Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Update + Marie Claire

1. We still don't know anything regarding our almost new house. I've become a crazy person, emailing the nicest guy 3 times a day begging him for an update. Seriously...I just want to get it over with. Either it is a yes or a no. Rip that band aid off, Jeffery. Just rip it. Anyway...wait on dear Ashley. Finnneeeeee, wait I will.

2. I am obsessed with Project Runway...and America's Next Top Model (which premiers on Wednesday - all stars babyyyy) and Pregnant in Heels and Big Brother and Greys Anatomy and Flipping Out and Survivor (which did you see Miss Washington 2007 is going to be a contestant...ohhh loving that)...oh did you see The Sing Off is back?!?!?!....the list goes on and on. I should be cleaning house, doing Cruz's laundry, making sure my first born feels loved (Bianca) and making out with my husband but nooooo. I am watching all of the above.

My point about Project Runway is that Marie Claire is a HUGE presence. Nina Garcia is the epitome of sophistication and one of my favorite judges. Two weeks ago when Joanna Coles (Editor in Chief for MC) was a guest judge for the Nina Garcia challenge where each designer had to create a look specifically for her, she told one of the designers that if Nina were to walk through Marie Claire's doors in the outfit that was created, she would be fired. "Nina would not be allowed in the building in that outfit." I am pretty sure those were Ms. Cole's exact words. In a British accent of course.

Have you ever wondered what it was like inside a major fashion and beauty magazine such as Marie Claire?

Oh you have? ...a bit curious? Okay, let me show you.

From Me To You is a photography blog done by Jamie Beck. She is currently at Fashion Week documenting it all. Today, she blogged about her sneak peak in the offices of Marie Claire. Fascinating.

Fabulous, right? Those shoes....I mean come on!

3. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg Preshy has a tooth peeking through...7 1/2 months and we have finally broken skin. I am so in love with my boy. He is getting to be so big - today he had some pizza pocket and greek yogurt. Soon enough he will be eating Taco Bell burritos with his cousin Trey. Yes, Trey eats whole burritos. 

On Friday we took Cruz to his first very first CV football game. 1. Can I just say students were tailgating in the parking lot. Full on BBQ'ing. With a grill. 2. Every student there looked like they were 10. 3. The girlfriends of the football players were sporting handmade sparkle t-shirts. One said - #22 is my boo. OMG. If I would have done that in high school, I think I would have been made fun of. 4. Made me so excited to think that one day I could be a parent in the stands cheering on my boy and watching his girlfriend below sport a sparkle shirt saying # 22 is my boo. 

It was a great game against Mead and Cruz did so great! He was introduced to candy from his papa and stayed up way past his bed time. 

I really really REALLY love my boys.

Every new experience for Cruz is just another slap in the face that slowly we are losing our newborn to a beautiful, happy, sweet little boy. 

I kinda love it.

PS: Did you guys happen to catch the Tea Party/CNN debate last night? Holy Moses! It was war on Rick Perry. I feel like you guys might throw stones my way if I were to do another analysis but can I just say that Michele Bachmann needed to step up and did! She impressed me. Loved Newt, as always and thought Perry did better. I could do best one liners of the night...would you be interested?

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