Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baby names

*Cruz Nicholas, 12 days old.

I am obsessed with all things baby names. Celebrity babies, normal people's babies, fur babies, fake babies.

Most definitely I would consider myself an expert historian when it comes to celebrity baby names. It is so bad that I have a mental calendar of who is due when and practically stalk until I hear boy/girl/twins and the all important release of the name. If you were to search my computer's history you will see that I visit Celebrity Babies on about 5 times in the 4 hours I work.

Next time you see me, quiz me. I'm so confident that not only would I be 1 for 1 on first name but probably 1 for 1 on the middle name too.

If I think about this sickness seriously - it really isn't doing anything for my marriage. I am in love with so many fabulous names (and don't even talk to me about Sarah, Jennifer, William, Andrew, Billy or Thomas. Those type of names don't count. In my opinion.) that all I want to do all the time is research names and name our fake children. My poor husband.

My newest find and complete obsession - BABY NAME BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every night as I am blog surfing I manage to find myself on these said sites and begin to drool over every name I see...or gag myself. It is opening my eyes to just how important a name is. The significance. The meaning? The flow?

Then a game ensues. I tell Nick that I am going to give him a list of names for our son (the one we don't have...sometimes it is daughter but we already have two names that are pretty solid) and he has to say yes or no.

Indigo - I really love it.
Fox - Love this too.
Reece - For a boy, how great!
Finnian (Finn) - Too common but love.

Okay you get the picture. To every name above, the answer is no. Nick likes the names Rocky and Miles. Which are great names but not for our son (although Rocky isn't bad. I actually prefer Rocco.) And not for a brother to Cruz.

Cruz was so easy for us. Cruz was always the pick...even before we were pregnant. Because I am half Hispanic, I really wanted a Spanish name. Cruz means cross - how perfect. Religious and cultural undertones. Done and Done.We were 100% sold.

Even if Cruz had been a girl we were pretty set. Her name would have been Daisy Lauren Rose (Roxy and Lola were serious contenders). Daisy cause both Nick and I love the name...actually, Nick was really the deciding factor. He loved it. I mean, come on??!! There is nothing more precious in my mind than picturing my husband loving and cuddling a Daisy. Lauren, after my bestie (plus I really just love it) and Rose, after my Mexi grandma, Rosie. BTW - I am pretty certain our daughter, if we are blessed with one, will have a different name.

Sometimes I seriously get sad that only 2 babies are in our future (not really, but kinda) only because that means some of my most favorite names will only be a dream..not a part of our family.

Oh well, there are always pets. Bianca might need a sister named Violet, Plum, Ximena, Glow, Amorette. Amorette (meaning littlest love)...really??? I'm DYINGGGGGGGGG!

Here are my most favorite baby name blogs. Hope you too can get lost in all the beauty!

Marginamia - the names in the margins

You Can't Call It "It" - baby names at their best


The Bad Baby Name Blog
*This is actually hilarious.

Alright, I am off to think of the most perfect name for our other son. Or rather, convince Nick.


  1. Seriously ash, you are so stinking funny! I didn't even know about all these places to search and now I know I am going to be addicted :) but really, your writing never ceases to bring a little joy to my day! Thanks for all the smiles!

  2. I totally agree with Katie...your blog is one of the last things I read before bed and I always go to sleep with a smile! Loving the names and can't wait to check out the blogs! When I have kiddos I will be sure and consult you! I told your sis that I want to move to LL before you become mayor so I can vote for you! Thanks for being a bright sunny part of my day!

  3. Thanks Katie! :) You are amazing.
    Jen! You seriously, made my whole week!!!! :) I am pretty obsessed with the fact that I would have your vote! Thanks for being a bright and sunny part of MY day!
