Monday, September 19, 2011

Friendly reminder from my friends at Starbucks

Two weeks ago I got flipped off three times in a 4 day span.

1. I was on my cell phone and cut off a motorcycle.
2. I was doing my mascara on I-90.
3. I was doing my mascara on I-90.

Sooo yeah...I'll just say it. I am not ashamed.
My name is Ashley and I full on do my makeup on the freeway. On my way to work. On my way to church. On my way to a friends house. 
I am actually really good at it. 

By the time I get in my car to head to work it is ohhh about 7:32am. I turn on Dave/Ken/Molly on 92.9 and start my make up. By the time I get to Liberty Lake Starbucks, I have my concealer on and have started or just finished my tinted moisturizer. I order my Skinny Vanilla Latte then wait in line - finish my powder and blush. By the time I get to the window usually one eye has mascara on it and I am doing the other. 

I didn't think it was a big deal - well not counting being flipped off and having people look over in disgust - until Friday. 

Okay Okay, I got it.

PS: Due to my absence on Friday , post #2 coming is atcha! Check back.

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