Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rudest thing my husband has ever done

Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nick's grandma and aunt came into town yesterday to visit another family member. We got a call super last minute letting us know and an invite to dinner. Thank goodness we didn't have anything planned besides an apt. to donate blood (which we ended up cancelling due to a fussy, teething baby).

On our way to donate blood Nick gets a call from his cousin regarding dinner plans. He says we are having sloppy joes and asks Nick to bring a side. 

Time out. 

The last time I had a sloppy joe was in middle school. I took one bite and almost barfed all over our kitchen table. Now, my mom is a fantastic cook. Like, really great. But I am sorry - the chunky, meaty, ketchup-y, soggy texture of the sloppy part between two pieces of bread...I can't handle it. It is like spaghetti sauce on toast. SICKKKKKKKKKKKK. 

Nick gets weird because he knows I hate sloppy joes and seriously says - "Oh man sounds great to me. I love sloppy joes but Ashley...uhhh (nervous pause and chuckle)...ha ha...she hates sloppy joes."

I look over at him flaming mad - "Why would you say that??" I am trying to mouth to him - "No, tell them I had a late lunch...NoooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO."

Isn't that the jerkiest thing ever...if someone I was inviting to dinner told me that his or her spouse hated what I was making, I would feel horrible, one. Be super offended, two and think - what a flaming diva!

So from Zips parking lot (our side: 3 tubs of fries and 10 tarter sauces) I am figuring out how to make all of this right and how to not want to vigorously wash Nick's mouth out with soap.

We arrive, eat a wonderful dinner - one in which I serve myself some sloppy joe, thank you very much. I don't even think anyone noticed me getting "seconds" to clear my plate...besides Nick. The company was amazing. Bottom line, we had a great time but last night's "incident" might have gone down as the rudest thing Nick has ever done.

PS: Nick apologized up and down and we laughed about it later after an incident occurred in which he says was the rudest thing I have ever done...wow, we are something else.

PPS: I just read Nick this blog post and he goes, "What did you do that was rude?" I said, "I went to try and find the dog tags after you lost them." "Yeah, that was rude."

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