It came from Pinterest and is for 10 year olds.
Not surprising for me though these days.
The other day I was listening to a Focus on the Family radio program about sex driving home from my parent's house. Christian author Dannah Gresh was speaking about her book, What Are You Waiting For?: The One Thing No One Ever Tells You about Sex. Specifically about the ground breaking science that explains the addictive power of intimacy - I mean, can you even handle the fact that God designed the brain to release a chemical during sex to bond one person to another??! She also addressed how to break free from a "soul tie" and from sexual guilt.
I was so into each sentence she uttered that I couldn't just turn off the car when I pulled into the garage. I ended up finishing the program on my iPhone while simultaneously getting Cruz in his jammies and ready for bed. The second the program was over I was on Amazon researching the book knowing it was a total God thing I even caught wind of it in the first place...the subject hit a little too close to home.
Turns out the book also addresses topics like masturbation, pornography and speaks frankly about the lesbian question. Done and done. I seem to love researching inappropriate topics like these and bringing them up at inappropriate times.
During the program, Gresh, made it a point to mention the importance of an accountability partner if attempting to break a "soul tie" - I guess it is not for the weak at heart.
So, I call Lauren, ask her to be my person and ask if she would be willing to read the book with me. After all she knows my relationship past better than I do.
It wasn't long after looking into it that she calls me.
"Ashley, did you know it was written for 14 year old girls?"
Okay okay. So it is written for young girls. We still ordered the book and are starting it today. I'm confident the introduction to Dannah was no accident. I need it. And one day I can pass it down to my 15 year old daughter who will come home from school to tell me about a boy. The same experience I remember all too well. Unfortunately it is the same experience that has lead me here.
Book review to come...
Anyway. Back to the idea I stole. From the 10 year old. A twist on reflection and resolution.
A Little About MeName: Ashley Ann Westerberg Salzwedel
Age: 29
Favorite color/s: Plum and almost every form of orange - from peach to tangerine.
Favorite food: A tie between Thai and a piping hot fudge-y brownie.
Favorite activity: A tie between my daily mini dates with Cruz and planning/dreaming about our fixer upper with Nick. All he has to do to get my undivided attention is start talking about our remodel.
Favorite book: They didn't say favorite bible study so I can't say The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer or Beth Moore's Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. Both amazing. Both LIFE. CHANGING. They said favorite book. So most def it would be The Hunger Games trilogy - with Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn as a close, close second.
Highlights Of 2012
Greatest lesson learned: Not to get distracted by a gnat in my lip gloss!
"Spiritual maturity is rarely more obvious than in our ability to discern the difference between true peril and a gnat in our lip gloss. We, as a culture and as a nation, find ourselves in serious times. As I consider our "times", I don't only want to be fortified against the influences of wickedness. I want to be an active influence for Christ. ---I want to want a heart that burns with fiery passion for Christ and for a world He came to save. ---I want an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on my very own head! I want to take my place in the times to which I have been entrusted. Don't you?" - Beth Moore
Hardest thing of the year: Dealing with the terminal illness and eventual passing of Nick's step mom, Laurie Salzwedel. This Valentine's Day letter I wrote to Nick three days before she died might be my favorite blog post of the year.
Favorite memory: There are a million things I could talk about here - Cruz's first birthday, Hawaii with my incredibly sexy, very talented salesman of a husband, getting to stay at home with my favorite boy, finding out we would be welcoming baby Salzwedel #2 in 2013, Cruz's amazing progress this summer...but my favorite memory of the year BY far was learning we were going to be parents to a baby girl! Clinks pulled out all the stops to make it such a special evening for Nick and I. No kidding I have watched the reveal video we posted on Facebook a MILLION times. To date my eyes water. I really never ever imagined in a million years that God would bless me with the deepest desire of my heart...a daughter.
What I loved most about 2012: I am sure it because baby girl is set to arrive any day now but my favorite thing about 2012 was every single moment it was just Nick, Cruz and I. In our bed on Saturday mornings, out to dinner on Friday nights, car rides to the LC Valley, slow walks up and down the serene streets of Liberty Lake, lunch dates, family swim time, Target adventures, or lazy evenings reading books all cuddled together in Cruz's bedroom. As excited I am to be able to give Cruz a sister, I am sad our family of 3 will be no longer. Because of that, I will forever hold 2012 in a very special place in my heart.
Looking Forward To 2013
What to learn: More and more about the amazing God I serve. The Dream Table's study of Daniel has amazed me, and changed me in every way possible. The number one thing it has taught me is just how incredibly fortunate I am to even have an opportunity TO KNOW the Creator of the Universe. The Great I Am. The beginning and the end.
Want to get better at: 1. I want to be a better wife to my husband. 2. I want to drastically change my prayer life. Be Daniel. I want to be a person someone not only thinks of but GOES TO when needing prayer because they know I will warrior up for them. 3. Since we haven't welcomed baby girl into our family yet, I can't say this with absolute while presumptive now, I am sure it won't be when: I want to be better at being a GREAT mom to two.
Biggest goal: Following through on my heart's desire to serve, mentor, counsel teen moms/moms to be.
The One Word I Want For Myself In 2013
One word: Discernment.
I would love to know yours...
Happy New Year to you my loves!