Thursday, September 29, 2011

Double trouble

It has been a crazy week.

*Cruz has been the sickest he has ever been. Although we are doing much better. 
*We officially bought a house!
*Figuring out our moving schedule. Oh, Nick is going to San Francisco from Sunday to Tuesday for work? Excellent. Oh, We may not be able to move in on Friday due to legal issues on the seller's part? Fantastic.

aye, yi, yi

I love my sister! She is the best. Not only is she an amazing writer - go here. Amazeballs! But, she is an amazing mother, wife and friend. I always tease her and call her in Jesus's mother. She honors her husband as God has called us to do, loves her kiddos tremendously and is kind and giving of her time to her friends. 

One time Emily stopped on the side of the road to help an overweight old man who looked like he was about to pass out from carrying over 10 bags of groceries - with NO help! Turns out that the man's son that was living with him at the time wouldn't come and get him so he rode the bus. Emily picked him up, took his groceries and drove him home. 

This is the same sister who so graciously offered all the money she had to help Nick and I buy our dream home. I know she would do anything for me. 

Today, we were at the site of what could be Emily and Grayling's new house. We went through (SO GREAT ps), debriefed, caught up - for 2 seconds, put our hands in, yelled TEAM then walked to our car. As I was getting into my rig, the workers across the street yelled, "Well there goes double trouble."

He's so right.

Funny enough - it has not always been this fun or easy with Em. When I went off to WSU she was still in high school. When I came back to Spokane after college, Em was at Arizona State. There was about 5 years or so where we could talk once a month if that...

During that time my sorority sisters were my family and her basketball sisters were hers. 

When we finally landed in the same city some 6 years later, Emily was not my kid sister anymore. She was professional, mature, married, solid in her own faith, convicted. 

I was different too. I was experienced, badly badly bruised, on the road to repair, passionate, determined, and bold. 

Sure, we had to get to know each other all over again and with that comes bumps in the road but I would say without a doubt the last 6 years have been the most fun ever. I appreciate her so much more now - as a mother, as a wife and as my best friend. She is the person I run to for advice, to yell out my exciting news to, to vent to, to shed tears to, even to gossip to. She is the first person I want to hang out with when I am not working and the first person I want to invite to dinner when I have a great new recipe I want to try. She makes me feel like I am really very important. She laughs at my jokes, is the first to comment on my blog posts (which she knows makes me feel like a million bucks) and always reminds me that I am a beautiful, generous, kind women who doesn't deserve to be treated otherwise. 

I just hope she knows just how much I look up to, respect and deeply love her.

Double trouble. Yes, we are most certainly are that and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I look forward to the next 6 and the 6 after that and the 6 after that and the 6 after that. 


  1. Over here crying tears of gratitude!! How am I so lucky to have you!?! Pretty much thanking God a million times that he gave us one another, forever! Thank you for being patient with me, listening to my crazy thoughts and ideas, loving my kids like crazy, being fun, silly, HILARIOUS, and being my most favorite person to hang out with. You have loved me through my good moments and not so good...
    Bottom line, I love you. Feeling incredibly blessed to be your best friend and sister forever.

  2. Have always admired you two for lots of reasons... your just "doubled" those reasons with this post! Hope I have two daughters who get to spend a lot of time with Em and Ashley and learn how to love like sisters!!

  3. I love my girls so much!! You both make me so proud! You both are extremely talented and are the best mommas' ever! So totally blessed to be able to walk through this journey with you! You are always in my prayers! Momma
