.
No steam is necessary.
Not only will this be amazing for resale but will create a master bedroom both Nick and I can enjoy and soooo sorry if this is totally gross and cliche' but our own personal love nest/oasis.
I can't believe I just used the words oasis.
Anyway, here are some of our inspirations:

Candice Olson, is that you?? LOVE.

A little to Asian with the screen - but think layout.
{Via Pinterest}
Well, that concludes today's House Tour. Tomorrow's episode? Guest bath. Or how we Salzwedel's refer to it - Nick and Cruz's extra pink and blue bath.
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