Happy Birthday to my best friend Lauren.
For those of you who know Lauren you would agree with me - sunshine is her middle name.
She loves all she meets, gives the best hugs around, becomes friends with the unfriendable, forgives, and has a fantastic sense of humor - this one time I nominated her to be on the Bachelor. I Submitted a photo and one kick-a essay (it was REALLY good). She didn't get a call but it was for Jason's season...yeah, I think we are glad about that. She loved me for that one! She cries easily - which is soooo endearing ps, is uncomfortable accepting a compliment, is passionate about her job - believes she can truly change the lives of her students, takes full responsibility even when she shouldn't, has gone through the worst crap - the kind of crap that could kick someone to the ground and make them stay. Lauren?! Not only has she risen but risen BIG. Like, dusted right off and is a better human for all of it. She is a better friend, sister, daughter...she has a story to tell and is....well, she is inspiration.
If you are lucky enough to consider Lauren a friend then you have hit the friend jackpot. I won't even BEGINNNN to mention the fact that her husband...wherever he may be...whooaaa...not a single better catch out there.
You tell Lauren you need something, she will drop everything to make it happen. I once found zit cream in my purse after confessing my love to it at Walgreens.
Never will she come over to my house without asking if I want a Starbucks.
If you tell her you are moving, she will ask you when she can come over to help.
Cruz's babysitter goes camping, she is the first to volunteer.
She knows Nick is transitioning jobs, she pays for my dinner.
Most importantly in the darkest of my days Lauren answers my call and is an encouraging, supportive, loyal voice who calms my woes and tells me over and over - "Ashley, you deserve better."
Lauren is my rock, my happy face and my laughter.
August 4th is a special day on this earth. The day Lauren Marie was born to be a light for us all.
Happy Birthday, my beautiful sister.

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