Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SO so so sick

This was my preshy 8 hours before the worst night ever since Cruz has been alive - for us and for him. 

Enjoying his butter toast, turkey sausage, eggs and diluted white grape juice before church on Sunday morning he was a happy boy. 

Then it started - snot, sniffles, coughs and fuss.

Nick and I woke up about 7 times on Sunday night to the sickest baby.
High fever
He could not breathe
He would cough so hard he would gag himself
He would start screaming bloody murder - in throat pain

There were lots of trips into a steaming hot shower, much baby vicks (LOVE) and lots and lots of love and cuddles.

 It was the most heartbreaking thing ever. 

Yesterday, we took him in - onset of croup and an ear infection. His very first.

Now that Cruzie has his meds, here's to quick healing...and to mom and dad NOT getting sick. 
 We have big plans this weekend - WE are MOVING!

Closing happens Thursday. 
We get the keys on Friday. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so sorry you poor thing. And poor Cruz that breaks my great! I am soooo dreading her first cold! Congrats on the house we are sooo excited for you guys and cant wait to see all the amazing stuff you will do. Take lots of befores and afters! We will be praying for a very quick healing for baby boy!
