Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not so wordless, wordless Wednesday.

Good Morning Dolls,

So this morning my boss comes into my office and hands me a resume. He goes, "Ashley, I think we should hire this person." 

I took it, thinking he was serious for 2.5 seconds, then almost choked on the huge gulp of Skinny Vanilla Latte I had just ingested.

Saddest part: this is no joke. My boss's girlfriend is an HR Manager at a physical therapy shop here in Spokane. This was faxed over in response to a craigslist employment ad.

Seriously??? My favorite part is the scratched out line in the first paragraph - I am currently {NOT} working. 

Attention Julie K. in Plummer, ID:
No, you are not currently working and won't be if you keep sending out this monstrosity of a resume. 

So for a great laugh and an OMG, here is my not so wordless, wordless Wednesday.


1 comment:

  1. are you serious????? Oh my sister, who was in HR for years would just DIE if she read this!!!

    Oh, people....really????
