Thursday, January 31, 2013

What's in a name?

Since Pepper's birth people have repeatedly asked where her name came from. 

The minute we definitively decided it would be THE name, we knew it would be the most common question. We also knew it would be met with either thrill and/or confusion, dislike -  hence our decision to keep it quiet until birth. While I could not be more obsessed with our daughter's name I didn't want to deal with comments and less than enthusiastic facial expressions. 

Some parents choose names that are close to their heart. Family names, names that remind them of something beautiful or simply because they sound beautiful. We chose Cruz because of it's meaning and origin and Nicholas - well it was always known our first son would carry the tradition of inheriting Dad's first name as a middle name. 

Nick is Nicholas Robert
Bob (Nick's dad) is Robert William

The name Valentine is a nod to my Hispanic family - which I wanted. My grandma Rosie's (Rosanna Beatrice) dad was Dante Valentino and according to my sweet grandma, 4 other Dupont men carried the name Valentino. I love the name Clementine - a name which Nick quickly veto'd as a first name option - so learning the significance of Valentino in my family and how similar Valentine is to Clementine...done and done.

Pepper on the other hand was a total fluke. 

One evening before finding out we were expecting I was browsing Pinterest - as I do every evening before bed. I came across an amazing baby girl board and it was titled Baby Pepper. I gasped. Honestly. Love at first sight. After coming to, I yell to Nick:

"Nick, what do you think about the name Pepper for our daughter?" 
Crossing my fingers and praying he loved it more than anything....
He should't have been that surprised. He knew my heart's desire for the most unique name in history - here and here

"Pepper...Pepper. I like it. I really like it."

"YESSSSSSSS! Seriously? Pepper Salzwedel?"

"I love it."

Pepper Valentine. It's always been Pepper Valentine. 


(May your story be full of spice, strength, pride, confidence and love, little girl)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


It took us 5 weeks after Cruz was born to brave going to church. I remember feeling overwhelmed the entire time - itching to get back to my safe place...home. In light of that truthful revelation, imagine my surprise when I answered a quick "yes" when Nick asked me if I felt up to going to Church Sunday. Pepper had not celebrated her 2 week birthday and Cruz - well that poor guy still cries when we drive into the parking lot knowing his fate lies in Sunday school. My little sensitive soul is very much attached to mom and dad.

But we went and we made it.

Now, I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in Angels. I believe in God's perfect will and His timing. I believe in Heavenly callings. Purpose. I believe things happen - people happen - because they were meant to happen. And in this case I think my "yes" came so quickly because we were meant to be there.

Nathan started a new sermon series called, Before and After.
What happens before you say "I do". -Sunday's sermon.
What happens before you say "I quit".
What happens after you say "I quit".

It was incredible.

Okay, Nick and I are totally married (approaching year 7..woahhhhh) so you wouldn't think it would be that applicable but there were absolute take aways that I know will stick with me. Nathan covered a few biblical principles - how we as believers are supposed to handle dating and the three biggest mistakes dating/engaged couples make that could derail marriage.

There is no doubt Nick and I made some mistakes. We didn't do everything by the playbook and that is why I am so thankful for God's forgiveness and grace but the biggest reminder came when Nathan simply stated - God is the creator of marriage. Don't you think he knows best? Don't you think doing it His way is the best way?

What is His way?

Ashley - #1 having a solid foundation rooted in faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Nick - #1 having a solid foundation rooted in faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

This of course coming before each other.

I can't expect Nick to fulfill me. Because he won't. And vise versa. I CAN, however, expect that from God - how cool! He alone can help me be BETTER for Nick. And I want that. To be better.

If Nick and I can be faithful in always pursuing #1 - coming back to doing it (marriage) God's way - I know we will be unshakable.

Church ended with some incredible worship. Sitting beside my husband, holding our squealing baby daughter we sang Chris Tomlin's Whom Shall I Fear.


You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Through darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light

Whom shall I fear?

You crush the enemy
Underneath my feet
You are my Sword and Shield
Though trouble lingers still

Whom shall I fear?

I know Who goes before me
I know Who stands beside me
The God of angel armies
Is always on my side
The One who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side


It wrapped up an incredible morning - one in which was certainly no coincidence. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Cruz Nicholas!

No joke.
It seems like yesterday Nick and I were headed to Valley Hospital - scared out of our minds - ready to become a family of 3. 

I still don't think either of us imagined how the arrival of our Cruzie would so drastically change our life. 

1st Birthday!

Today - 2nd Birthday!

I can assure you one thing and I'm speaking for Nick here too: we love this little guy more fiercely today than the day he was born - and that was some intense love. 

There is no one on earth who can make me cry, laugh and love harder and at the drop of a hat than Cruz. 

Thank you God for the most incredible gift. 

Happy 2nd birthday to you, our son.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A week full of Pepper

Pepper's first week at home has been nothing short of amazing, terrifying, emotional and over all life changing! This week, as I reflect on her birth (and the thousand other things I need to blog about - her name, how Cruz is adjusting ect.), I am so grateful for friends and family. For the generosity  For the love. For the sweet prayers. For time. We are beyond blessed. Plain and simple.

Last night I was staring at Nick. He was standing in the hallway watching me play with Cruz and get him ready for bed. Holding and feeding our baby daughter in boxers and a t-shirt, I stopped. Wanting to freeze the flood of memories I was able to drink in at that moment.

My hot husband - so young. Taking care of our daughter in his way. Still so strange to be a mom of 2. To have a little girl and a little boy (who I love so much it made me cry everyday last week) and to have a husband I adore...I can't believe this is the start to the rest of our life.

Until I get the opportunity to sit down and type out her birth story or share with you how we came up with her name, allow me to share with you - in pictures - her first week home with us.

Day 1. 

Day 2. 

Day 3. 

Day 4. 

Day 5. 

Day 6. 

Day 7. 

Pepper Valentine - 7 days in and you are our star in a dark sky. 

Thank you for completing our family. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

She is here!

pepper valentine made her entrance on 1/14/13. she is a healthy 8lbs 14oz, 19 inches long. adored by her mama, daddy, and big brother cruz.

tired as we are, we are so blessed. our family is complete.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nick and his red plate

It is no secret around here that my husband is wildly talented, super hot and man full of passionate convictions. He is not going to be that happy that I am posting all of this - he is rather shy - but it's my blog so to you dear husband I say, tough. 

There are a million things I could red plate Nick for. But around here we save the red plating for very specific, very special accomplishments. 

This red plate?

Nick hit his yearly quota at work - something he did a month early, in the midst of some huge organizational change and a down year. To celebrate this accomplishment, work will be sending us to Hawaii again in April - which is most certainly a nice perk however unnecessary and not what I am jumping up and down about. 

What makes me so proud. What makes me jump up and down is watching Nick do his thing. It is inspiring. Simply put, he works hard everyday to learn, grow and prove his worth all while maintaining his integrity. He doesn't say much when he has a great month, he doesn't say much when he has a bad month - he just puts his head down and honors God by working with all his heart - working for God, not for man. Colossians 3:23

The coolest part of all of this is that there is one little boy who loves and looks up to his dad so much. He gets to grow up and learn a little bit about humility, work ethic, how to be a spiritual leader and a faithful husband and most importantly how to love and honor Jesus through responding to heavenly callings. 

I wouldn't have it any other way. Cruz is one lucky boy. 

Hey Nick, if I don't say it enough, I am wildly proud of the man you are and I love you. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

38 weeks

*Another picture to come...don't like the one I originally took....

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: As I write this? 38 weeks, 3 days. 
Total Weight Gain: 28 lbs. 
Maternity Clothes:  Oh yea! 
Stretch Marks: Two - belly button and the "lone ranger". At least I am lucking out over the hips.  
Best Moment this Week: Baby Salz's ultrasound! Seeing her face, the floating strands of dark hair surrounding her head and watching her "practice breathe" was too much! Emily thinks she looks exactly like Cruz did...I don't know about that but I CAN NOT WAIT to find out. 
Oh other best moment - eating out with my little family of three. We ate out three times last week - a. I am trying to unload all of the unhealthy, fast food gift cards I got from my dad before this girl comes. The second she is out we are on a strict diet. Soooo for now, I could care less about what I am shoving in my mouth. Plus I am under my weight goal by 5 lbs. I have wiggle room! :) b. I am really trying to soak up my time with Cruz and with Nick and Cruz. Nothing says family time like a trip to Conleys for soup and salad! Yummy!
Miss Anything: Loads of misses. A good night's sleep - #1.
Movement: It is definitely cramped in there but I can feel her head on my cervix, her feet kicking my left side and her bum right up against the ribs on my right side. It is wild. 
Cravings: Sweets. Nothing new. 
Gender: GIRL!
Name: So excited to share!
Labor Signs: I have every labor sign known to man BESIDES real deal contractions - she has dropped (I can barely walk), I lost my plug, juices are flowing, cervix is open (3cm & 50% thinned)....I mean, COME ON! And when I tell you that I am doing everything I can to induce labor myself, I am. Well - no castor oil (I refuse to experience intense diarrhea - so says the baby boards) but everything else is fair game. 
Symptoms: Wicked heartburn and pressure like a mother.
Happy or Moody: Moody - only because I want to get the show on the road! Oh and because the discomfort is out. of. this. world. 
Wedding Rings - on or off: On.  
Looking Forward to: Her arrival! I am on pins and needles. Each Braxton Hicks contraction I question - is this it?!?! I just need my water to break this week! The good news is I only have 7 days. If my water doesn't break this week this precious girl will be born on January 14th!

Dear Jesus Love, Cruz

Ever since we started dropping Cruz off at the church nursery I have dreamed about the day we would pick him up and see a little piece of what he learned.

Now I know how I will react to school assignments - I totally over did the encouragement but so proud is a huge understatement.

I hope you know that Jesus is someone who loves you and knew you before you were ever created.
While I will ask you a million questions and want to talk to you all about your life - ALL OF THE TIME - I am so glad you always have the King of the Universe to talk to. 

I am crazy proud of you and love you a gazillion!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Wow, you grow big babies!"

I guess I grow big babies. So says the ultrasound tech...well and example #1: Cruz Nicholas, who would have been over 9 lbs had be been born at 40 weeks.

As of Monday little miss weighs 7 lbs 14 oz - give or take 1/2 a pound - and is measuring in the 85th percentile.

Today, at 37 weeks 4 days, I am 3 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. The best news of the morning was hearing that I will be induced on the 14th (at 6am) if something doesn't happen this weekend - or anytime next week. 

After nap time I am going to Albertsons for a mini orange juice and a box of raspberry leaf tea. Time to get this party started.